Page 3 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 3


            Our future will be built on the smart use of data. With
            ICTs everywhere, data is being generated everywhere.
            We  have  amassed  an  enormous  wealth  of  data,
            creating a resource of enormous productive value. In
            our  knowledge-driven  modern  economies,  data  will
            fuel innovation in all industry sectors and public-sector

            ITU  standardization  aims  to  provide  the  technical
            foundations of this innovation.

            Maximizing the collective benefits of our fast-growing
            wealth  of  data  will  call  for  the  collaboration  of  a
            multitude of different communities. Collaboration on
            the ITU platform will be fundamental in ensuring that
            data  drives  social  and  economic  development  in  all
            regions of the world.

            ‘Big  Data’,  as  its  name  suggests,  refers  to  the  rapid
            generation of very large volumes of data and associated
            challenges in managing, analysing and visualizing this

            ITU  standardization  work  addresses  the  Big  Data
            ecosystem, the lifecycle of Big Data, Big Data security
            and management, and ICT applications supported by
            Big Data.

            The foundational ITU standards for Big Data presented
            by this publication offer a common point of reference
            to  all  interests  innovating  with  the  help  of  Big  Data.
            They also provide a common point of reference to ITU
            standardization experts.

            Data is omnipresent in ITU standardization work.
                                                                                 Chaesub Lee
            Data  gives  life  to  Artificial  Intelligence  and  Machine   Director of the ITU Telecommunication
            Learning. Data analytics are bringing more automation,
            precision and dynamism to network management and                Standardization Bureau
            control.  Data  generated  by  smart  cities  informs  the
            improvement  of  public  services  and  environmental
            sustainability. Advances in multimedia rely on advances
            in  data  compression  and  analytics.  Cloud  computing
            systems record event data from aircraft, cars and other
            connected  machinery  to  pinpoint  the  source  of
            performance  anomalies.  Security  measures  for  data
            protection are crucial in building trust in ICT.

            These areas form just a sample of the many dimensions
            of data’s influence on ITU standardization.

            This publication aims to build greater understanding of
            the  concepts,  driving  forces  and  key  features  of  Big
            Data and associated implications for ITU’s ongoing and
            future standardization work.
            I  welcome  you  to  take  advantage  of  the  ITU
            standardization platform – a platform where all voices
            are  heard,  where  standards  efforts  do  not  favour
            particular  commercial  interests,  and  where  resulting
            standards have the consensus-derived support of the
            growing and diverse ITU membership.

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