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Publication Notices​

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Number Sector Title Edition Posted
ITU-R Radio Regulations202425/09/2024
282-24ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services202418/03/2024
283-24ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service202418/03/2024
419-24ITU-R List V - List of Ship Stations and Maritime Mobile Service Identity Assignments202418/03/2024
191-23ITU-D World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Database USB Key202304/09/2023
ITU-R List IV - List of Coast Stations and Special Service Stations04/09/2023
272-22SG Collection of the Basic Texts of the International Telecommunication Union adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference202203/02/2023
283-23ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service202316/01/2023
282-23ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services202316/01/2023
163-22ITU-R List VIII - List of International Monitoring Stations202226/09/2022
310-22ITU-T Proceedings of the World Telecommunication Standardization Assembly 2020202211/07/2022
395-22ITU-D Spectrum Management System for Developing Countries (SMS4DC)202227/04/2022
224-22ITU-R Space Network Systems (SNS)29/03/2022
373-22ITU-R BR Space Services WIC/IFIC - Annual Collection202124/03/2022
283-22ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service202215/02/2022
282-22ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services202215/02/2022
449-21ITU-R Radio Regulations Navigation Tool202113/07/2021
452-21ITU-R Handbook on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting networks and systems implementation202114/06/2021
458-20ITU-R RR5 Table of Frequency Allocations Software202021/04/2021
451-21ITU-R ITU-R Recommendations, Reports and selected Handbooks202117/03/2021
450-21ITU-T Collection of ITU-T Recommendations and selected Handbooks202117/03/2021
397-21ITU-R Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 4: Intelligent Transport Systems202103/03/2021
138-21ITU-R Rules of Procedure202120/01/2021
283-21ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service202113/01/2021
282-21ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services202113/01/2021
177-20ITU-R Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services (Maritime Manual)202023/11/2020
175-19ITU-D Yearbook of Statistics - Telecommunication/ICT Indicators - 2009-2018201928/04/2020
224-20ITU-R Space Network Systems (SNS)202027/04/2020
450-20ITU-T Collection of ITU-T Recommendations and selected Handbooks202017/02/2020
282-20ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services202020/12/2019
283-20ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service202020/12/2019
450-19ITU-T Collection of ITU-T Recommendations and selected Handbooks201905/07/2019
282-19ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services201918/02/2019
175-18ITU-D Yearbook of Statistics - Telecommunication/ICT Indicators - 2008-2017201814/02/2019
283-19ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service201922/01/2019
396-18ITU-D Measuring the Information Society Report201814/12/2018
458-18ITU-R RR5 Table of Frequency Allocations Software201814/05/2018
283-18ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service201803/11/2017
224-18ITU-R Space Network Systems (SNS)201803/11/2017
454-17SG Publications in the Context of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) 2005-2016201722/05/2017
449-16ITU-R Radio Regulations Navigation Tool201604/05/2017
452-16ITU-R Handbook on Digital Terrestrial Television Broadcasting networks and systems implementation201623/03/2017
283-17ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service201702/02/2017
282-17ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services201702/02/2017
177-16ITU-R Manual for Use by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services (Maritime Manual)201620/10/2016
448-16ITU-R Convention Radiotélégraphique internationaleCommemorative 110th Anniversary Edition14/10/2016
