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Executive Summary
Meeting of ITU-T SG17 'Security', Geneva, 2 – 6 September 2024

Hot topics of this meeting (summarizing both input & output)

  • Prepare SG17 for WTSA-24/next Study Period and planned interregnum work
  • AI security
  • Digital twin and metaverse security
  • Quantum based security, Post Quantum Cryptography
  • 5G/6G security
  • IoT security
  • Cloud/edge/big data security

1         Meeting Output (meeting statistics see Annex E below)

  • SG17 agreed to its Mandate, scope and Question texts for next study period
  • SG17 opening plenary approved revised Q1/17 title and text after TSAG endorsement
  • Output standards (37, see Annex A):
    • TAP approval (9): Details are in Annex A a).
    • TAP not approved (2): Details are in Annex A b).
    • TAP determined (5): 5 new Recommendations. Details are in Annex A c).
    • AAP consented (15): 6 new and 9 Amendments for AAP Last Call. Details are in Annex A d).
    • Agreed (8): 3 new Supplements, 1 new Technical Report and 4 SG17 documents. Details are in Annex A e).
  • New work items (10, see Annex B).
  • New registration authority for the United Republic of Tanzania:
    {joint-iso-itu-t(2) country(16) tz(834)}
  • SG17 Correspondence Groups active in the interregnum period:
    • CG-RES (Correspondence Group on SG17 Restructuring): New, ToR in Annex of TD2253.
    • CG-secapa (Correspondence Group on Security Capability and Architecture): continued, Revised ToR in TD2443.
    • CG-COP (Child online protection): continued, Revised ToR in TD2512.
    • CG-AIsec (Correspondence group on AI security): continued, revised ToR in TD2287R4.

2         Future SG17 meetings

    1. 1st SG17 meeting in 2025-2028 Study Period planned for 7-17 April 2025 (9 working days)
          1. ​ITU mini workshop on security and privac​y for digital twin and metaverse (TD2270)
    1. Interim RGMs

      8 Questions plan to hold the following 14 RGMs in the interregnum period before 1st SG17 meeting in new Study Period:
1.                  1/17TBC 29 Nov 2024
MyWorkspaceTask force for AI mapping and Roadmap
2.                  1/17TBC 3-5 Dec 2024
12-3:30pm with 30+ lunch break

Q1 incubation to cover AI mapping and Roadmap as first priority and other potential contributions (existing or draft new work items)

Objective to have at least a first RGM before Christmas

3.                  1/1715 January 2025
/Soonchunhyang University
Hybrid (Virtual + Seoul)To progress all work items in Q1
4.                  1/17TBC 21-23 Jan 2025
12-3:30pm with 30+ lunch break
MyWorkspaceQ1 incubation to cover AI mapping and Roadmap as first priority and other potential contributions (existing or draft new work items)
5.                  1/17TBC 18-20 Feb 2025
12-3:30pm with 30+ lunch break
MyWorkspaceQ1 incubation to cover AI mapping and Roadmap as first priority and other potential contributions (existing or draft new work items)
6.                  1/17TBC 4-6 Mar 2025
12-3:30pm with 30+ lunch break
MyWorkspaceQ1 incubation to cover AI mapping and Roadmap as first priority and other potential contributions (existing or draft new work items)
7.                  3/1719 Nov 2024
  • X.1058-rev
8.                  3/1726-27 Nov 2024
  • Sup-cdc, X.gsm-cdc, X.1060-rev and X.cdc-csirt
9.                  8/17TBC Feb 2025MyWorkspace
  • All the work of Q8/17
10.               10/176 Dec 2024Paris, France
  • All the work of Q10/17
11.               11/177 – 11 Oct 2024Stockholm, Sweden
  • Generic technologies (such as Directory, PKI, formal languages, object identifiers) to support secure applications.
12.               13/17TBC, 7-8/8-9 Jan 2025tbd
  • All the work of Q13/17
13.               14/1710-11 Feb 2025MyWorkspace
  • All the work of Q14/17
14.               15/17

TBC, Jan-Feb 2025,

4 hours x 2days

  • to finalize X.sec_QKD_profr and X.sec_QKDNi for consent.
  • to discuss contributions addressed to improve ongoing work items.
  • to consider proposal to start new work items.
  • Any other items for consideration

Annex A
Actions taken on Recommendations, and other texts at SG17 closing plenary on 6 September 2024

a)     TAP Recommendations approved (WTSA-20 Resolution 1)

