Comprometida para conectar al mundo


Reunión Preparatoria de la CMDT-14 y Foro de Desarrollo Regional para las Américas



Within the budget available, fellowships may be granted to delegates from Least Developed Countries (LDCs) and developing countries with a GDP per capita less than 2'000 USD, with priority to Least Developed Countries.

Air ticket and subsistence allowance

A full fellowship includes one return economy class air ticket by the most direct/economical route from the country of origin to the location of the meeting as well as a daily allowance to cover accommodation, meals and incidental expenses.

Due to budgetary constraints, the countries beneficiaries of a fellowship may have to contribute partly to the costs of the fellowship.

To request a fellowship

To receive a fellowship form, participants must first register on-line and tick the appropriate box on the form. The signed and approved fellowship form must be submitted no later than Friday, 19 July 2013.

Requests for fellowships arriving after the deadline will not be considered .

The signed fellowship form can be either scanned and e-mailed to OR faxed to +41 22 730 5778.

It is imperative that fellows be present from the first day to end of the meeting and participate during the entire fellowship period.