Engagée à connecter le monde


Discours du Directeur du BDT

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ITU-D Study Group 1, Opening remarks
Geneva, Switzerland  23 October 2023

​Ms Regina Fleur Assoumou Bessou, Chairperson of Study Group 1,

Vice Chairs of Study Group 1,

Rapporteurs and Vice Rapporteurs of Study Group 1,

Ms Roxanne McElvane Webber, Chairperson of TDAG


Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen

I am pleased to extend a warm welcome to everyone, both onsite and online, to the second meeting of ITU-D Study Group 1 for the 2022-2025 period.

Your work is key to help realize the ITU goals of universal and meaningful connectivity and sustainable digital transformation.

As part of this, the Telecommunication Development Bureau is focused on BDT4Impact - our vision is to go beyond access but to ensure that connectivity is meaningful, affordable supported by the necessary digital skills.

It means:

*Better and more affordable broadband deployment especially for disadvantaged groups around the world.

*It means communities more resilient in the face of natural disasters.

*It means consumers better protected.

​You are all here, in this room and online, to support the successful implementation of the five thematic priorities as defined in the Kigali Action Plan: meaningful connectivity, enabling environment, digital transformation, international cooperation, and cybersecurity.

Your work is vital! I appreciate the interest in the work of SG1. The 134 contributions and 16 Liaison Statements bear testimony to this. I also noted that we have 231 registered participants. We should continue to grow our numbers of participants and get as many to contribute as possible. 

Ladies and Gentlemen,

We are here this week to approve the interim deliverable on consumer protection, review progress of rapporteur groups and draft chapters of final reports, as well as approve changes in management team members requested by administrations due to career movements.

This afternoon also sees a special session to introduce one of our newest initiatives, the Digital Regulation Network, a particularly good example of partnership and collaboration.

I wish to note that in May 2023, we saw innovative approaches at the Rapporteur Group Question meetings and workshops of Study Group 1 and extremely useful inputs generated.

It is my fervent hope that we will have excellent outcomes whose impact would be acknowledged by the next World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC-25), which will take place in Thailand in 2025.

With this in mind, I have 4 strategic questions for you to consider in order to maximise our operational impact:

  • How can we leverage data and technologies in our Study Group work?
  • What support do you need to generate more value?
  • How do we ensure better use of ITU-D Study Groups outputs?
  • How can we ensure that our current work inform the Study Groups questions of the next cycle?

Ladies and gentlemen,

I want to thank our team who are here to facilitate and support your work. Our subject matter experts are there to help and advise you on content. Our team in Geneva collaborates seamlessly with our colleagues in the field.

I would like to share my great appreciation for the work of the entire ITU-D Study Group 1 management team under the leadership of Madame Regina Fleur Assoumou Bessou, Chair of Study Group 1.

I would also like to thank all our Vice Chairs as well as the Rapporteurs and Vice Rapporteurs.

I thank you for being part of the ITU-D Study Group 1 family. We have an extremely high regard for your expertise and contributions which are of foundational importance to connect the world.

Thank you!