#Q/17AcronymTitleNew / RevisedBase textEquivalent e.g., ISO/IECTiming
1.        Q2/17X.1818
(ex X.5Gsec-ctrl) Note 3
Security controls for operation and maintenance of IMT-2020/5G network systemsNewTD1827 2023-09
2.        Q2/17X.1819
(ex X.5Gsec-netec)
Security capabilities of network layer for IMT-2020/5G edge computingNewTD2461 2024-03
3.        Q2/17X.1820
(ex X.5Gsec-srocvs)
Security Requirements for Operation of IMT-2020/5G Core Network to Support Vertical ServicesNewTD2343 2024-03
4.        Q4/17X.1237
(ex X.tsfpp)
Technical security framework for personally identifiable information protection while countering mobile messaging spamNewTD2354 2024-03
5.        Q6/17X.1353
(ex X.ztd-iot)
Note 1
Blockchain-based Security Methodology for Zero-Touch Deployment of Massive IoTNewR63  2024-03
6.        Q6/17X.1354
Security controls for IoT systemsNewTD2409 2024-03
7.        Q7/17X.1471
(ex X.websec-7) Note 2
Reference monitor for online analytics servicesNewTD2397 2024-03
8.        Q10/17X.1283
(ex X.gpwd)
Threat Analysis and guidelines for securing password and password-less authentication solutionsNewR66  2024-03
9.        Q13/17X.1384
(ex X.itssec-5)
Security requirements and guidelines for vehicular edge computingNewTD2362 2024-03

Note 1:  TAP determined at SG17 Aug/Sep 2022 meeting, TAP re-determined at SG17 Feb/Mar 2023 meeting, TAP approval deferred by SG17 Aug/Sep 2023 meeting, TAP re-determined again at SG17 Feb/Mar 2024 meeting.

Note 2: TAP determined at SG17 Feb/Mar 2023 meeting, TAP approval deferred by SG17 Aug/Sep 2023 meeting, TAP re-determined at SG17 Feb/Mar 2024 meeting.

Note 3: TAP determined at SG17 Aug/Sep 2023 meeting, TAP approval deferred by SG17 Feb/Mar 2024 meeting.

b)    TAP Recommendations not approved (WTSA-20 Resolution 1)

#Q/17AcronymTitleNew / RevisedBase textEquivalent e.g., ISO/IECTiming
1.        Q4/17X.1221
(ex X.stie)
Structured Threat Information Expression (STIE)NewTD2375 2023-09
2.        Q4/17X.1222
(ex X.taeii)
Trusted Automated Exchange of Intelligence Information (TAEII)NewTD2376 2023-09

c)     TAP Recommendations determined (WTSA-20 Resolution 1)

#Q/17AcronymTitleNew / RevisedBase textEquivalent e.g., ISO/IECTiming
1.        Q6/17X.1355 (X.ra-iot)Security risk analysis framework for Internet of Things (IoT) devicesNew
2.        Q7/17X.1456 (X.sgdfs-us)Security guidelines for digital financial service (DFS) applications based on unstructured supplementary service data (USSD) and subscriber identification module tool kit (STK)NewTD2394 2024-09
3.        Q8/17X.1648 (X.gecds)Guidelines on edge computing data securityNewTD2369 2024-09
4.        Q10/17X.1284 (X.afotak)Authentication framework based on one-time authentication key using distributed ledger technologyNewTD2380 2024-09
5.        Q13/17X.1385 (X.evtol-sec)Security requirements and guidelines for telecommunications in an urban air mobility (UAM) environmentNewTD2363 2024-09


d)    AAP Recommendations consented (Recommendation ITU-T A.8)

#Q/17AcronymTitleNew / RevisedBase textEquivalent e.g., ISO/IECTiming
1.        Q7/17X.2012 (X.smdtsc)Security measure for digital twin system of smart citiesNewTD2445
2.        Q8/17X.1600 ( architecture of edge cloudNewTD2364 2024-09
3.        Q8/17X.1647 ( guidelines for selecting computing methods and resources from Cloud Service ProvidersNewTD2370 2024-09
4.        Q11/17X.500 Amd.1The Directory: Overview of concepts, models and services-TD2345ISO/IEC 9594-12024-09
5.        Q11/17X.501 Amd.2The Directory: Models-TD2346ISO/IEC 9594-22024-09
6.        Q11/17X.509 Amd.1The Directory: Public-key and attribute certificate frameworks-TD2352ISO/IEC 9594-82024-09
7.        Q11/17X.511 Amd.1The Directory - Directory abstract service -TD2347ISO/IEC 9594-32024-09
8.        Q11/17X.518 Amd.1The Directory - Distributed operations-TD2348ISO/IEC 9594-42024-09
9.        Q11/17X.519 Amd.1The Directory - Directory protocol -TD2349ISO/IEC 9594-52024-09
10.     Q11/17X.520 Amd.1The Directory - Selected attribute types-TD2350 (A.5 TD2355)ISO/IEC 9594-62024-09
11.     Q11/17X.521 Amd.1The Directory - Selected object classes-TD2351ISO/IEC 9594-72024-09
12.     Q11/17X.525 Amd.1The Directory - Replication-TD2353ISO/IEC 9594-92024-09
13.     Q11/17X.508
(ex X.pki-em)
The Directory: Key management and public-key infrastructure establishment and maintenanceNewTD2310 (A.5 TD2356)ISO/IEC 9594-122024-09
14.     Q15/17X.1716 (X.sec_QKDN_AA)Authentication and authorization in quantum key distribution networks (QKDN)NewTD2475 2024-09
15.     Q15/17X.1717 (X.sec_QKDN_CM)Security requirements and measures for quantum key distribution networks (QKDN) - control and managementNewTD2474 2024-09


