Committed to connecting the world


 Biographies of Moderators, Presenters and Panelists


GSR14 is organized under the Patronage of His Royal Highness Prince Khalifa bin Salman Al-Khalifa, Prime Minister of Bahrain.​​


​Day 1, June 3rd 2014
​ ​Opening ceremony

H.E. Sheikh Fawaz Bin Mohamed Bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, Minister of State for Communications, Bahrain

Prior to his appointment as Minister of State for Communications Affairs in December 2012, His Excellency Sheikh Fawaz bin Mohammed Al Khalifa served as President of the Information Affairs Authority. He also previously headed the General Organization for Youth and Sports, serving as its President from 2000 until 2010. A graduate of military studies at the Royal College (Sandhurst) in the United Kingdom, H.E. Sheikh Fawaz also holds an MA in Public Administration from the University of Southern California and a BA in law of sociology from the American University in Washington DC. His Excellency’s exemplary service has been recognized on a number of occasions, having been awarded certificates and medals both locally and internationally. Chief among them is the Isa bin Salman Al Khalifa Medal of the first degree awarded by His Majesty the King in 2000 and considered the highest honor awarded in the Kingdom and the Bahrain Medal of the first degree in 2004, also awarded by His Majesty the King on the occasion of the opening of the Bahrain International Circuit.

Dr Hamadoun I. Touré, Secretary-General, ITU

Dr Hamadoun I. Touré has been Secretary-General of the ITU since January 2007; he was re-elected for a second term in October 2010. He has wide professional experience in both the public and private sectors. A national of Mali, Dr Touré is committed to ITU as an innovative, forward-looking organization adapted to meeting the challenges created by the rapidly-changing ICT environment, and to continuing to spearhead ITU towards implementing the resolutions of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) and achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). Dr Touré is married with four children and two grandchildren.

Mr Brahima Sanou, Director, Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT), International  Telecommunication Union (ITU)

Mr Brahima Sanou has been Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) since January 2011, following his election at the Plenipotentiary Conference in Guadalajara, Mexico, in October 2010.
As BDT Director, Mr Sanou is committed to promoting ICT as a major driving force for sustainable socio-economic development, bringing the unprecedented benefits of next-generation networks and services to remote and rural regions, least developed countries and persons with special needs in particular. He has placed particular emphasis on the mobilization of resources and knowledge-sharing through the forging of collaborative, cross-sector multi-stakeholder partnerships. Key elements include the m-Powering Development Initiative to deliver improved services such as healthcare, education and business over mobile platforms; the Smart Sustainable Development Model initiative, focused on optimizing resources for sustainable development and disaster management; and the ITU Academy, offering an integrated online resource for the provision of ICT education and training opportunities.
Mr Sanou draws on over thirty years of experience in the ICT sector at regional and international level. As Head of ITU Regional Office for Africa and Liaison Officer to the African Union and the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) from 2000 - 2010, he worked to foster the growth of mobile telecommunications across the continent through the establishment of policy and regulatory frameworks nationally and regionally. In his role as coordinator of the African regional project on telecommunications reform and the General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) from 1997 - 2000, he drew attention to the need for human resource development and capacity building in Africa. He began his professional career in his native Burkina Faso, where he held several high-level positions in the Posts and Telecommunications services, and was instrumental in the separation of the services and the liberalization of the national telecommunication sector. Mr Sanou holds a degree in Engineering from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Télécommunications (ENST) in Paris, and a post-graduate diploma from the Centre for Financial, Economic and Banking Studies, also in Paris. Fluent in French and English, he is married with three children.

Dr Mohammed Ahmed Alamer, Chairman, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Bahrain and GSR14 Chair

Mohammed A. Al Amer (PhD) is the President of the Central Informatics Organization (CIO) and Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA) of the Kingdom of Bahrain. During his tenure in these positions he has been instrumental in the introduction of many national initiatives such as the Central Population Register (CPR), the Government Data Network (GDN), the National Smart Card project and the Bahrain e-Government Strategy.


​ ​Opening Debate


Mr Mario Maniewicz, Chief, Infrastructure, Enabling Environment and E-applications Department, ITU/BDT

Mr Mario Maniewicz is the Chief of the Infrastructure, Enabling Environment and E-Applications Department at ITU’s Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT). His Department is the focal point to assist developing countries in bridging the digital divide by promoting pervasive broadband deployment, including the development of policy and regulatory frameworks, financing policies and strategies, digital broadcasting and spectrum management. He is also responsible for the Union’s activities in the promotion of digital inclusion for women, youth, indigenous people, persons with disabilities and people living in remote communities. Mr Maniewicz has been with the ITU for the last 25 years, where he has held various positions of responsibility in the ITU headquarters as well as in the Regional Offices in Peru, Chile and Brazil. Originally from Uruguay, Mr Maniewicz is an Electronic Engineer specialized in Telecommunications. Before joining the ITU, he held both technical and managerial positions in the main telecommunication operator in his home country. He also worked as assistant professor at the Faculty of Engineering of Uruguay’s main University.

