ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Digital Financial Services (DFS) Security Clinic – Zimbabwe

​​​​​​​​9 - 10 February 2022​​​

The main objectives of the Security Clinic on DFS security were to share findings and lessons learned from the FIGI Security Infrastructure and Trust working group. The findings assisted the regulators and providers to: i) learn about the different vulnerabilities within the DFS ecosystem, ii) how to mitigate the threats and perform continuous assessments on the security of DFS iii) how to build confidence and trust in the use of digital financial services, provide a framework to manage security risks in the DFS ecosystem. 

The sessions addressed the following: ​
Target audience: The DFS security clinic was intended for IT security professionals, IT auditors and policymakers from the telecom/ICT regulator, DFS providers, Mobile Network Operators and Central Bank.

The relevant links to reports containing the security recommendations from FIGI are included. Participants were strongly encouraged to read the reports before the event.

Note:  The time indicated below is in Zimbabwe local time – UTC+2

Watch r​ecordings here:


​​​​​​​Day 1: 9 February 2022​

​10:00 - 10:15

10:15 - 11:15
DFS security vulnerabilities: Infrastructure vulnerabilities and mitigation measures (Mobile Infrastructure vulnerabilities)

Telecom infrastructure vulnerabilities such as SS7 can be exploited by an intruder to intercept calls and SMSs, bypass billing, steal money from mobile money accounts, or affect mobile network operations.  This session presented the main findings of the Security, Infrastructure and Trust Working Group on securing the infrastructure against SS7 vulnerabilities and threats. 
Related Report: ​
​11:15 - 11:30
11:30 - 12:30
DFS Security Assurance Framework 

This session discussed the DFS security assurance framework that can be implemented by DFS providers to better manage the risks and mitigate their impact. This session will also introduce the ITU DFS security lab.
Related Reports:
12:30 - 13:00
​Overview of exercise: Implementing the DFS security assurance framework and security audit for DFS

This session provided instructions on how to perform the exercise related to identifying security controls from the security assurance framework to mitigate threats and vulnerabilities to the DFS ecosystem. The exercise has been shared before the event.

​​ ​​Day 2: 10 February 2022​

10:00 - 11:00
​DFS security vulnerabilities: USSD, STK and Android platform vulnerabilities

This session will introduce the ITU DFS security lab and highlight the vulnerabilities to USSD and STK and Android based applications. Threats like Man in the middle attacks that could impact digital financial services and the SIM jacker vulnerability in SIM Cards would be discussed. The session will also provide and an overview of the security tests that can be undertaken in the DFS Security Lab at ITU. 
Related Reports:
​11:00 - 11:10
11:10 - 12:30
​Implementing the DFS security assurance framework and security audit for DFS

This was a hands-on session focusing on initiating the process to implement the DFS security assurance framework in Zimbabwe and identify the DFS Mobile Money applications that could be tested in the ITU DFS security lab. The participants familiarized themselves with the DFS security assurance framework prior to the session. A follow-up session was held afterwards to assess the implementation. [Presentation]