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Newsroom: WTIS-17


​​The 2017 edition of the Measuring the Information Society Report was launched during the World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) 2017, taking place in Tunisia, from 14 to 16 November 2017.

The 9th edition of the Measuring the Information Society Report, an annual report published by ITU since 2009, features key ICT data and benchmarking tool to measure the information society, the ICT Development Index (IDI). The report presents a quantitative analysis of the information society and highlight new and emerging trends and measurement issues. The MISR 2017 assess IDI findings at the regional level and highlight countries that rank at the top of the IDI and those that have improved their position in the overall IDI rankings most dynamically since 2016. It also uses the findings of the IDI to analyze trends and developments in the digital divide. It includes for the first time individual country profiles providing a snapshot of the latest ICT landscape and efforts made to increase the ICT access, use and proficiency of their citizens. The analytical report is complemented by a series of statistical tables providing country-level data for the indicators included in the IDI.

Measuring the Information Society Report 2017

MIS Report Volume 1 (pdf)

MIS Report Volume 2 (pdf)

IDI Data Visualization tool