C1, C7. E-government and C11: Facilitation Meeting on Implementing WSIS Outcomes Related to Action Lines C1, C7eGov and C11

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) - Division for Public Administration and Development Management (DPADM)

Enabling ICTs for Sustainable Development

The purpose of this Facilitation Meeting, which is open to all stakeholders from the public and private sectors, the civil society, and international organizations, is to discuss the roles and activities that are and will be built upon the Action Line C1., C7. e-Gov, and C11 including a consideration of potential ICT gaps and challenges for bridging the digital divide and harnessing ICT for sustainable development.

This Facilitation Meeting provides a platform for participants to exchange information and experiences; to identify the propriety areas for implementation within the Action Lines; and to create synergies among different stakeholders for more effective knowledge sharing and collaboration in order to ensure the implementation of WSIS at the international, regional and national levels.

The outcomes of the meeting are expected to  harness international expertise and experience to support deliberations on Post-2015 priorities and development challenges and to contribute to an overall review process of the implementation of the Summit outcomes in 2015.

Speakers & Participants are expected to share and discuss: 

  • Some successful projects relevant to the thematic focus of your session
  • Link between your workshop and issues relevant to WSIS+10 including:
    1. Achievements in the last 10 years
    2. Challenges in the last 10 years
    3. Vision beyond 2015
  • What is the vision of your organization vis a vis the WSIS Process beyond 2015?


11:15 a.m. - 11:20 a.m.

Introductory remarks by UNDESA and overview on global activities related to Action Line C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development, Action Line C7eGov. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life, and C11. International and regional cooperation.

Mr Vyacheslav Cherkasov, Sr. Governance and Public Administration Officer
Development Management Branch
Division for Public Administration and Development Management - DPADM, United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs – UNDESA

11:20 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.

Reports on activities related to Action Line C1. The role of governments and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development

1. Dr Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the Board Institute of the Information Society (Russia) & Mr. Vyacheslav Cherkasov, Sr. Governance and Public Administration Officer (UNDESA) on “e-Participation: From e-Government to e-Governance

11:30 a.m. - 11:40 a.m.

2. Mr Ahmed Al-Bulushi, Team Leader International Relations & eGovt, IT Authority, Oman

11:40 a.m. - 11:50 a.m.

Reports on activities related to Action Line C7eGov. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life

1. Mr. Alexey Kozyrev, Deputy Minister
Russian Ministry for Communications and Mass Media

e-Government Technologies for Sustainable Development in Russian Federatiom

11:50 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.

2. Mr. Ravshan Alimukhamedov, Deputy Director, e-Government Centre, Uzbekistan

E – Government - to improve the quality of life

12:00 a.m. - 12:10 p.m.

3. Mr. Mohammed Reza A. Shirazi, Manager of ICT Department, Data Processing Co., I.R. Iran

12:10 p.m. - 12:20 p.m.

Reports on activities related to Action Line C11. International and regional cooperation

1. Mr.Harm Jan Van Burg, Vice Chair, Liaison for UN/CEFACT  

12:20 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.

2. Ms Esperanza Magpantay, Senior Statistician, ITU

12:30 p.m. – 12:40 p.m.

3. Mr Andy Richardson, Information Specialist. Inter‑Parliamentary Union

12:40 p.m. – 12:45 p.m.

Internet Governance Forum (IGF)

Mr Chengetai Masango, Programme and Technology Manager

12:45 p.m. - 12:55 p.m.

Interactive discussion

12:55 p.m. - 13:00 p.m.

Closing Remarks

Mr. Vyacheslav Cherkasov, Sr. Governance and Public Administration Officer Development Management Branch

Speakers / panellists
  • Mr. Vyacheslav Cherkasov, Sr. Governance and Public Administration Officer (UNDESA) on
  • Mr. Alexey Kozyrev, Deputy Minister, Russian Ministry for Communications and Mass Media
  • Dr. Yuri Hohlov, Chairman of the Board Institute of the Information Society (Russia)
  • Mr. Ravshan Alimukhamedov, Deputy Director, e-Government Centre, Uzbekistan
  •  Mr. Ahmed Al-Bulushi, Team Leader International Relations & eGovt,    IT Authority, Oman
  • Mr. Mohammed Reza A.Shirazi, Manager of ICT Department,Data Processing Co., I.R. Iran 
  • Mr.Harm Jan Van Burg, Vice Chair,Liaison for UN/CEFACT  
  • Ms. Esperanza Magpantay, Senior Statistician   
  • Mr. Chengetai Masango, Programme and Technology Manager, IGF/UNDESA
  • Mr. Andy Richardson, Information Specialist from Inter‑Parliamentary Union to the list of speakers
Session's link to WSIS Action Lines
  • C1. The role of public governance authorities and all stakeholders in the promotion of ICTs for development
  • C7. ICT Applications: E-government
  • C11. International and regional cooperation
Session's link to the Sustainable Development Process

The outcomes of the meeting are expected to  harness international expertise and experience to support deliberations on Post-2015 priorities and development challenges and to contribute to an overall review process of the implementation of the Summit outcomes in 2015.

Session 255
  • Thursday 28 May,
  • Room M, ITU Montbrillant
  • Interactive Action Line Facilitation Meeting

WSIS Forum 2015 | Innovating Together: Enabling ICTs for Sustainable Development
25–29 May 2015, International Telecommunication Union (ITU), Place des Nations, 1211 Geneva, Switzerland