Committed to connecting the world

Question 19

Future Networks: End-to-end management, governance, and security for computing including cloud computing and data handling

(Continuation of Question 19/13)
Digital transformation is the strategic adoption of new, fast and frequently changing technology to improve process and productivity, manage risk, reduce cost, etc. Competitiveness of digital transformation depends on evolving technology, that is, its ability to quickly adapt to future computing technologies. In particular, cloud computing and big data are driving digital transformation. In addition, future computing technologies take into account artificial intelligence including machine learning, distributed computing, edge computing, data-centric computing, memory-centric computing, quantum cloud computing and computing aware networking. Therefore, the telecommunication industry has an important role to play in the fields of future computing and furthermore, the integration and development of future computing technologies in Future Networks will drive a rapid move towards a digital transformation.

Cloud computing is a model for enabling service user's ubiquitous, convenient, on-demand network access to a shared pool of configurable computing resources (e.g., networks, servers, storage, applications, and services), that can be rapidly provisioned and released with minimal management effort or service provider interaction.

Data is of high value to build applications and services based on future computing. For this reason, not only the big data capabilities, but also technologies and standards to support data usage, processing, analysing, exchanging, sharing, and data quality assessment are essential in terms of data handling.

The primary focus of this Question is to develop standards on end-to-end management, governance, and security for future computing including cloud computing and data handling from the perspective of telecommunication. The novel methods based on artificial intelligence and machine learning are essential to handle complexity of future computing management and optimally orchestrate its operation and lifecycle management.

This Question aims to provide new Recommendations in the following areas:
   –           End-to-end service management and orchestration of future computing (including cloud computing and data handling);
   –           End-to-end resource (including software infrastructure) management and orchestration of future computing;
   –           Data management of future computing;
   –           Security mechanisms and methods of future computing.

It should be noted that the term "end-to-end" is used here in information technology context, and does not refer to the management of endpoints or user devices, as it would have otherwise been implied if the telecommunication technology context were used. The term end-to-end refers to multi-layer, multi-component and multi-domain in future computing for telecommunications environment, which is in the scope of this Question.

The following major Recommendations, in force at the time of approval of this Question, fall under its responsibility:
   –           Y.3514, Y.3517, Y.3518, Y.3520, Y.3521, Y.3522, Y.3523 and Y.3524
   –           Y.3604.

Study items
Study items to be considered include what new Recommendations should be developed regarding:

Tasks include:

An up-to-date status of work under this Question is contained in the SG13 Work Programme:

(The relationship of this Question to other activities is listed against the following four categories)

Study groups​​
Other bodies
WSIS Action Lines
Sustainable Development Goals