Ms Magdalena Gaj, President, Office of Electronic Communications, Poland and GSR13 Chair

Magdalena Gaj is a licensed legal adviser / legal counsel and expert in telecommunications law. Since 2001 she has continually dealt with telecommunications issues. She was responsible for successful digital terrestrial TV implementation (DVB-T) as well as facilitation of the development of telecommunications services and consumer protection. Between 2009-2012 she was appointed as Deputy Minister in the Ministry of Infrastructure where she was responsible for telecommunications and postal issues. Since 2012 serves as the President of the Office of Electronic Communications.

Mr Lin Mombo, President of the Regulatory Board, Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), Gabon and GSR15 Chair

 Mr. Mombo is the President of the Telecommunications Regulation Council of Gabon. He is also the current Executive President of the Assembly of Telecommunications Regulators in Central Africa (ARTAC). Mr. Mombo has served as Chair of the ITU Telecommunication/ICT Regulators Forum (FTRA) in 2012. Mr Mombo has experience as Principal Inspector in Telecommunications and Postal services and trainer at the National School for Posts and Telecommunications of Gabon. Mr. Mombo is graduated from Paris Dauphine University in France.


Ms Gabrielle Gauthey, President Global Government Sector, Alcatel-Lucent

Gabrielle Gauthey is Group Corporate President, in charge of Global Government sector, Public safety and Defense for Alcatel-Lucent. She is also President of the innovation and research Commission at the French business association Medef and Vice-president of FIEEC, the French telecom ICT and Electronic Industry Organisation. Gabrielle Gauthey is a graduate of the Ecole Polytechnique and from the Ecole des Mines of Paris and holds a postgraduate degree in economic analysis. She began her career with France Telecom. In 1990 she became General Secretary of the “Invest in France” agency. From 1995 to 1997 she was adviser to the French Minister for Posts, Telecommunications and Space Affairs, in charge of the Telecom reform. From 1998 to July 2000 she was Deputy CEO of Sofirad and CEO of “Le SAT”, the first satellite-based operator of French-language digital TV and radio services in Africa. Till January 2003, she was Director of the Information and Communication Technologies Department at the Caisse des Depots et Consignations, responsible for investment in the” regional digital development” programme by mandate of the State. From 2003 to 2008 she was Commissioner at the French Regulatory Authority for Electronic Communications and Posts (ARCEP).

Mr Bocar Ba, Chief Executive Officer, Samena Telecommunications Council

A noted management and technology consultant, Bocar A. BA is the CEO of SAMENA Telecommunications Council, and is responsible for leading the management of all the Council's meetings and continuing its research efforts and intellectual property of all telecom institutions in South Asia, Middle East and North Africa Region, helping operators address issues and opportunities in the telecommunications industry in the region. Specifically, he is in-charge of driving objectives of the Council, directing the advocacy efforts and building consensus with policy makers to affect policies changes at the regional level and overseeing the Council’s growth. Bocar also serves as a director and board member of several companies in Technology and Management & Consultancy Services. He is also actively involved in the privatization process in MEA and Investment projects, aiming to link governmental opportunities throughout the region.
Session 1 : Changing ICT consumer behaviors - consumer empowerment and protection in the digital age

Ms Jessica Rosenworcel, Commissioner, Federal Communications Commission (FCC), United States

Commissioner Jessica Rosenworcel was confirmed unanimously by the United States Senate for a seat on the Federal Communications Commission on May 7, 2012. Prior to joining the agency, Commissioner Rosenworcel served as Senior Communications Counsel for the United States Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. In this position, she was responsible for legislation, hearings, and policy development involving a wide range of communications issues, including spectrum auctions, public safety, broadband deployment and adoption, universal service, video programming, satellite television, local radio, and digital television transition. Before joining the staff of the Committee, she served as Legal Advisor to former FCC Commissioner Michael J. Copps, Legal Counsel to the Chief of the Wireline Competition Bureau, and as an Attorney-Advisor in the Wireline Competition Bureau. Prior to entering public service, Commissioner Rosenworcel practiced communications law at Drinker Biddle and Reath. She is a graduate of Wesleyan University and New York University School of Law.

​Ms Michèle Ledger, Head of Practice, Cullen International

Michèle leads Cullen International's e-Commerce and Media regulatory monitoring services. She has a law degree from the Université Libre de Bruxelles and an LLM in international commercial law. She joined Cullen International in 1998, previously working as a researcher at the Centre de Recherche Informatique et Droit at the University of Namur, Belgium; and as an intellectual property lawyer.

