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 Publicaciones recientes de la Librería Electrónica
Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones
El Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones contiene el texto completo del Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones adoptado por la Conferencia Mundial de Radiocomunicaciones (Ginebra, 1995) (CMR-95) y ulteriormente revisado y adoptado por las Conferencias Mundiales de Radiocomunicaciones, junto con todos los Apéndices, las Resoluciones, las Recomendaciones y las Recomendaciones UIT-R incorporadas por referencia.

Enlaces Relacionados
2024  Nuevo!   Aviso de publicación con formulario de pedido

El Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones contiene, en su edición de 2024, el texto completo del Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones adoptado por la Conferencia Mundial de Radiocomunicaciones de 1995 (CMR-95) revisado por las Conferencias Mundiales de Radiocomunicaciones ulteriores : CMR-97 (Ginebra, 1997), CMR-2000 (Estambul, 2000), CMR-03 (Ginebra, 2003), CMR-07 (Ginebra, 2007), CMR-12 (Ginebra, 2012), CMR-15 (Ginebra, 2015), CMR-19 (Sharm el-Sheikh, 2019) y CMR-23 (Dubái, 2023).

De conformidad con una decisión del Consejo de 2013, .

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Otras ediciones:   2020   2016   Edición de 2008  
21st Century Financing Models for Bridging Broadband Connectivity Gaps

In our industry-wide and cross-stakeholder collaborative strive to build a truly inclusive and sustainable digital future, we are now at crossroads that demand foresight in decision-making, thinking beyond current approaches and business practices. Thanks to the joint aspirations of many leaders and organizations to achieve the UN SDGs with targeted investments into ICTs, we are now treading a path that may lead us to a future where digital inclusion is a given, and where digital technologies can bring to bear their full potential and contribute to improving the human condition.
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Herramienta de navegación del Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones
2021   Aviso de publicación con formulario de pedido

El Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones contiene el texto completo del Reglamento de Radiocomunicaciones adoptado por la Conferencia Mundial de Radiocomunicaciones (Ginebra, 1995) (CMR-95) y ulteriormente revisado y adoptado por las Conferencias Mundiales de Radiocomunicaciones, junto con todos los Apéndices, las Resoluciones, las Recomendaciones y las Recomendaciones UIT-R incorporadas por referencia.
Disponible enpaper   electronic file
Otras ediciones:   2016   2012  
Proceedings of ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conferences

The ITU Kaleidoscope academic conference 2022: " Extended reality - How to boost quality of experience and interoperability" took place in Accra, Ghana, 7-9 December 2022. These Proceedings of the conference contain nine papers that were selected by the Technical Programme Committee on the basis of double-blind reviews, with the help of over 40 subject matter experts from leading academic and research institutions worldwide; one extended abstract of the video demonstration track, one keynote paper, three keynote summaries and one invited paper that were peer-reviewed by the Kaleidoscope 2022 Steering Committee. These original contributions present research on the development and widespread adoption of extended realities, focusing on how standards can help boost quality of experience and interoperability, and challenges for extended reality and holographic-type communication in the next decade.
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Otras ediciones:   2021   2020   2019   2018   2017   2016   2015   2014   2013   2011   2010   2009   2008  
Be he@lthy, be mobile: a toolkit on how to implement mMyopia
Be He@lthy, Be Mobile" (BHBM) is a global initiative led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). It is based on the use of mobile technology for digital targeted client communication messaging to address a range of noncommunicable diseases and health

Be He@lthy, Be Mobile" (BHBM) is a global initiative led by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU). It is based on the use of mobile technology for digital targeted client communication messaging to address a range of noncommunicable diseases and health
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