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Working Group 1: Requirements of AI and other Emerging Technologies to Ensure Environmental Efficiency

This Working Group defines the general concepts and standardization requirements for deploying AI, blockchain, 5G and other emerging technologies, efficiently and sustainably. It also looks to identify the benefits of emerging technologies in advancing the United Nations Sustainable Developing Goals.​


​​​Provisional number


​Standardized glossary of terms
​Technic​al Report
This document will contain a dictionary of common terms and phrases used in the Focus Group's deliverables that will help readers to have common definitions and frames​ of reference.

Download the report here
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​Malcolm Mason,​​​
Sure International​​
Solution scorecard for eco-friendly business processes and environmental behavioral influencers
​Technical Report
This technical report will provide tools (solution scorecards) for organizations to perform an impact assessment aimed at quantifying the environmental impact of the work they conduct.

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Matthew Edgerton, Accenture

​List of KPIs/metrics for SMEs to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals
​Technical Specification
This document outlines a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics for smart, sustainable small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to assess the achievement of sustainable development goals (SDGs). Evaluating these indicators can help SMEs understand to what extent their economic activity is sustainable. There are currently many ecological reporting frameworks for large enterprises, but they are ill-suited for SMEs. SMEs are encouraged to periodically check their performances against the recommended indicators listed in document to improve their sustainability.

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​Annik Magerholm Fet, 
Norwegian University of Science & Technology​ 

Reporting templates on artificial intelligence, augmented reality and machine learning 
​Technical Specification
This document will generate a set of standard reporting templates/dashboards to visualize data produced from technology solutions such as AI, Augmented Reality (AR) and ML, that employ defined eco-friendly practices. This document will aim to display the results gained from D.WG1-04 in an instinctive ​way. The graphical interface will share a design language with D.WG1-09 and results may be used in D.WG1-10 and D.WG1-11.​

Download the report here
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Annik Magerholm Fet,
Norwegian University of Science & Technology​

Neutral navigational matrix for AI driven technologies for smart sustainable cities
​Technical Specification​
This document will ​contain a set of high-level impact matrix that supports policymakers, operators and other relevant stakeholders in assessing the implication of different AI and blockchain solutions. The objective of the matrix is to provide:


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​Barbara Kolm,
Austrian Economics Center

Driving AI-IoT design towards the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
​Technical Report
​This document is intended to raise awareness about the need for a comprehensive approach to AI-IoT product/service design capable of integrating and harmonizing environmental, social, and economic dimensions of sustainability. It highlights current barriers and future risks for the achievement of sustainability targets that stem from common single-path approaches. The document provides recommendations for future work on how best to embed all three sustainability requirements into the design process of AI-IoT services/products.
Although this document focuses on the design of AI and IoT systems, our discussion applies to digital technologies more broadly. It aims to highli​ght:​​

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​Daniela Tulone,

A method for Intuitive Human interaction with data model (ML & AI etc.)​​
​Technical Report 
This document provides
a method for connecting complex data, machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI), into a system-level solution designed for humans, allowing communica​​tion between man and machine, and ​thereby cultivating mutual enhancement​.

Download the report here
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Joel Alexander Mills,  & Pierre Major, AugmentCity​

Guidelines on the Use of Digital Twin of Cities and Communities for Better Climate Mitigation Solutions​
​Technical Report
​This document provides guidelines on how to use the United Nations 'United for Smart Sustainable Cities (U4SSC) KPI system [ITU-T Y.4903] in a digital twin city or community, to identify high impact climate change mitigation solutions. This Technical Report includes a set of use cases showing examples of projects where emerging technologies, such as machine learning (ML), augmented reality (AR) and artificial intelligence (AI) have been or could be used to reduce the negative impact of climate change in cities and communities. It lists a set of online videos and testimonials to illustrate those examples.​

Download the report here
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​Joel Alexander Mills,  & Pierre Major, AugmentCity​

Best practices for Graphical Digital Twins of Smart Cities​
​Technical Report 
This example-based report focuses on how emerging technology solutions​ can best address environmental issues within cities, with a spotlight on graphical digital twins solutions​​. The data used is based on information gained from the United Nations ''Un​ited for Smart Sustainable Cities” ​(U4SSC) reports. The focus is on comparing results from different cities and looking at the areas where cities gained low results. What are the emerging technologies that could improve these results? How should the data be structured to improve results?​

Download the report
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​Joel Alexander Mills,  & Pierre Major, AugmentCity​