Welcome to the website of the International Telecommunication Union (“ITU", “we"). The following Terms of Use (“Terms") govern your access and use of this website as well as any other subsites or websites administered by ITU and any materials included within those (collectively “the Website"), unless otherwise indicated therein.
By accessing or using the Website in any manner, you (“you" or “the user") accept and agree to be bound by these Terms.
Certain subsites, services, or applications featured on the Website may be subject to additional or different terms of use. In such cases, the specific terms of use will be clearly posted on the relevant subsite, service, or application. By using those specific subsites or services, you agree to comply with any additional terms of use applicable to them. In the event of any conflict between these Terms and the specific terms of use for a subsite or service, the specific terms of use shall prevail with respect to your use of that subsite or service.
ITU reserves the right to revise these Terms at any time without prior notice to the users. You are encouraged to review these Terms periodically for any changes.
Use of the Website
You agree to use the Website only for lawful purposes and in a manner that does not infringe the rights of or restrict or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the Website by any third party.
Intellectual Property Rights
Unless expressly stated otherwise, all intellectual property rights relating to the Website, including but not limited to text, photographs, videos, graphics, logos, and audio materials, remain vested in ITU.
Unless expressly stated otherwise (for example, in the case of ITU publications which may be governed by specific licensing terms), ITU grants you permission to download, copy and use content for personal, educational, or non-commercial purposes provided that you acknowledge the source and maintain all copyright and other proprietary notices. You may not modify, reproduce, distribute, sell, transmit, create derivative works or use the content for any commercial purpose without obtaining prior written permission from ITU.
The use of the Website is at the user's own risk. The Website and its content are provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis for informative purposes only without any warranties of any kind, either express or implied. ITU does not warrant that the Website will be uninterrupted or error-free, accurate or complete, that defects will be corrected, or that the Website or the server that makes it available are free of harmful components. ITU shall not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential loss, damage, liability or expense that is claimed to have resulted from the use or inability to use the Website, including damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses.
ITU is not responsible for and disclaims all liability in relation to the behaviour, activities, or content contributed by users of the Website. Users are solely responsible for their own conduct and any content they submit, post, or display on the Website. ITU does not control, endorse, or take responsibility for any user-generated content or the conduct of other users. You agree to use caution and good judgment in all interactions with the Website and other users, and you acknowledge that ITU is not liable for any loss, damage, or harm arising from such interactions.
Any views, findings and conclusions expressed in this Website do not necessarily reflect the views of ITU, its membership, or its secretariat.
The designations employed on the Website do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of ITU concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. Dotted and dashed lines on maps may represent approximate border lines for which there may not yet be full agreement.
The Website may contain hyperlinks and references to third-party websites which are not controlled by ITU. This does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ITU. Such hyperlinks and references are provided for convenience purposes. ITU is not responsible for the content of such websites.
The mention of specific companies or of certain manufacturers' products on the Website does not imply that they are endorsed or recommended by ITU in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.
ITU reserves its exclusive right in its sole discretion to modify, limit or discontinue the Website in any respect. ITU shall have no obligation to take the needs of any user into consideration in connection therewith. ITU reserves the right to deny in its sole discretion any user access to the Website or any portion thereof without notice.
Data Protection and Privacy
Please see the Website's Privacy Notice here.
Privileges and Immunities
Nothing contained in or relating to these Terms shall be deemed or construed as a waiver, whether express or implied, of any of the privileges, immunities or facilities accorded to ITU as an international organization and specialized agency of the United Nations.
Contact information
For any questions or requests regarding these Terms (including copyright requests), please Contact us (itu.int).