441-15ITU-R Radiocommunications Bureau Software Libraries201512/05/2016
444-15SG 1865 Paris: The Birth of the Union201522/09/2015
170-15ITU-R National Spectrum Management201519/08/2015
271-15ITU-R Computer-aided Techniques for Spectrum Management (CAT)201502/07/2015
440-15ITU-R Handbook on Global Trends in International Mobile Telecommunications201505/06/2015
438-15ITU-R Guidance for bilateral/multilateral discussions on the use of frequency range 1 350 MHz - 43.5 GHz by fixed service systems 201527/04/2015
439-15ITU-D Understanding cybercrime: Phenomena, challenges and legal response201426/03/2015
334-14ITU-R Space Research Communications201430/01/2015
283-15ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space Service201510/11/2014
282-15ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Terrestrial Services201510/11/2014
406-14ITU-R Amateur and amateur-satellite services201411/08/2014
435-14ITU-R Ground Wave Propagation201425/03/2014
434-13SG The ICT Opportunity for a Disability-Inclusive Development Framework201321/01/2014
433-13ITU-R Radiometeorology201320/12/2013
397-12ITU-R ITU-R propagation prediction methods for interference and sharing studies201221/12/2012
431-12ITU-T Future networks201214/08/2012
430-12ITU-T Security in Telecommunications and Information Technology201207/06/2012
422-11ITU-T Practical procedures for subjective testing201123/11/2011
427-11ITU-T Testing of next generation networks201130/09/2011
425-11ITU-T Object identifiers (OIDs) and their registration authorities201015/07/2011
424-11ITU-R Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 5: Deployment of Broadband Wireless Access Systems201120/06/2011
423-11ITU-R Earth Exploration-Satellite Service201120/06/2011
374-11ITU-R Migration to IMT-2000 Systems - Supplement 1 (Revision 1) of the Handbook on Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems201120/06/2011
416-10ITU-R Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer and Dissemination201011/05/2011
415-10ITU-T Optical fibres, cables and systems 200918/04/2011
421-11ITU-T Optical Transport Networks from TDM to Packet201022/03/2011
156-11ITU-R Spectrum Monitoring201102/03/2011
324-10ITU-R ITU Digitized World Map (IDWM) and Subroutine Library (32-bit)201002/03/2011
418-10ITU-T DSL story201011/02/2011
417-10ITU-T Converging networks201005/11/2010
413-10ITU-T Preservation of Wooden Poles Carrying Overhead Telecommunication Lines200930/08/2010
414-10ITU-T Deployment of packet-based networks200930/08/2010
375-10ITU-T Mitigation measures for telecommunication installations - Part 1200813/08/2010
149-10ITU-R Digital Television Signals: Coding and Interfacing within Studios201030/03/2010
283-10ITU-R BR International Frequency Information Circular (BR IFIC) - Space ServiceEdition of 201002/02/2010
411-09ITU-R Radiowave propagation information for designing terrestrial point-to-point links200820/03/2009
188-08ITU-D African Telecommunication/ICT Indicators 2008: At a crossroads200816/01/2009
410-08ITU-R Supplement to Handbook on Spectrum Monitoring200819/12/2008
381-06ITU-R Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 3: Dispatch and Advanced Messaging Systems200512/11/2008
403-07ITU-R Supplements No. 1, 2, 3 and 4 to Handbook on Mobile-satellite service (MSS)200612/11/2008
225-08ITU-D Asia-Pacific Telecommunication/ICT Indicators 2008: Broadband in Asia-Pacific: too much, too little ?200820/08/2008
409-08ITU-T Directives concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from electric power and electrified railway lines - Volume VI: Danger, damage and disturbance200803/07/2008
270-08ITU-T Directives concerning the protection of telecommunication lines against harmful effects from electric power and electrified railway lines - Volume V: Inducing currents and voltages in power transmission and distribution systems200803/07/2008
ITU-T Proceedings of ITU-T Kaleidoscope: Innovations in NGN - Geneva, 12-13 May 2008200814/04/2008
215-08ITU-R ITU-R Recommendations and Reports - CD-ROMEdition of 200817/01/2008
402-07ITU-R Final Acts RRC-06, RRC-06-Rev.ST61 and RRC-06-Rev.GE89, on CD-ROM200614/09/2007
