ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Council Working Group on the use of the six official languages of the Union


The Council Working Group on the use of the six official languages of the Union (CWG-LANG) was established by Resolution 1238 adopted by the 2005 session of the Council.

Terms of Reference

The Terms of Reference of the CWG-LANG are to oversee the implementation of Resolution 154 (Rev. Bucharest, 2022) of the Plenipotentiary Conference on the use of the six languages of the Union on an equal footing

Meetings and documents

The sixteenth meeting was held on 12 February 2025 (a.m.)
- Invitation letter CL-2​4/67​
- Documents/contributions 
- Information documents​ (INF)
- Final list of participants (TIES protected)
- Webcast archives (TIES protected, for Admin Member States only)

NEW!! Feedback on AI interpretation
during the CWG-LANG meeting​

(Wednesday, 12 February 2025)

Fifteenth meeting - 30 September 2024 (a.m.)
Note: This meeting was cancelled.​

The fourteenth meeting was held on 23 January 2024 (p.m.)
- Invitation letter CL-23/47​​
- Contributions/documents
Information documents​ (INF)
-Final list of participants (TIES protected)​​
Webcast archives​ (TIES protected, for Admin Member States only​)

The thirteenth meeting was held on 9 October 2023 (p.m.)
- Contributions/documents​
Webcast archives​ (TIES protected)​​​

Working methods

​In accordance with Council Resolution 1238, the CWG-LANG:
1)   is open to all Member States, in particular those representative of and reflecting the six official languages of the Union;
2)   conducts its work mainly by correspondence;
3)   prepares a report for consideration by the Member States and the Council and for transmission to the Plenipotentiary Conference, as appropriate.

Contributions should be submitted to with copy to