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BDT Director's Speeches

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ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas
Brasilia, Brazil  15 June 2016

ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas

15 June 2016, Brasilia, Brazil



Mr. Brahima Sanou

Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT)

International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Excellency Mr. Gilberto Kassab, Minister of Communications and Information Technology of Brazil;
Mr João Rezende, President of ANATEL, the National Agency of Telecommunication of Brazil;
Mr Bruno Ramos, ITU's Regional Director for the Americas,
All other High Dignitaries here present
Distinguished  Ladies and gentlemen,

Good Morning,
It is indeed a great pleasure and a privilege to welcome you all to the ITU Regional Development Forum for the Americas, here in Brasilia, the beautiful capital city of Brazil. 

Let me start by expressing our deepest gratitude and appreciation to the Government of Brazil, ANATEL and the people of Brazil for hosting this important Forum and for the kind hospitality extended to us since our arrival as well as the excellent facilities.

Ladies and gentlemen,
What is absolutely true  today is that no one and no sector can imagine life without ICTs. We cannot envision to reach the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets without using great innovative tools such as ICTs.

As we embark on the implementation of the SDGs, policy makers, regulators, private sector, development partners and all stakeholders need more than ever to establish an inclusive dialogue such as the format of Regional Development Forums to move together towards attaining sustainable development and better future for all the people of the world.

This RDF for the Americas represents therefore an excellent  opportunity for all of us to share views and engage in interactive discussions on the real progress made in the development of the telecommunication and ICTs sector in the Americas Region.

This RDF is an occasion for us to go deep in the discussions on regional priorities and achievements.

It is also part of BDT efforts to strengthen ITU's regional presence and regional accountability . Let us use the RDF to extend our conversation around concrete deliverables, regional challenges and opportunities.

During this RDF we will provide you with an update on the implementation of the Dubai Action Plan, with particular emphasis on regional initiatives in order to get feedback from Membership and make any necessary adjustment to the work of the BDT in the region.

The main component of the agenda of the RDF remain the Regional Initiatives, because they are on the top of my priorities and at center our actions and activities. It is through their implementation that we will make a difference at national and regional levels.

BDT will continue to take the all the necessary steps to partner with all the stakeholders inside and outside the region for the implementation of these initiatives because Regional Initiatives have been, and will remain our main priority, and focus.

Distinguished Participants

WTDC-17 is just 16 months from now. I would like to report to you that significant efforts are under way to prepare for WTDC-17. The ITU Council just endorsed the offer of Argentina, to host the conference from 09 to 20 October 2017 in Buenos Aires.

Consultations for acceptance ITU Member States was launched on 26 May and I am very happy to inform you that we got more than the majority required today. So I can now say that WTDC-17 will be Buenos-Aires.

Congratulations Argentina

I am coming from Buenos-Aires where I met Minister Aguad and his team. They are really committed to make this conference a great success on behalf of Argentina and on behalf of the region.

We will hold six Regional Preparatory Meetings and the Regional Preparatory Meeting for the Americas in scheduled from 1st to 3rd of  March 2017 in Asuncion, Paraguay preceded the RDF on the 28 of February.

In conclusion, let me add that my presence here today  is also to express my sincere  appreciation and gratitude to the Member States, Sector-, Associate- and Academia- Members in the Americas region as well as our partners for your contribution to the implementation of the Dubai Action Plan.

I hope that you all find this Forum fruitful and I look forward to the discussions and productive outcomes.

I thank you.