Measuring the Information Society: Challenges and Trends

Information Technology Organization of Iran, IT Strategic Planning and Monitoring Center/Data Processing Company (Parvaresh Dadeha), I. R. IRAN

One of the principles of WSIS+10 Vision for WSIS beyond 2015 is focus on WSIS Action Lines and measurement of their implementation. As it has been mentioned in this vision, there is a need for measurement and development of indicators and tools for measuring socio-economic impacts of ICTs on national, regional and international level. Also, 2014 Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-14) set out an ambitious vision for the ICT sector for the year 2020. Connect 2020 vision highlights the role of ICTs as a key enabler for social, economic and environmentally sustainable growth and development. It includes growth, inclusiveness, sustainability and Innovation and partnership as its key four goals. These four key goals include measurable targets. They represent the high-level impact and change in the ICT sector. All these international mandates in addition to the recent trends in ICT development introduce new challenges and trends in measuring the information society.

The objective of this workshop is to discuss the existing challenges for measuring the information society. In this workshop, the panelists will have presentations about the following topics:

  •  ICT-related Statistics for Measuring the Information Society
  • Measuring socio-economic impacts of ICTs with a focus on the experience of I.R. Iran in developing ICT satellites accounts and measuring ICT use in businesses.
  • Measuring ICT skills
  • Measuring e-government
  • Measuring the role of ICT in promoting innovation
  •  Big data as a complementary source of ICT statistics
Speakers / panellists


Ms Vanessa Gray, Senior Analyst, ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU/BDT


  • Mr Amir Hossein Mohebali, Director of IT Strategic Planning and Monitoring Center of Information Technology Organization of Iran (ITO).
  • Dr Mohammad Reza Ayatollahzadeh Shirazi, Manager of ICT Department and Senior Consultant of ITO, Data Processing Company (Parvaresh Dadeha).


  • Mr Amir Hossein Mohebali, Director of IT Strategic Planning and Monitoring Center of Information Technology Organization of Iran (ITO).
  • Dr Mohammad Reza Ayatollahzadeh Shirazi, Manager of ICT Department and Senior Consultant of ITO, Data Processing Company (Parvaresh Dadeha)
  • Ms Scarlett Fondeur Gil, Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD.

  • Dr Ali Yazdian, Member of Electrical and Electronic Engineering Faculty, Tarbiat Modarres University.
  • Mr Alexandre Barbosa, Head, CETIC Brazil.
  • Ms Elia Armstrong, Chief of the Development Management Branch of DPADM.
Session's link to WSIS Action Lines
  • C1. The role of public governance authorities and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • C2. Information and communication infrastructure
  • C3. Access to information and knowledge
Session's link to the Sustainable Development Process

The link with the Sustainable Development Process relates to the evaluation of achieving the Connect 2020 Agenda and ICT for Sustainable Development and related challenges.

WSIS Forum 2015 | Innovating Together: Enabling ICTs for Sustainable Development
25–29 May 2015, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland