Committed to connecting the world

Message from ITU Secretary-General

WTISD 2019: Message from ITU Secretary-General, Houlin Zhao

Bridging the Standardization Gap

On 17 May, we will be celebrating the 50th World Telecommunication and Information Society Day.

This year, we will focus on “bridging the standardization gap."

Setting standards is a fundamental pillar of ITU's mission as the specialized agency of the United Nations for information and communication technologies.

You want to connect to the internet, enjoy a sports event on TV, listen to radio in your car or watch a video on your smartphone? ITU standards make it possible.

The upcoming 5G standards, especially if coupled with artificial intelligence, will support a new range of applications which we will soon take for granted: from self-driving cars to safer and smart cities.

ITU standards ensure interoperability, open up global markets and spur innovation and growth. They are good for developed and developing countries.

They help accelerate ICTs for all Sustainable Development Goals.

I call upon ITU Member States, industry members, small and big companies and academia, together with UN sister agencies, our partners and all stakeholders, to support ITU's “Bridging the Standardization gap​" programme and prosperity and well-being for all.

Thank you.