ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Recent activities

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Event, 29 January 2025
Citizen Stack 2025

​At a conference co-organized with the Permanent Mission of India in Geneva, the ITU Secretary-General discussed digital public infrastructure (DPI), how to build a citizen-centric system, digital governance, and data standards for AI. With clear vision and strategy, all countries can create conditions to scale up DPI, public-private collaboration, and innovation and investment in the public interest, she said.​​

Event, 20 January 2025
World Economic Forum (WEF) Annual Meeting

​The Secretary-General and a team from ITU told WEF participants how investments in digital skills, inclusion and infrastructure can help create a better future for all. Over the course of the week in Davos, Switzerland, she addressed high-level meetings on artificial intelligence (AI) and emerging technologies, cyber risks, open standards for digital wallets, and more. 

Event, 16 January 2025
UN agencies at ITU Headquarters

​The ITU Secretary-General welcomed Geneva-based United Nations agencies and international organizations to ITU Headquarters to advance ITU contributions and opportunities for collaboration to support for the Pact for the Future and the associated Global Digital Compact endorsed by the UN General Assembly.

Event, 07 January 2025

​The ITU Secretary-General joined Geneva-area students and mentors for the 15th anniversary celebrations of FerMUN, the Model United Nations at Lycée international de Ferney-Voltaire. Programmes like this are “where policy innovation takes shape and where tomorrow's leaders find ways to ensure tech is a tool for positive change," she said.

Event, 21 November 2024
World Trade Organization conference on AI
​The ITU Secretary-General spoke to participants at: How AI shapes and is shaped by international trade - a conference organized by the World Trade Organization (WTO), and took part in the closing high-level session: How can WTO and other international organizations support the deployment of AI while mitigating its risks?​

Event, 20 November 2024
Visit to the Vatican

The ITU Secretary-General visited the Vatican and met up with Pope Francis to discuss building a more inclusive, connected and compassionate world where emerging tech and digital innovation bridge divides and serve the common good. ​​

Event, 19 November 2024
World Food Programme

The ITU Secretary-General met up with the World Food Programme (WFP) Executive Director Cindy McCain to talk about strengthening ITU and WPF's joint work on emergency communications for humanitarian response and early warnings for all. 

Event, 15 November 2024
Green Digital Action at COP29

At the UN climate conference (COP29), the ITU Secretary-General said we all have a role to play in our planet's future. "Incredible things can happen when the digital transition and green transition work together," she noted, citing ITU's Green Digital Action initiative.​​

Event, 16 October 2024
International Conference on Emerging Trends in Regulation
​As innovation races ahead, balancing the benefits and risks of emerging tech is the test before us, said the ITU Secretary-General during the International Conference of Telecom Regulators held in New Delhi by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India.​

Event, 15 October 2024
World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly

At the opening of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24), the ITU Secretary-General said the global gathering called for bold action to strengthen international tech standards. "The growing hopes and fears surrounding digital and emerging tech like AI are calling on us to rise to this moment," she said, adding that standards would form "the bedrock of global digital governance."​​

Event, 14 October 2024
Global Standards Symposium

The Global Standards Symposium (GSS-24) in New Delhi, India, highlighted pressing issues in global innovation, along with the need for global collaboration to harness the full potential of new tech. "To catalyse change, we all need to pull together for a future of digital innovation that benefits all," the ITU Secretary-General said.

Event, 09 October 2024
Gathering of Geneva-based UN agencies at ITU Headquarters

Representatives of Geneva-based United Nations (UN) agencies came together at ITU Headquarters to identify ways to advance the new Global Digital Compact, recently adopted at the UN General Assembly. ITU will support its members in implementing the Compact and continue fostering multistakeholder cooperation to build a digital future for all, the ITU Secretary-General said.​​

Event, 01 October 2024
Caribbean Telecommunications Union’s ICT Week 2024

In a keynote at the opening of the Caribbean Telecommunications Union's ICT Week 2024 hosted by St. Kitts and Nevis, the ITU Secretary-General told participants that ITU is taking action in key areas to support implementation of the Global Digital Compact in the Caribbean and beyond. They include guiding on how to use tech for good safely and meaningfully, developing resilient digital infrastructure, and collaborating on investment within and across regions.​

Event, 22 September 2024
Summit of the Future

ITU stands ready to support the implementation of the Global Digital Compact, said ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan-Martin at the Summit of the Future in New York. In her plenary statement she deemed it a momentous day for digital and congratulated Member States for delivering the Pact for the Future, the Declaration on Future Generations, and the Global Digital Compact. ​​

Event, 21 September 2024
SDG Digital

At SDG Digital in New York, ITU and the UN Development Programme (UNDP) put a spotlight on global pledges and innovative solutions to accelerate progress on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The ITU Secretary-General said in her opening speech: "The commitments and solutions on display during the digital track of the UN Summit of the Future Action Days send a powerful message to the world that we will do what's necessary to rescue the SDGs and build a better digital future for all, now and for generations to come."​

