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BDT Director's Speeches

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The Industry Advisory Group on Development Issues and the Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers (IAGDI-CRO) meeting at GSR-24, Opening Remarks
Kampala, Uganda  02 July 2024

Mr Bocar Ba, CEO, SAMENA Telecommunications Council & IAGDI-CRO Chairman
The Two Vice Chairs -Ms Amy Alvarez, and Ms Lele Modise,
Distinguished Participants,

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Welcome and thank you for being here today at the Industry Advisory Group on Development Issues and the Private Sector Chief Regulatory Officers (IAGDI-CRO) meeting. This important gathering aims to explore the regulatory and business landscape shaping our digital future and collect insights from industry and private sector members.

For those new to this meeting, this platform was established by Resolution 71 of the World Telecommunication Development Conference in 2017. Its goal is to promote engagement among ITU Development Sector members, particularly within the private sector. It provides a platform for the exchange of experiences within the context of the prevailing regulatory framework. I am pleased to note that this group has tremendously evolved and is growing fast.

I would like to extend my gratitude to those who participated in the successful IAGDI-CRO Virtual Spring Consultation Meeting last May, which provided insights on the primary themes for discussion during this year’s meeting that we are holding today Increasingly, I have noted with much appreciation the increased number and quality of contributions during the GSR-24 Best Practice Guidelines by ITU-D Sector Members. This is the same trend with contributions and participation in our ITU-D Study Group work. We must be proud of our achievements.

The ITU Telecommunication Development Sector, or ITU-D, has not only seen significant growth in membership but also in partnerships from January 2023 to June 2024.We have seen a record number of members joining, precisely over 71 new Sector Members, Associates, and Academia.

We have signed 130 agreements valued at over USD 32 million and initiated 35 projects aimed at digital development. I take this opportunity to invite those that have not yet joined ITU-D to seriously consider doing so. There are tangible benefits in doing so and our impactful results are there to see.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Your continued engagement in our work is invaluable, and your unique expertise remains indispensable.

Your contribution counts and is instrumental in accelerating the pace towards the achievement of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development Goals. We all know that the private sector is indispensable in job creation, building skills, spurring innovation, and infrastructure development.

Today you will exchange views on issues that you want to bring to the attention of regulators for action. It is a unique opportunity. Feel at home, openly debate, and freely exchange views on what you think would be an ideal pro-business environment that you could make you thrive.

Take advantage of our convening power and platform. We are there to facilitate these dialogues, and collaboration.

We appreciate your participation and insights, and look forward to fruitful discussions. I extend my heartfelt and most sincere gratitude to the chair and vice chairs and all of you for your participation and contributions to our development work.

Thank you.