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JCA-AHF Documents

JCA-AHF Documents

17 June 2015, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland (during ITU-T IPTV-GSI, 15-19 June 2015)​

Number​ ​Document title ​Source
Doc 210​Draft meeting report of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF), Geneva, 17 June 2015​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 209​Final list of participants​JCA-AHF
Doc 208​Mr. Ellis' Report on 2015 M-Enabling Summit (1-2 June 2015, Washington DC)Gerry Ellis, Vice Chair ​JCA-AHF
Doc 207​Draft meeting agenda of JCA-AHF meeting and documents allocation (Geneva, PM, 17 June 2015)​JCA-AHF
Doc 206​LS/i/r on F.ACC-TERM "Accessibility terms and definitions" (COM16-LS109) [from IEC TC 100]​IEC TC 100
Doc 205​LS/i on draft FG AVA deliverable "Requirements and good practice for supporting remote participation in meetings for all" (to ISO/IEC JTAG) [from FG AVA]​FG AVA
Doc 204​Anticipating the dangers of unprotected spectrum to Persons with Disabilities​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 203Rev.1Accessible PowerPoint PresentationsChristopher FG Jones, Vice Chair JCA-AHF