ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

About International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

​​ITU is connecting the world – and beyond. As the United Nations specialized agency for digital technologies, we are working towards harnessing innovation and connecting everyone to ensure a better future for all. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

Who we are

ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for digital technologies (ICTs). ​The Organization is made up of a membership of 194​ Member States and more than 1000 companies, universities and international and regional organizations. Headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, and with regional offices on every continent, ITU is the oldest agency in the UN family – connecting the world since the dawn of the telegraph in 1865.​

What we do

We facilitate international connectivity in communication networks. We allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies connect seamlessly, and work to improve access to digital technologies in underserved communities worldwide. ITU works to bring digital connectivity to everyone, providing a trusted, multilateral platform to broker international agreements and standards, share knowledge, build capacity, and work with members and partners to spread access to technology around the world.​​

Why we matter

Technology has become the backbone of modern life. Networks and devices everywhere rely on ITU's work. Every time we use a mobile phone, send an e-mail, access the Internet, watch TV or streaming services, take a plane, consult the weather forecast, or use satellite images to navigate or explore, we are relying on ITU's work. 2.6 billion people, largely in developing countries, remain unconnected. ITU works to close this digital divide through universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation. 

ITU Management team

ITU Management team

ITU Member States from around the wor​ld elected the Organization's top five officials during the 21st Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-22) in September and October 2022.

Meet the team

Year in review 2024 

2024 year in review

ITU has kept stepping up landmark initiatives in pursuit of universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation.

Check out the highlights

ITU Strategic plan 2024-2027

ITU Strategic Plan 2024-27

ITU Member States have set two clear strategic goals for ​the Union for 2024 to 2027: universal connectivity and sustainable digital transformation.​

Learn more

UN Secretary-General António Guterres , ITU visit

V​isit by UN Secretary-General António Guterres for ITU Council 2024

ITU had the honour of welcoming UN Secretary-General António Guterres on 12 June 2024.​

Learn more


Organizational entities

Radiocommunication ​​
​​​​​General Secretariat​​​​

Become a member

​Not a member yet?

With 194​ Member States and over 1000 Sector Members, ITU is a powerhouse in the world of technology. Join ITU as a member to have a direct voice in the decisions impacting your business, organization, or economy.

Learn more

ITU history

ITU history

ITU's story is one of innovation. Established in 1865 to manage the first international telegraph networks, ITU has worked ceaselessly since then to connect the world. Over the years, the Union's mandate has expanded to cover the invention of voice telephony, the development of radiocommunications, the launch of the first communications satellites, and most recently, artificial intelligence and metaverse.

Visit the History of ITU Portal


​Data protection

The protection of personal data has become increasingly crucial for intergovernmental organizations in general, the organizations of the United Nations system, and ITU in particular. Read more. ITU is committed to protecting the personal data it processes and respecting the right to privacy of individuals. ITU adopted its own Data Protection and Privacy Policy  in 2023. For any questions or requests concerning the processing of your personal data by ITU, please contact here.  ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​