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Question 12/12

Question 12/12 – Operational aspects of telecommunication network service quality
(Continuation of Question 12/12)


It is essential to specify network service quality parameters to enable telecommunication services to be offered to customers/users in order to satisfy customers'/users' quality of service expectations. These parameters relate to both implementation and ongoing use of the service. Service quality is also related to all aspects of network assessment and management. Service quality of networks needs to be assessed as a total connection, focusing on the end-to-end network service offered at all times. Service quality parameters are required in order to meet customers'/users' expectation of a service, and related network performance parameters should relate to service quality parameters. Network providers must plan, dimension and operate their networks to parameters which will ensure that services offered to customers/users meet the latter's quality of service expectations.


The following Recommendations/Supplements, in force at the time of approval of this Question, fall under its responsibility:


E.420, E.421, E.422, E.423, E.424, E.425, E.426, 425, E.427, E.428, E.431, E.432, E.433, E.434, E.436, E.437, E.438, E,439, E.440, E.450, E.451, E.452, E.453, E.454, E.455, E.456, E.457, E.458, E.459, E.460, E.470, E.801, E.802, E.803, E.810, E.820, E.830, E.845, E.846, E.850, E.855, E.800‑series Suppl. 8


Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:

  • How can existing Recommendations covering network performance be interpreted to meet customers'/users' expectations of service quality under operational scenarios?
  • What new or revised Recommendations are required to ensure that adequate network service quality can be provided to meet customers'/users' expectations under operational scenarios?


Tasks include, but are not limited to Recommendations covering operational aspects of providing end to end service quality in wireline and wireless networks, including the following

  • Y. RMQoSInt (Roadmap of Quality of Service of Interconnected Networks using Internet Protocol)
  •  E.CCH QoE (Definitions and associated measurement methods of user-centric parameters for call handling in cellular mobile voice service)

This Question is the parent Question for QSDG (Quality of Service Development Group).

An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG 12 work programme



  • None
  • 11/12, 13/12, 17/12
Study Groups
  •  ITU-T SG 2, SG 11, SG13
Standardization bodies
  •  None