Committed to connecting the world

Question 16

​Future Networks: Trustworthy and Quantum Enhanced Networking and Services

(Continuation of Question ​16/13)


Considering future ICT infrastructures and services, trust is becoming important and essential. For supporting the necessary network intelligence for handling complexity and uncertainty/risks in future ICT infrastructures and services, it's necessary to make better use of knowledge about the status of environments and trust for creation, dissemination and utilization of knowledge in an open and collaborative manner as well as for taking into account trustworthy autonomous networking and services.

This question will investigate such importance of trustworthy networking and services, and identify requirements and functions to support building of trusted ICT infrastructures in a decentralized manner with various enabling technical solutions like blockchain for enhanced security challenges covering privacy, safety, resilience and reliability.

Furthermore, this question will continue to develop key solutions for quantum key distribution (QKD) networks and consider quantum enhanced networks covering a broad range of quantum information technology (QIT) while supporting user networks for cryptographic applications.

In addition, interworking aspects between different networks and services should be studied, and this study should be focused on the interworking between other networks whenever necessity of interworking is identified.

Thus, the focus of this Question will include activities related to trustworthy networking and services including interworking. The work to specify the procedure, requirements, properties, and mechanisms for supporting trusted ICT infrastructures is the responsibility of this question. In addition, this Question will include activities related to quantum enhanced networks with QIT (e.g., QKD, quantum internet, etc.), and their services and applications as one of challenging items on trust.

Recommendations under responsibility of this Question include:
      –           Y.2070, Y.2072, Y.2281, Y.2291, Y.3043, Y.3041, Y.3044, Y.3045, Y.3051, Y.3052, Y.3053, Y.3054, Y.3800​

Study items
Study items to be considered include, but are not limited to:​

Tasks include but are not limited to:

An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG13 Work Programme:


Study groups:
Other bodies
WSIS Action Lines
 Sustainable Development Goals