Event, 10 September 2024
Space Sustainability Forum

At the Space Sustainability Forum the ITU Secretary-General outlined how ITU has over the decades become an essential part of the space endeavour. Virtually everything we do in space relies on radiocommunication. “Even the dark side of the Moon is protected from radio-frequency interference thanks to a visionary ITU decision taken in 1971," said the Secretary-General. Looking to the future, work is underway for the World Radiocommunication Conference 2027, whose agenda is largely space related. ​

Event, 03 September 2024
Human Rights Council: High-Level Informal Presidential Discussion
At the Human Rights Council: High-Level Informal Presidential Discussion at the Palais des Nations in Geneva, the ITU Secretary-General said in her keynote that ITU is a strong proponent of a human-centric and rights-based approach to emerging technologies — one that reflects the core UN principles of peace, justice, respect, human rights, tolerance, and solidarity. 

Event, 29 July 2024
Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group

​At the opening of ITU's annual Telecommunication Standardization Advisory Group meeting, the Secretary-General noted the key role of standards in global governance discussions, underlining the importance of the upcoming World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly (WTSA-24)​.​

Event, 17 July 2024
UN High Level Political Forum

​At the UN High-Level Political Forum on Sustainable Development (HLPF) in New York, the ITU Secretary-General noted the need for digital inclusion and innovation to put the Sustainable Development Goals back on track, adding in her statement that future generations deserve more than 17 per cent of a sustainable future. ​​

Event, 08 July 2024
Giga Connectivity Forum

​Meaningful connectivity goes beyond infrastructure that connects schools and people to the Internet. It's also about being able to afford devices and data packages, having the skills to use tech in a beneficial way, and feeling safe online, said the ITU Secretary-General during the Giga Connectivity Forum at ITU headquarters from 8 to 10 July.​​

Event, 02 July 2024
Global Symposium for Regulators

​​​The ITU Secretary-General thanked Uganda for hosting this year's Global Symposium for Regulators (GSR-24) in Kampala - at the heart of “the Pearl of Africa." Africans are taking full ownership of their digital future, she said in her opening remarks.​​

Event, 25 June 2024
ITU-UNIDO Joint Declaration

​​​​ITU and the United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) aim to strengthen their collaboration on smart industry and sustainable development. ITU Secretary-General Doreen Bogdan Martin and UNIDO Director General Gerd Müller signed a Joint Declaration reinforcing the link between universal, meaningful connectivity and the new industrial revolution, particularly in relation to Sustainable Development Goal 9: Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure.​​

Event, 12 June 2024
UN Secretary-General at ITU Council

​​​​The ITU Secretary-General welcomed António Guterres, Secretary-General of United Nations, to the ITU Council session in Geneva on 12 June. In her introductory speech she told councillors that we have a UN Secretary-General who speaks our language, who understands the opportunities and challenges ​of modern technology, and who has made digital a top priority.​​

Podcast, 31 May 2024
United Nations: Awake at Night

​In a podcast entitled “With AI, We're Building the Plane Mid-Flight," ITU Secretary-General Doreen-Bogdan Martin reflects on working to ensure the humane and sustainable use of artificial intelligence, on connecting the billions of people worldwide who are not yet online, and on juggling a career with four children. Listen here.​​

Event, 01 May 2024
UN meetings in Chile

​The ITU Secretary-General attended the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UNSDG) Principals meeting and UN Chief Executives Board meeting in Santiago, Chile from 1-3 May. Prior to that, she met with Government of Chile officials on 30 April. She said it was great to meet with leading members of Chile's vibrant telecommunications sector to discuss equitable access to the benefits of digital tech. ​

Event, 25 April 2024
Girls in ICT Day

On International Girls in ICT Day, the ITU Secretary-General encouraged more women and girls to step into leadership roles and break down barriers, helping us build a more inclusive digital future.

Event, 22 April 2024
Cybersecurity Fund Launch

The ITU Secretary-General delivered a keynote address at the Cybersecurity Fund Launch hosted by the United Nations International Computing Centre (UNICC). She says that “together we can build a universally open, secure and trustworthy digital ecosystem with our UN system and beyond.”

Event, 19 April 2024
CERN visit

The ITU Secretary-General along with a group of TU staff members made a visit to CERN – the European Organization for Nuclear Research − where they were given a tour. The SG is looking forward to working closely with CERN to advance science and tech for the benefit of humanity.

Event, 17 April 2024
Asia-Pacific diplomatic community at ITU

The ITU Secretary-General held a briefing with Asia-Pacific Ambassadors at ITU headquarters in Geneva. She said it was a great opportunity to discuss regional trends, ITU activities and strengthening collaboration on a digital future for all.​

Event, 17 April 2024
UN communicators at ITU

The ITU Secretary-General invited UN communicators to ITU headquarters in Geneva to talk to them about the upcoming AI for Good Summit. The group discussed the benefits of AI and how it links to each of the Sustainable Development Goals.