e)     Non-normative texts (Technical Report, Supplement, Implementers' Guide, etc) agreed

#Q/17AcronymTitleNew / RevisedBase textEquivalent e.g., ISO/IECTiming
1.        Q1/17Security CompendiumICT Security Compendium
Rev.TD2341 2024-09
2.        Q1/17Security ManualSecurity ManualRev.TD2308 2024-09
3.        Q1/17Security standards roadmapICT Security standards roadmapRev.TD2497 2024-09
4.        Q1/17SG17 implementation of WTSA-20 ResSG17 activities and achievements in support of the most recent Resolutions of the WTSARev.TD2294 2024-09
5.        Q2/17TR.5Gsec-bsfTechnical Report: Guidelines of built-in security framework for telecommunications networkNewTD1975 2024-09
6.        Q10/17X.Suppl.41
Supplement to ITU-T X.1254: e-KYC use cases in digital financial servicesNewTD2439 2024-09
7.        Q10/17X.Suppl.42
Supplement to ITU-T X.1254: Implementation of secure authentication technologies for digital financial servicesNewTD2426 2024-09
8.        Q13/17X.Suppl.43
Supplement to ITU-T X.1813: Security deployment scenarios for cellular vehicle -to-everything (C-V2X) services supporting ultra-reliable and low latency communication (URLLC)NewTD2408 2024-09


Annex B
New work items

The following new work items were agreed to be added to the SG17 Work Programme:

#Q#WI abbreviationTitleDoc #
X.5Gsec-FMSC*Security requirements and guidelines for fixed, mobile and satellite convergence of IMT-2020 networks and beyondTD2361
2.        2/**Technical Report on “Security Attacks in Radio Access Networks"TD2479
3.        2/17TR.IMT2030-sec-con**Technical Report on “Security Consideration for IMT-2030 Networks"TD2469
4.        6/17X.stm-dpm*Security for things across metaverses in aspects of data processing and managementTD2466
5.        6/*Security requirements for industrial IoT data of smart manufacturing using blockchainTD2415
6.        7/17TR.dpama**Technical Report on “Landscape analysis for data protection of avatars in metaverse applications"TD2433
7.        8/17X.sreai-ec*Security requirements of delivering edge AI on edge computingTD2365
8.        10/17X.vctp*Verifiable credential-based trust propagation framework in the decentralized identityTD2453
9.        10/17X.oicc*OpenID Connect Core 1.0 – Errata Set 2 TD2451
10.     14/*Security requirements for DLT-based invoicesTD2418

Note:  * marked items are for approval by TAP;  ** marked items are for approval by agreement; Items without any mark are for approval by AAP.

Annex C
Work items discontinued



Annex D
SG17 meeting Statistics

 Participants# of Countries# of Member States# of Sector Members# of SG17 Associates# of Academia# of Invited Experts


  • Meeting input and organization

    Table of SG17 statistics of this and some past meetings


Note ** 1-week meeting   * fully virtual meeting

  • Contributions: 154 –high record for this 1-week meeting, DDP: 98%.
    • APT 137 (89%) (= China 64 + Korea 51 + India 12 + Japan 6 + Malaysia 2+ Singapore 1+ Australia 1)
    • EUR 8 (5%) (=UK 7 + Denmark 1)
    • Americas 6 (4%) (= US 3 + Brazil 3)
    • AFR 1 (=Mali 1)
    • RCC 1 (= Russia 1)
    • ARAB 1 (=Palestine 1)​
  • LSi/o (matrix in TD2173) (past meetings: 89/41, 60/25 61/22, 55/21, 72/21)
    • Incoming 187 – New record
    • Outgoing 28