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WSIS Forum 2021 - Workshop by CMAI Association of India

Opening Remarks by Malcolm Johnson, ITU Deputy Secretary-General​

WSIS Forum 2021 -  Workshop organized by the CMAI Association of India 

Digital Transformation & Innovations in Cyber Security, ICT based on 5G, IoT, Blockchain, AI, VR, Big Data & other new technologies and Linking Education with ICTs Capacity Building & Employability

30​ April 2021

Good morning, good afternoon, good evening wherever you are, and let me add my welcome to this session and thank you for joining us.

I am very pleased to speak at the opening of this WSIS Forum workshop organized by the CMAI Association of India, a long supporter and influential voice of the Forum. ITU has a much-valued association with CMAI in particular through my good friend Professor Goyal, whose contribution to the WSIS process has been invaluable.

Before we begin today’s discussion, I would like to express my deepest sympathy with the terrible situation in India as you battle the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Our hearts are with you all at this difficult time. I hope all my friends there are safe and well. I am sure India’s embrace of technology is helping as it has around the world to keep abreast of health advice, continue working and studying from home, and keeping in touch with friends and relatives. 

Governments, regulators and the private sector had to adapt fast to the sudden increase in network demand. The network operators and platform providers should be congratulated for their response which shows how resilient the technology is. And of course there have been many improvements made over the last year which will have lasting benefits, especially in making the world more sustainable. At the same time we need to beware of the scope, magnitude and variety of cyberattacks that have also increased dramatically. 

The need for security in the digital economy and a safe digital world for all has become paramount, and ITU is spearheading efforts to build confidence and security in the use of ICTs.

ITU is the lead facilitator for WSIS action line C5, and this year the WSIS Forum has included a special track on cybersecurity, bringing together a unique and diverse collection of perspectives, exploring topics spanning emerging technologies-such as those we will be hearing about shortly including the importance of appropriate cyberlaw. It has also included the Global Cybersecurity Agenda open consultation for developing guidelines for better utilization of the framework around which ITU’s activities are based. This has given WSIS stakeholders the opportunity to help shape a critical dialogue on global cybersecurity.

ITU always strives to bring different stakeholders together to forge meaningful partnerships to help countries address the risks associated with digital technologies. This includes deploying international security standards, adopting national cybersecurity strategies, and facilitating the establishment of national incident response capabilities. 

With WSIS Forum’s diverse participation spanning governments, industry, academia, civil society and international and regional organizations, reflects ITU’s own membership which has a number of dedicated focus groups exploring emerging technologies in areas such as health, environment, smart sustainable cities, digital currency and many others. Security and trust form an integral, foundational component of these discussions. These groups are open to all interested parties and I encourage you to join if you have not yet. 

I am sure we have many participants from India in this session so I am sure you will be pleased to know that we will have a new Area Office opening in Delhi to cover South Asia and I am sure this will encourage greater participation in our work from India and the region. I have always advocated greater involvement of academic and SMEs in particular to help shape the future technology landscape.

We must all work toward ensuring an impactful use of the WSIS Action Lines in advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals and build a digital infrastructure that is safe, attractive, and affordable so that everyone everywhere can benefit from essential, safe and secure digital services. 

We are very grateful to our expert panellists for taking the time to join this session today. Many thanks to you and we look forward to hearing your insights on digital transformation, innovation and harnessing the power of new technologies for a safer digital world. I would particularly like to welcome Lt Gen Dr Rajesh Pant, National cyber security coordinator in the Prime Minister’s office to the session. Also please to see our great collaborator Pavan Duggal with us.

I am sure we are in for a particularly informative and enjoyable session.

Finally, I would like to congratulate all the awardees of the 2nd International Cybersecurity Awards 2021. Thank you for your efforts to make our virtual life more secure.

Thank you​
