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Eventos del Día internacional de las Niñas en las TIC 2016

YWCA of Nepal​

Nepal, 2016, April 28​

Girls in ICT - YWCA of Nepal

Nepal Mahila Bishwasi Sangh (YWCA of Nepal) celebrated International Girls in ICT Day 2016 on 28th April 2016 in partnership with Shree Chandika Devi Ma.Vi. at Badbhanjang.  The reason for choosing government school and the students for the event is this would be the opportunity to explore the young children and create awareness about the importance of digital knowledge in this era. There were altogether 206 participants; 150 students, 20 teachers and 36 others.

The event began with the welcome speech by the principle of the school, Mr. Dinesh Dahal. He highlighted some dark scenario of the present political and social situation and how it has affected the study of the students.  Then, General Secretary Ms. Draupati Rokaya shared why we are here today. She further shared how she recognized the importance of computer skills in our daily life and how eagerly she learned the skills. She encouraged students to take initiation for learning computers.

Our national Radio Nepal news reporter Ms. Binita Choudhary added how much difficulty she had to suffer by not knowing anything about computer. She recalled her past and shared she was requested to resign her post if she did not take computer classes. This is how she was compelled to take computer class and today she does most of her official work through computer. Ms. Nirmala Gurung; ICT Project Officer added no matter which subject/field you choose or no matter where you work, digital knowledge is most in this era. She gave an example of farmers using mobile apps for the agricultural information.

Then, our guest speaker of the day Ms. Rojina Bajracharya took the session forward. She is a JavaScript Developer and also a co-founder of the organization named Girls In Technology. She started the session with information about worldwide celebration of Girls in Technology Day. She shared about famous female personalities in computer and their contribution in computer history. She showed the benefits of  computer science. She stated the fact of less female participation in digital world. She gave some reasons of it. They are: lack of awareness about the ICT sector and its scopes, prejudice about the technology (Technology is hard and is meant for male only), technical subjects are regarded as optional in our country and many more. According to research, 3/4th of the work will be covered by technology by 2020. So, we have to get digital knowledge and skills to walk through the need of time. She encouraged girls to see the scopes in computer science and take initiation to learn more about it from their school level.

The event was ended with the distribution of mobile bags, pamphlets of ICT, pen and snacks. Then, we had a group photograph taken on the school premises. We met some girls who were interested in computer study and shared their feeling with each other. They were so happy towards the organizing team for selecting their school for the celebration of the day and they got to know the opportunities and scopes of the computer science and showed their interest towards it.