Верен идее соединить мир

Мероприятия в рамках Международного дня "Девушки в ИКТ" 2015 года

g-Hive and CISCO Belux   

Brussels, Belgium, 2015, April 23


Girls & The Future Internet (EN/NL/FR/DE)

Imagine a world where you can attend your Economics class from the comfort of your own room, where your gerbil can send you a picture to say it's hungry, or your dress can tell when you'll need a rain coat.... If you think this is the World of Tomorrow, you're in for a world of surprises! This phenomenon is called the "Internet of Things". It's a world where things connected to the Internet can "think" and "communicate" for themselves. It's a world where all the things mentioned here are already taking place. It is the World of Today, and YOU are a part of it!

In celebration of International Girls in ICT Day 2015, g-Hive and Cisco Belux present "Girls & The Future Internet": A hands-on workshop - in English, Dutch, French & German - for girls*, ages 13-17, to promote active participation and leadership by girls in designing and building the Internet of tomorrow, for fun, safety and wellbeing.

This two-hour workshop aims to:

  • Give participants a background on the Internet of Things;
  • Inspire participants to develop IoT projects with a focus on health, safety, entertainment, fashion, "smart" cities, etc.; and
  • Promote participation in a global Cisco-sponsored contest for IoT projects by girls.

Draft Agenda:

  • 17:00-17:10 - Welcome by Cheryl Miller & Rosanna Kurrer, DLI (Snacks & Refreshments Served)
  • 17:10-17:20 - Inspiring Talk on "Girls in The Digital Future" by Esther Roure Vila, Cisco, 2014 European Digital Woman of the Year
  • 17:20-17:40 - Overview of the Internet of Things & Cisco "IoT" Contest by TBA, Cisco
  • 17:40-18:30 - Facilitated Brainstorm on IoT Projects in Health, Fashion, Entertainment, Transport, Cities, etc.
  • 18:30-18:55 - Team Project Presentations
  • 18:55-19:00 - Wrap-up & Next Steps
  • 19:00-20:00 - 2015 European Ada Awards Launch & Inspiring Digital Leaders Talks (Snacks & Refreshments Served)

Workshop Leader:

This workshop is organised by Ms. Rosanna Kurrer, DLI Digital Literacy Lead & g-Hive Community Manager, with the generous support of Cisco Belux.

Materials Required: None. All materials are provided.

Snacks & Refreshments: Included.

Language: Workshop will be carried out in English with simultaneous support in Dutch, French, German and other languages. If you don't see your language here, please inquire. The g-Hive network is large and diverse with members speaking many languages and eager to get you involved in learning about technology!

Diversity: All g-Hive activities are carried out in a multicultural and culturally-sensitive environment with an emphasis on team-working among girls and volunteers that spans different age groups and cultural, language and socio-economic backgrounds. g-Hive has a specific mission to reach under-served communities of girls, for which special outreach and scholarship is provided.

International Girls in ICT Day 2015:

The g-Hive "Girls & The Future Internet" workshop is part of an all day Digital Leadership Institute celebration of International Girls in ICT Day 2015 that includes the following activities:

17:00-19:00 - g-Hive workshop on "Girls & The Future Internet": A hands-on workshop for girls*, ages 13-17, to promote active participation and leadership by girls in designing and building the Internet of tomorrow, for fun, safety and wellbeing.

19:00-20:00 - 2015 European Ada Awards Launch & "Inspiring Digital Leaders" Talks, hosted by Ms. Cheryl Miller, DLI Founder & Executive Director.

20:00-22:00 - inQube workshop "Quantify Everything": Third workshop in the Spring 2015 "Build A Kick&ss Online Presence" series for women* by Ms. Selma Franssen, DLI Communications Director & inQube Community Manager.

All DLI "Girls in ICT Day" and European Ada Awards events are an official part of the 2015 e-Skills for Jobs Campaign.

Registration & Scholarship:

DLI, g-Hive and inQube activities are delivered to participants in return for a suggested donation, strictly limited to the target public and capacity, and registration for each event via the relevant event page is required. Donations collected go toward workshop administration costs, materials and overhead, and scholarships. Underaged participants must be registered by a parent or legal guardian and the appropriate release forms signed and submitted. If you or someone you know would like to be considered for a scholarship for this or any other DLI community activities, please contact us.

Volunteering, Donations & Sponsorship:

If you or your organisation is interested in partnering, volunteering, sponsoring girls & women to participate in DLI activities, or would like to support DLI and its mission in other ways, please contact us. Donations to DLI are gratefully accepted and go toward furthering its mission of bridging the gender gap and the digital divide worldwide.

*anyone who identifies as a girl or woman