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Executive Summary

Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 5 Meeting (Geneva, 29 January – 7 February 2013)


Participants:  146 (including 5 remote participants) - The final list of participants is available in TD [59-GEN (Rev1)].
Contributions: 89
TDs (not counting the revisions): 192
Incoming liaison statements: 27
Outgoing liaison statements: 30

Main discussions and results

Agreed to the SG 5 structure in three working parties:
The meeting agreed with the Study Group 5 chairman proposal for the structure and management team of the study group during this study period.

Working Parties ​Title ​Questions allocated ​Leadership
1/5​ ​Damage prevention and safety ​Q1/5, Q2/5, Q3/5, Q4/5, Q5/5 Chairman:
Mr Célio Fonseca Barbosa (CPqD Telecom & IT Solutions)
Mr Phillip Havens (Littelfuse, Inc.)
Mr György Varju (TU Budapest)
​2/5 ​Electromagnetic fields: emission, immunity and human exposure ​Q6/5, Q7/5, Q8/5, Q9/5, Q10/5, Q11/5, Q12/5 ​Chairman:
Mr Mitsuo Hattori (NTT)
Mr Fryderyk Lewicki (Orange Labs Poland)
Mr Mike Wood (Telstra)
​3/5 ​ICT and climate change ​Q13/5, Q14/5, Q15/5, Q16/5, Q17/5, Q18/5, Q19/5 Chairman:
Mr Paolo Gemma (Huawei)
Mr Jean Manuel Canet (France Telecom Orange)
Mr Yong-Woon Kim (ETRI)
Mr Franz Zichy (USA)

Question 12/5 "Guides and terminology on environment and climate change" will report directly to the plenary and will be chaired by Mr Michael Maytum (IEEE PES SPDC). It is expected that the Question take a key role in the maintenance and enhancement of the SG 5 Terminology.
Q12/5 formed a liaison with ITU-D SG 1 - LS 3 on the Elaboration of a Working Definition of the Term "ICT" and started work on an SG5 web-based terminology handbook linked to the online ITU Terms and Definitions database.

The text of the SG 5 Questions for this study period can be seen in the new SG 5 web page.

Meeting Reports:

The report of Working Party 1/5 can be found in TD [171-GEN (Rev2)].
The report of Working Party 2/5 can be found in TD [170-GEN (Rev1)].
The report of Working Party 3/5 can be found in TD [180-GEN (Rev2)].

Final text of the 30 outgoing Liaison Statements: see LS database.

Work programme: see TD [184 – GEN (Rev2)] or here.

Working Party 1/5 – Damage prevention and safety

The Chairman of Working Party 1 (WP1), Mr. Celio Barbosa, opened the meeting, which was conducted with the assistance of WP1 Vice Chairmen, Mr. Phil Havens and Mr. György Varju. The nomination of Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs progressed significantly during the meeting, leaving only a few positions yet to be filled. 
Several aspects of WP1 work were discussed with a view to improving the quality of the deliverables and, as much as possible, to make them compliant with WTSA Resolutions.
It was agreed that the quality of the deliverables would be improved if the document were revised by an independent reviewer who was not part of the Editing Group. This new reviewing process will be tested by WP1 on a trial basis in order to assess its effectiveness.
It was highlighted that a large number of ICT equipment is damaged due to electromagnetic disturbances every year, which generates a significant amount of e-waste. Therefore, it was agreed that WP1 will make an effort to assess the reduction of e-waste by the adoption of a given deliverable (if applicable), which is in line with Resolution 79 (WTSA-12).
It was also pointed out that many WP1 deliverables contain requirements for telecom equipment, installations, protective components and devices. Therefore, it was agreed that in the editing of new deliverables, the conditions for Conformance Assessment (if applicable) will be taken into account, which is in line with Resolution 76 (WTSA-12).
The Working Programme of WP1 Questions was revised, leading to the inclusion of seven new Recommendations and one Guide ("Overvoltage Protection Guide"). This guide is intended to facilitate the implementation of protection procedures at customer premises. Two Outgoing Liaison Statements were issued; one Corrigendum to ITU-T K.44 was consented and is contained in TD [144-GEN]. Regarding the relation with other standardization organizations, it was achieved a harmonization between ITU-T Recommendations and ETSI Standards on Earthing and Bonding, and it was improved the coordination with CIGRÉ on power interference.

Working Party 2/5 – Electromagnetic field: emission, immunity and human exposure

Working Party 2 made significant progress in the electromagnetic field emission, immunity and human exposure portfolio during the meeting and the Chairman acknowledges all contributions and proactive delegate participation.

Delegates from WP2 will be supporting the ITU in an EMF Workshop in Italy as part of the ITU objective of promoting harmonized standards and education.
Working Party 2 achieved the following key outcomes. 
  • EMF Handbook – The proposal for a new EMF handbook or web based technical information paper on was agreed including the option of an EMF information app.  Q7/5 appointed an editor Mr Mike Wood to progress development which will include e meetings.
  • K.mpis – Contributions for the contents of Kmpis were examined and drafting will be continued with existing and further contributions for this study.
  • EMF Estimator Software – Updates to ITU-T K.52 and ITU-T K70 were approved using revised versions of the EMF Estimator software.
  • Liaison Statements - WP2 approved two new liaison statements. One is concerning interferences between wired communications including PLT and radio signals. The other is concerning human exposure to EMF.  A new liaison Rapporteur is nominated for IEC ACEC.

