ITU's 160 anniversary

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The World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly is held every four years and defines the next period of study for ITU-T. WTSA-12 took place 20-29 November 2012 in Dubai, United Arab Emirates.


Results of WTSA-12: Resolutions, Opinion and A-Series Recommendations

Individual WTSA-12 Resolutions and Opinion 1 are available free of charge here.

WTSA-12 Proceedings can be purchased here. They contain Resolutions (Rules of Procedure of ITU-T; study group responsibility and mandates; thematic Resolutions etc.), ITU-T A-series Recommendations (Organization of the work of ITU-T), the list of Questions for the study period 2013-2016 and reports as approved by WTSA-2012.

WTSA-12 Action Plan

WTSA Resolutions gave many tasks to members and ITU-T’s secretariat the Telecommunication Standardization Bureau (ITU-TSB). In order to ensure the accomplishment of these tasks, ITU-TSB has been using a WTSA Action Plan since WTSA-08​ as a tool to monitor and facilitate the implementation of WTSA outcome. 

The WTSA Action Plan contains two files: a WINWORD report​ records the implementation progress and an EXCEL sheet​ details the actions, their associated responsibilities, necessary collaborations, reporting mechanisms and implementation status in a table

It is a living document set updated periodically by ITU-TSB. It was last updated on September 2016.

Results of WTSA-12: Chairmen and Vice-Chairmen

Here is the list of chairmen and vice-chairmen of TSAG, the ITU-T study groups, the regional groups of ITU-T Study Group 3, the Standardization Committee for Vocabulary and the Review Committee appointed by WTSA-12​.

Results of WTSA-12: Reports of Plenary

Global Standards Symposium

GSS 2012
The second Global Standards Symposium took place one day prior to WTSA-12, on 19 November 2012 – in the same venue.


Interviewed: Malcolm Johnson

In the run-up to WTSA-12, The Assembly discusses the importance of WTSA with Malcolm Johnson, Director of ITU’s Telecommunication Standardization Bureau.