ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Joint Symposium on Quantum Transport Technology


U​nderlying any modern Information and Communications Technology (ICT) network is the need to transport communications resources over distances and between users by means that are efficient, assured, and secure. For newly emerging networks based on Quantum Information Technology (QIT), this requirement is no different. However, the nature of single-photon level signals and entangled resources upon which quantum communications are based, pose unique challenges to transport from the perspective of both network architectures and supporting infrastructure. Quantum Transport Technology based on QIT describes the means, media and methods of conveying single or entangled photons over appreciable distances without disruption for diverse quantum applications. In essence, not only quantum communication and quantum cryptography, but also quantum measurement, quantum imaging and certain types of quantum computation are dependent on quantum transport technology.

In this symposium, we introduced the latest advances in quantum transport technology and brought together international scientists and engineers from the quantum research community and applicable mainstream industries to discuss the feasibility of, and scope the challenges to, the commercial realisation of quantum transport. In particular, we addressed the question of how to integrate quantum transport capability into existing infrastructures and the corresponding roadmap to building different implementations of quantum transport network.

Participation was open to ITU Member States, Sector Members, Associates and Academic Institutions and to any individual from a country that is a member of ITU who wished to contribute to the work. This includes individuals who are also members of international, regional and national organizations.

Programme​ ​

​15:00 15:15
Opening Remarks
15:15 16:45
Session 1: Metro and Trunk Networks 
This session will provide some context on challenges of integrating QKD transport technology into existing telecom metro and trunk network infrastructure

ModeratorRichard Pitwon​, CEO, Resolute Photonics, United Kingdom 
Questions & Answers
16:45 17:55
Session 2: Long Haul Networks
This session will provide some context on ultra-long-haul QKD links such as transcontinental and transoceanic transport networks and the need for repeaters and space infrastructure.

Moderator: James Nagel​, Lead Photonic & Laser Systems Engineer, L3Harris Technologies, United States
Questions & Answers​




