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2nd AI for Good Global Summit to convene leaders in artificial intelligence and humanitarian action to ensure that AI benefits humanity

Media Registration Now OPEN – ITU facilitates United Nations dialogue on AI

Geneva, 22 March 2018


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Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows potential to assist global efforts to address the greatest challenges facing humanity, supporting innovation in fields ranging from crisis management and healthcare to smart cities and communications networking.

Organized by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) – the United Nations specialized agency for Information and Communication Technology – in partnership with the XPRIZE Foundation, the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and 24 UN agencies, the 2nd annual AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, 15-17 May, will take action to ensure that AI accelerates progress towards the United Nations' Sustainable Development Goals. The summit will also coincide with the celebration of World Telecommunication and Information Society Day on May 17.

The AI for Good series is the leading United Nations platform for dialogue on beneficial AI. The action-oriented 2018 summit will identify practical applications of AI to improve the quality and sustainability of life on our planet. The summit will also formulate supporting strategies to ensure trusted, safe and inclusive development of AI technologies and equitable access to their benefits.

Media are recommended to register in advance to receive key announcements in the run-up to the summit.

WHAT: The summit will attract a unique cross-section of AI experts from industry and academia, global business leaders, Heads of UN agencies, ICT ministers, non-governmental organizations, and civil society from all over the world. Storytellers, interactive high-level panels and 'AI Breakthrough Teams' will demonstrate the potential of AI to advance humanitarian action and sustainable development. On show will be AI's value in advancing healthcare and well-being as well as the delivery of citizen-centric services in smart cities and communities. Teams will investigate means to meet the data demands of AI algorithms and strategies to develop trusted, transparent and robust AI.

The summit will also propose impactful AI strategies able to be enacted in the near term, guided by an expert audience of mentors representing government, industry, academia and civil society. The summit will connect AI innovators with public and private-sector decision-makers, building collaboration to take promising strategies forward.

WHEN: 15-17 May 2018

WHERE: ITU Headquarters, 2 Rue de Varembé, Geneva, Switzerland (Please note: entrance to ITU is now limited for all visitors to the Montbrillant building entrance only on Rue de Varembé).

WHO: Confirmed speakers to date include expert representatives from: IBM Watson, Google, Intelligent Ventures, OECD, Planet Labs, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Association for Computing Machinery, XPRIZE Foundation, IEEE, Consumer Trade Association, Partnership on AI, Harvard, MIT, Berkeley, Yale, Carnegie Mellon, Fraunhofer, Cambridge, University of Tokyo, – and the participation of "Sophia" the humanoid robot and "iCub" the EU open source robotcub.

The summit is organized in partnership with the following sister United Nations agencies UNESCO, UNICEF, UNCTAD, UNIDO, Global Pulse, UNICRI, UNODA, UNIDIR, UNODC, WFP, IFAD,  UNAIDS, WIPO, ILO, UNITAR, UNOPS, OHCHR, UN University, WHO, UNEP, ICAO, UNDP, The World Bank, and UNDESA.

The 2018 summit is kindly supported by Gold Sponsors ACM, the Kay Family Foundation, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, and Silver Sponsor Ernst & Young.
More information available here

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