Committed to connecting the world

CBS-2016 Programme

Global ICT Capacity Building Symposium


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​09:30 - 12:30
Capacity building in Internet Governance: Stakeholder perspectives
This session brings together ICT professionals and executives from Government ministries, Regulatory Authorities, UN Organisations, private sector companies, Universities and research institutions as well as global and regional bodies dealing with Internet Governance.  The event provides a platform for stakeholders to discuss capacity building issues in international Internet Governance and to map out strategies for addressing these. Participants will exchange views based on their diverse experience. In order to enrich discussions, the event will be interactive to give all participants an opportunity to freely contribute to the discussions.
Opening remarks: Mr Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - [biography] 
Moderator: Dr David Souter, Managing Director, ICT Development Associates - [biography]
​​12:30 - 14:00
​Lunch Break
​​14:00 - 16:00
Regulators as enablers and beneficiaries of capacity building
This session discusses capacity building challenges faced by regulators in light of the fast evolving ICT sector that is experiencing the introduction of new technologies at an unprecedented pace. This calls for new and innovative ways of regulation through upgrading of staff skill sets and training.
Opening remarks: Mr Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - [biography]
Moderator: Dr Kemal Huseinovic, Chief, Department of Infrastructure, Enabling Environment and E-Applications, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - Presentation[biography]


​09:00 - 09:45
Opening ceremony
Performance of the Kenya National Anthem
Entertainment interlude
Opening remarks
​09:45 - 10:00 Group photo and exhibition official opening
​10:00 - 10:30Coffee Break
​10:30 - 12:00
Ministerial Roundtable: ICTs, Sustainable Development Goals and future priorities for human capacity building
ICTs are key enablers of development and play a crucial role in the attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).  Central to this is the competencies of people to use and leverage ICTs effectively. The demand for an ICT-skilled workforce is growing rapidly, and public policy in terms of education systems and vocational training programmes need to keep pace with the challenge. In this session, Ministers of ICT and Education will address policy and strategic considerations related to the role of ICT in human and institutional capacity building and how it impacts sustainable development.  Panelists will be expected to make reference to policy priorities, delivery of development programmes, and to share experiences from their own countries, and Agencies.
Moderator: Dr Cosmas Zavazava, Chief of Department, Project Support and Knowledge Management, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - Presentation - [biography]
​12:00 - 14:00
Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:30
Leaders Dialogue: Establishing coherence in capacity building
This session brings together Chief Executive Officers from industry, Director Generals of Regulatory Authorities, and representatives of Universities to discuss issues related to national skills policies, industry skills requirements, and the role of academic institutions as providers of skills. The session will also discuss emerging technological opportunities that could contribute to a more informed and equipped workforce. The session seeks to establish a common understanding among different stakeholders from both the demand and supply side of capacity building in the field of ICT, and to draw a set of recommendations to guide countries in taking advantage of emerging technologies for sustainable development.
Moderator: Mr. Wallace Kantai, Business Editor, Nation Media Group, Kenya  
​15:30 - 16:00
​Coffee Break
​16:00 - 17:00
​Coping with new skills requirements in a changing ICT environment
Today’s digital economy is driven by technological innovation. The business community leads in the development of technologies, including Over the Top technologies, Internet of Things (IoT), big data, wearables, mobile applications, and the cloud. This session discusses the skills required for companies to turn the emerging technologies into business opportunities and creating new jobs, as well as the capacity building challenges arising from these new jobs. The session is conducted through sharing of case studies on successful innovation programmes and initiatives.
Moderator: Mr Andrew Rugege, Regional Director for Africa, ITU
​19:00 Gala dinner at Safari Park Hotel (hosted by Communications Authority of Kenya)


09:00 - 10:30
​University without walls: Exploring new ways of learning in a digital era
This session examines the transformational changes that have taken place within the learning landscape due to ICT developments, and how these changes impact the existing theories, types and styles of learning and knowledge dissemination. The session discusses learning methodologies such as online learning and face-to-face learning and presents opportunities available in the digital era, such as massive open online courses (MOOCs), social media tools, and challenges associated with them. The session will seek to answer a number of questions such as: is the market and industry ready to embrace the digital delivery of education and training?
Moderator: Dr David Souter, Managing Director, ICT Development Associates - [biography]
​​10:30 - 11:00 
Coffee Break
​11:00 - 12:30 
​In search of excellence: ITU Centres of Excellence model
The ITU has a global network of Centres of Excellence that provides training in a range of ICT disciplines under the umbrella of the ITU Academy. In this session, selected ITU Centres of Excellence from all regions showcase their success stories and share their capacity building models and best practices. What are the lessons learnt so far, and what are the possible future opportunities of growing this successful brand?
Moderator: Dr Cosmas Zavazava, Chief of Department, Project Support and Knowledge Management, Telecommunication Development Bureau, ITU - [biography]
​​12:30 - 14:00
Lunch Break
​​14:00 - 15:30 
A dialogue with capacity building champions from the academic community
The session brings together representatives from Universities and other higher education and research institutions to discuss the central role they play as champions of capacity building and trail-blazers in introducing smart approaches in capacity building using hi-tech innovations.  Universities involved in innovative work in the area of research and development related to emerging technologies (e.g. smart cities, smart societies, Internet of Things) will present their work. In particular they will demonstrate how Universities collaborate with industry, especially the private sector, to drive innovation and produce both products and graduates that fit the needs of the market.
Moderator: Dr Olga Cavalli, Co-founder and Academic Director, South School on Internet Governance (SSIG)
​​15:30 - 16:00
Coffee Break
​16:00 - 17:00A new digital generation: Young innovators
This session brings together young people from all over the world whose technological innovations contribute to capacity building leading to socio-economic development. The young innovators present their ideas, ICT innovations and the impact these innovations have in the delivery of education and training, as well as the contributions they make to capacity building.
Moderator: Eng Martin Obuya, Ambassador of Government Affairs, iHub - [biography]                
*At the end of the session, the audience will be invited to vote for the best innovation.  
​​17:00 - 18:00
Visit to exhibition stands: presentations and networking opportunities
19:00Cocktail reception at Safari Park Hotel (hosted by Communications Authority of Kenya)


09:00 - 10:30​
Celebrating resilient and successful capacity building partnerships 
This session will feature successful partnerships for capacity building that have been forged by ITU and other organizations. ITU partners will share testimonials relating to initiatives and activities jointly implemented with ITU and the impact these initiatives have had on individuals, countries and regions.
Moderator: Dr Susan Teltscher, Head, Human Capacity Building Division and Head, a.i., ICT Data and Statistics Division, ITU - [biography]
​10:30 - 11:00
Coffee Break
​11:00 - 11:45 
Presentation of Awards
​11:45 - 12:15
​Roundup of Symposium: Conclusions and recommendations
​12:15 - 12:30
​Closing Ceremony