Working Party 3/5 – ICT and climate change 

Working Party 3 made significant progress in the ICT and climate change portfolio during the meeting and the Chairman is grateful for the active participation of all delegates.

WP3 participants will be supporting the ITU in a symposium on ICT, the Environment and Climate Change in Turin (Italy) to promote harmonized standards between the various standards organization.
Working Party 3 achieved the following key outcomes.
  • L.methodology ICT projects - The proposed new recommendation is consented.
  • Supplement on energy efficiency for telecommunication equipment - The supplement was approved for publication.
  • Questionnaire - Two questionnaires were approved for distribution to the ITU membership and stakeholders. The questionnaires dealt with emission factor and on ICT and adaptation to climate change.
  • New activities - The meeting approved the following new activities:
    • New Recommendation L. Green Batteries - Green battery solution for mobile phones and other ICT devices.
    • New Recommendation L.Eco_rating - Development of a Recommendation for eco-specifications and rating criteria for mobile phones eco-rating programs.
    • New Recommendation L. AssDC - Data center infrastructure energy efficiency assessment methodology concerning environmental and working conditions.
    • New Recommendation L.broad_impact - Environmental impact assessment of broadcasting services.
    • New Supplement - Assessment case studies using L.1410.
    • New Supplement - Supplement to L.ICT projects for RNS projects.
    • New Technical paper on life-cycle management of ICT equipment.
  • 26 Liaison Statements to different Organizations were approved.

Focus group on Smart Sustainable Cities

It was agreed to create a new Focus Group on “Smart and Sustainable Cities” (FG-SSC).
The FG–SSC will analyze ICT solutions and projects that promote environmental sustainability in smart cities and will identify best practices which could facilitate the implementation of such solutions in cities.

It will develop a standardization roadmap taking into consideration the activities currently undertaken by the various standards developing organizations (SDOs) and forums.
This “Focus Group on Smart and Sustainable Cities (FG – SSC)” will leverage the role of the ICT sector to foster the growth of smart and sustainable cities worldwide.

Information on the Focus Group on “Smart Sustainable Cities” (FG-SSC) and on the management team can be found here.

Results in terms of Recommendations and Other Publications

Recommendations Consented by SG 5 on the closing Plenary:

Rec. Number Title​​ Doc.*​ AAP/LC**
L.1430 Methodology for environmental impacts assessment of Information and Communication Technology greenhouse gas and energy projects​ ​​TD 143 ​-
Cor.1 K.44
​Resistibility tests for telecommunication equipment exposed to overvoltages and overcurrents – Basic Recommendation – Corrigendum 1 TD 144 ​AAP-5

Notes: *: some texts are subject to editorial clean-up before posting. Hence, the version posted may differ slightly from the TD indicated. **: expected AAP Announcement for Last Call

The following informative texts were approved:
Supplement 1 to ITU-T L.1310 on energy efficiency for telecommunication equipment was approved as contained in TD [44-GEN].  
Appendix I to ITU-T K.70 was approved as contained in TD [114-GEN].
Appendix VI to ITU-T K.52 was approved as contained in TD [123-GEN (Rev1)].
A Questionnaire on ICT and Adaptation to Climate Change was approved as contained in TD [100-GEN (Rev1)]
A Questionnaire on Emission Factors Databases was approved as contained in TD [160-GEN].

Reports of the Regional Groups

The report of the Regional Group of SG5 for Africa (SG5 RG-AFR) can be found in TD [95-GEN (Rev1)].
The report of the Regional Group of SG5 for the Arab Region (SG5 RG-ARB) can be found in TD [179-GEN].
The report of the Regional Group of SG5 for the Americas (SG5 RG-LAC) can be found in TD [99-GEN].
The creation of a Regional Group of SG5 for the Asia and the Pacific (SG5 RG-AP) was agreed. Information and terms of reference can be found in TD [181-GEN (Rev1)].

Updates in the SG 5 Management Team and Rapporteurs

Click here for the complete list of the newly appointed SG 5 Rapporteurs and Associate Rapporteurs.
Click here for the complete list of newly appointed SG 5 management team.

Dates of next SG5 meeting and interim Working Party meetings

The next meeting of ITU-T SG 5 is scheduled for November 2013 (dates to be confirmed).
An ETSI EE and an ITU-T SG5 Rapporteur Meeting of Q13/5, Q17/5, Q18/5 and Q19/5 will take place from 27 to 31 May 2013 in Sophia Antipolis, France.

Joint Coordination Activity on ICT & CC (JCA ICT & CC)

The twelfth meeting of the JCA ICT&CC took place on 5 February 2013, from 13h to 16h30, and was dedicated to "Smart Sustainable Cities".
The documents and the presentations of the meeting can be found here.
The summary of meeting can be found in TD [186-GEN].
The next of the JCA ICT & CC will be held in conjunction with the next SG5 meeting.