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Kyu Jin WEE

Dr Kyu Jin WEE, Vice President, Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA), Korea

Dr. Kyu-Jin WEE is a Vice President of Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) since 2012 April. TTA is an accredited standard development organization for ICT in the Republic of Korea. Before he joined TTA, he was a Director of Radio Research Agency (RRA), Korea Communications Commission. He received the B.E. degree in Engineering in 1981, the M.E. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1983 and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1988 respectively from Yonsei University. Since 1989 he had been a research engineer in Electronic Material Lab. of Oriental Chemical Industry and he joined RRA in 1991. Since 1995 he has been participating in many ITU meetings such as WRC95, WRC97, WRC2000, WRC03, WRC07 and WRC12 as a delegate of Korea and was Vice-Chairman of Committee 7 during WRC-03. He was also Chairman of Committee 3 of ITU Plenipotentiary Conference 2010. He was a chairman of ITU-R TG8/1 WG4 during 1997 – 1999 and is a vice-chair of ITU-R WP5D since 2000. He has been also participating in several work programs of Asia Pacific Telecommunity (APT) such as APG (APT Preparatory Group for WRC), ASTAP (APT Standardization Program) and AWG (APT Wireless Group) and vice Chair of Management Committee (MC) of APT from 2002 to 2006 and Chairman of MC of APT during 2009 to 2012. His current interest is spectrum management, radio wave propagation and telecommunication standardization.