387-07SG World Information Society Report 2007: Beyond WSIS200712/06/2007
397-07ITU-R Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 4: Intelligent Transport Systems200608/06/2007
400-07SG Market Mechanisms for Spectrum Management200709/05/2007
384-06ITU-R Emergency and Disaster relief200623/04/2007
335-02ITU-R DTTB Handbook - Digital terrestrial television broadcasting in the VHF/UHF bands200212/04/2007
354-03SG Visions of the Information Society200314/03/2007
324-07ITU-R ITU Digitized World Map (IDWM) and Subroutine Library (32-bit)7th Edition, 200726/02/2007
271-05ITU-R Computer-aided Techniques for Spectrum Management (CAT)200510/10/2006
170-05ITU-R National Spectrum Management200513/09/2006
387-06SG World Information Society Report 2006200607/07/2006
375-05ITU-T Mitigation measures for telecommunication installations200409/05/2006
386-06SG Tomorrow’s Networks Today200508/05/2006
385-06SG World Summit on the Information Society – Golden Book for the Tunis Phase200528/03/2006
372-05ITU-D Emergency Telecommunications200507/03/2006
379-05SG Report on the World Summit on the Information Society Stocktaking200501/02/2006
289-05ITU-D Americas Telecommunication Indicators 200510/11/2005
378-05SG ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting: Building Digital Bridges200502/11/2005
366-04SG ITU WSIS Thematic Meeting: Countering Spam200411/07/2005
343-02ITU-R DSB Handbook - Terrestrial and satellite digital sound broadcasting to vehicular, portable and fixed receivers in the VHF/UHF bands200201/07/2005
356-03ITU-R Deployment of IMT-2000 Systems200301/01/2003
272-03SG Collection of the Basic Texts of the International Telecommunication Union adopted by the Plenipotentiary Conference200301/01/2003
331-02ITU-D Towards Universal Access: Strategic Approaches in Four Developing Countries200201/01/2002
144-02-CITU-R Satellite Communications (FSS)200201/01/2002
323-03SG Resolutions and Decisions of the Council of the International Telecommunication Union200201/01/2002
300-01ITU-D Training Development Guidelines200101/01/2001
306-01ITU-D Final report of ITU-D Focus Group 7: New Technologies for Rural Applications200101/01/2001
309-01ITU-R Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 1: Fixed Wireless Access200101/01/2001
325-02ITU-T Guide to the use of ITU-T Publications produced by Study Group 5 aimed at achieving Electromagnetic Compatibility and Safety200201/01/2001
317-01ITU-T Interference measuring techniques200201/01/2001
308-01ITU-T Protection of Telecommunication Buildings from Fire200201/01/2001
316-01ITU-T Marinized Terrestrial Cables200201/01/2001
190-00ITU-R Final Acts - WRC-2000, IstanbulIstanbul, 200001/01/2000
297-00ITU-R IMT-2000: Special Edition200001/01/2000
288-00ITU-D GMPCS Reference book199901/01/1999
199a-99ITU-D Direction of Traffic: Trading Telecom Minutes199901/01/1999
232-97ITU-R HF Broadcasting System Design199901/01/1999
230-97ITU-R Technical Specifications of ITU-R Teletext Systems199901/01/1999
106-99ITU-T Application of Computers and Microprocessors to the Construction, Installation and Protection of Telecommunication Cables199901/01/1999
229-97ITU-R Land Mobile (including Wireless Access) - Volume 2: Principles and Approaches on Evolution to IMT-2000/FPLMTS199701/01/1997
182-96SG Telecommunication Terminology Database (TERMITE)Ongoing12/04/1996
208-96ITU-D Arab States Telecommunication Indicators3rd edition, 199601/01/1996
196-96ITU-R Digital Radio-Relay Systems199601/01/1996
148-95ITU-R Subjective Assessment Methodology in Television199601/01/1996
139-94ITU-T The Protection of Telecommunication Lines and Equipment Against Lightning Discharges - Chapters 9 and 10Geneva, 199501/01/1994
226-02ITU-T Test Chart No. 6: 4-colour printing facsimile test chart 4CP01 (ITU-T Recommendation T.23)(04/94)01/01/1994
126-94ITU-T Test Chart No. 4: Black and white facsimile test chart BW01 - (ITU-T Recommendation T.22)(03/93)01/01/1993
237-97ITU-T Test Chart No. 5: Continuous tone facsimile test chart CT01 (ITU-T Recommendation T.22)(03/93)01/01/1993