IEEE Knowledge Café: Beyond Strong Sustainability - Catalyzing a Planet Positive Future for Generations to Come

IEEE - Partner for Specific Activities

Session 360

Monday, 13 March 2023 12:30–13:45 (UTC+01:00) Innovate Stage, CICG, 2nd Floor Light meals will be offered to attendees during the session Knowledge Café

Open to all - Light lunch will be served.

This interactive session will explore opportunities to build a flourishing world that goes beyond sustainability and builds upon the UN SDGs and related declarations. Through a series of open discussions and activities, we will share with each other how we can go beyond traditional approaches and sustainability targets to provide a powerful, cultures-wide foundation for guiding the efforts of humans and caretakers of a flourishing planet.

As we step closer to 2030 and embrace and navigate the complexities in the pursuit of the SDGs and in addressing climate change and related challenges, there is a need to take into account the large diversity in culture, in local, regional and global conditions and needs, and the varying contexts around the globe. This requires flexibility and a diversity of approaches to creating a planet positive society. It also requires practical guidance on decisions and the implementation of these decisions by individuals, communities, companies, organizations, and governments.

Through the lens of a set of principles that prioritize ecosystems and human flourishing, we will explore what we need to do now, how to get there, what is missing and how can we measure change ideas and solutions that can be designed, innovated upon and deployed to reach a Planet Positive by 2030–and, more so, catalyze a Planet Positive future for generations to come.

Join us as we set the stage for the discussion and activities and prioritize participant voices as we collectively work through challenges and concepts with innovation and imagination.

Tomas Lamanauskas
Tomas Lamanauskas (invited) Deputy Secretary-General International Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Maike Luiken
Maike Luiken Chair, IEEE P7800™ Addressing Sustainability, Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change | Chair, IEEE Planet Positive 2030 Initiative IEEE Moderator

Maike Luiken, PhD, SMIEEE, IEEE-HKN, chairs Planet Positive 2030 – an initiative of the IEEE Standards Association – as well as the P7800 Standards Working Group: Recommended Practice for Addressing Sustainability, Environmental Stewardship and Climate Change Challenges in Professional Practice. She served as the IEEE Vice President, Member & Geographic Activities, in 2021 and as President of IEEE Canada during 2018 and 2019 and, in 2018, as Chair, Policy Track, IEEE Internet Initiative. She has experience in the public and private sectors in Canada and has worked in the USA and Germany. She has also more than 20 years experience serving on Boards of Directors of local, regional, and global organizations. Maike is and has been for more than 15 years a very strong supporter of sustainable development. She is a Fellow of the Engineering Institute of Canada.


Thomas Coughlin
Thomas Coughlin 2023 IEEE President Elect IEEE

Tom Coughlin, President, Coughlin Associates is a digital storage analyst and business and technology consultant. He has more than 40 years in the data storage industry with engineering and senior management positions at several companies. Dr. Coughlin has many publications and six patents. He is also the author of Digital Storage in Consumer Electronics:  The Essential Guide, which is now in its second edition with Springer. Tom is a regular storage and memory contributor for and media and entertainment organizations. Coughlin Associates consults and publishes books and market and technology reports, including The Media and Entertainment Storage Report and an Emerging Memory Report, and puts on digital storage-oriented events. He is an IEEE Life Fellow, Past-President of IEEE-USA, Past Director of IEEE Region 6, Past Chair of the Santa Clara Valley IEEE Section, and Past Chair of the Consultants Network of Silicon Valley. He is also active with the Storage Networking Industry Association (SNIA) and the Society of Motion Pictures and Television Engineers (SMPTE).

Anja Kaspersen
Anja Kaspersen Director, Global Markets Development IEEE Standards Association, Austria

Anja Kaspersen is the IEEE SA Director for Global Markets Development. She is also a senior fellow at Carnegie Council for Ethics in International Affairs, where she co-directs the Artificial Intelligence & Equality Initiative (AIEI). She is the former Director of the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs in Geneva and Deputy Secretary General of the Conference on Disarmament. Previously, she held the role as the head of strategic engagement and new technologies at the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC). Prior to joining ICRC, she served as a senior director for geopolitics and international security and a member of the executive committee at the World Economic Forum. Kaspersen has also worked in business and has had a rich diplomatic and academic career. She is a published author and speaker.

Christopher Whitt
Christopher Whitt President, IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society IEEE

Christopher Whitt is the President of the IEEE Oceanic Engineering Society, and passionate about the potential for ocean technology to address the challenges and opportunities to meet the Sustainable Development Goals. Additionally, Christopher is the Ship Signature Engineer for the Canada Surface Combatant Program at Irving Shipbuildling in Halifax, Canada. He has spent 15 years in ocean acoustics and environmental monitoring. His background is in software and signal processing, and is a registered Professional Engineer and Project Management Professional in Nova Scotia. Christopher has a B.Eng. and M.Eng. degree in electrical engineering from Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.

WSIS Action Lines
  • AL C6 logo C6. Enabling environment
  • AL C7 E–ENV logo C7. ICT applications: benefits in all aspects of life — E-environment
Sustainable Development Goals
  • Goal 13 logo Goal 13: Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
  • Goal 14 logo Goal 14: Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources