ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Council Working Group for strategic and financial plans 2028-2031



​The Council Working Group for strategic and financial plans 2028-2031 (CWG-SFP), created by Council Resolution 1428 (C24), aims to develop the draft Strategic and Financial Plans for consideration by the 2026 session of the Council and presentation by the Council to the Plenipotentiary Conference to take place in 2026 (PP-26). The CWG-SFP, open to Member States and S​ector Members, has the following Terms of Referen​​​ce (ToR):​

​​​​​a) ​to identify, with the assistance of the Secretary-General, the Deputy Secretary-General and the Directors of the Bureaux, sources of information to be used in the development of the draft Plans;

b) to consider the report on the implementation of the “One ITU" concept (see Document C24/17), including the inputs received during the 2024 session of the Council, to develop the draft Strategic Plan and to report back to the 2026 Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-26);

c) to develop draft Strategic and Financial Plans for presentation to the 2026 session of the Council;... See complete ToR under Resolution 1428.


Second meeting: 20-21 February 2025, ITU HQ
​- Invitation letter CL-24/67
Official documents/contributions​
Information documents​ (INF)
Limited distribution​ (DL)
- Final list of present participants​ (TIES protected)
- Webcast archives​​​ (TIES protected)​

​​​As agreed during the first CWG-SFP meeting, a workshop on strategic planning took place on Friday, 21 February 2025.


The virtual meeting on the preliminary amount of the contributory unit was held on Wednesday, 15 January 2025.
The PowerPoint presentation of the meeting is available here.

First meeting: 10-11 October 2024, ITU HQ
​- Invitation letter CL-24/43
- Official documents/contributions
- Information documents (INF)
- Final list of present participants (TIES protected)
- Webcast archives​ (TIES protected)​