ITU's 160 anniversary

Committed to connecting the world

Goal 1. End poverty

ICTs for a Sustainable World

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No Poverty
There are still more than 2 billion “unbanked” people in the world. Now, thanks to digital financial services, many are participating in the digital economy for the first time; and access to financial services has proven to be a pivotal step in helping people lead out of poverty. In addition, timely and accurate information services will help ensure equal rights to economic resources and market insights that can benefit all.​


Over 800 million people are still living in extreme poverty in 2015, living on less than US$ 1.25 a day1 . More than two billion people live on less than US$ 2 per day.2        

Case study – Ivory Coast / Mali

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Sound Bite


"We can be the first generation that ends poverty"

Ban Ki-moon
Former United Nations Secretary-General