​Mr Ron Box, Regulator, Telecommunications and Radiocommunications Regulator (TRR), Vanuatu

Mr Box is the Regulator of TRR Vanuatu. Prior roles include: inaugural CEO of the Telecommunications Authority of Fiji, consultancies for the ITU, APT, Government of Mongolia, a 3 year secondment to the APT, and 19 years with the Australian Communications and Media Authority.He represented and led delegations and been an office bearer in a range of regional & international fora. He is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers Australia, hold electrical engineering, telecommunications regulation, & business administration & policy tertiary qualifications.

Mr Kijoo Lee, Commissioner, Korea Communications Commission (KCC), Republic of Korea

Mr. Kijoo Lee is currently serving as a Standing Commissioner of the Korea Communications Commission (KCC) from March 27th, 2014. He first began his public service in 1982 by joining the Ministry of Communications (MIC), a precedent entity to the Korea Communications Commission (KCC), and hence carried out ICT-related work in various positions. In 2012 he was appointed as the president of the Korea Internet & Security Agency (KISA) and served the organization until recently when he moved back to the government (KCC). Mr. Lee obtained his doctor’s degree in Tele-communication Policy from George Washington University in 2012. 

​Mr Romain Abilé Houehou, Réseau des Consommateurs Africains des TIC (RéCATIC)

Mr Romain Abile HOUEHOU is IT network administrator. He is the Coordinator of African ICT Consumer Network (AICN). He is also Vice-Rapporteur for questions: 18/-2/1 on "Enforcing national policies and regulations on consumer protection notably in a converging environment" and 24/1 on "Strategies and policies for the proper disposal or reuse of telecommunications/ICT waste material" in the ITU-D Study Group 1 since 2010. He is Member of the National Credit Council at the Central Bank of the Western States since 2010. He is Advisor for the Regulatory Authority for Post and Telecommunications of Benin since 2007. From 2004 to 2005 he was consultant for the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) on behalf of Benin, Togo and Mauritania in the matters related to strengthening the capacity of civil society.He leads since 2000 the Regional Information Center for Development (HRTC). In this capacity, he coordinated many projects funded by the United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the European Union (EU), World Bank (WB), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the George Soros Foundation in the field of economic and political governance and protection of consumer rights in telecommunications in Africa.


Mr Dominique Würges, Director, Institutional relationships, Orange

Dominique WÜRGES is currently Orange Director of Institutional Relations in Orange’ Innovation, marketing and new Technologies Department. He has the responsibility of relationships with international organisations, and is today directly involved in standardisation activities at international level. His professional experience covers a wide range of activities, as he has been involved in the piloting of the radiocommunications and frequencies strategy for Orange, and has managed the marketing strategy and the operational teams of several commercial services.

Mr Simon Milner, Policy Director, Facebook

Simon Milner is Facebook’s Policy Director for UK, Middle East and Africa, responsible for representing the company on issues such as education, privacy, safety, security and internet access. He joined the company in January 2012. He is a Board member of the UK Council for Child Internet Safety, of the Family Online Safety Institute and is a Non-Executive Director of the Tinder Foundation. He previously held senior roles with BT, most recently as Director for Group Industry Policy, where he was responsible for policy development, articulation and advocacy on communications industry issues. Before BT he worked for the BBC including holding the position of Secretary, responsible for the Corporation's governance and accountability.

​ ​Session 2 : Why competition matters?


Mr Philipp Metzger, Director General, Office fédéral de la communication (OFCOM), Switzerland

Philipp Metzger took office as Director General of the Swiss Federal Office of Communications on 1 January 2014. Before that, Philipp Metzger was Deputy to the Director of the Telecommunications Development Bureau at the International Telecommunication Union (ITU) based in Geneva. He had already held previous positions at OFCOM, including Vice-Director and Head of the Telecom Services Division from 2007 and Deputy Director General from 2012. After passing his bar exam Bern in 1992, Philipp Metzger began his career in major commercial lawfirms in Geneva and London. From 1996 to 2001, he was a Legal and subsequently Senior Legal Officer at the European Free Trade Association (EFTA) in Brussels and Geneva, mostly dealing with European Economic Area matters. He then served as a Senior Corporate Counsel of a US multinational IT corporation company in Amsterdam and rejoined EFTA in 2002 as the Director of the Trade Relations Division which assists the EFTA States in their free trade negotiations with partner countries worldwide. Philipp Metzger holds a Master of Arts in European Studies degree from the College of Europe (Bruges/Warsaw).

​Ms Janet Hernandez, President, Telecommunications Management Group, Inc. (TMG)

Ms. Hernandez, President of TMG, is an attorney with more than 20 years of experience advising domestic and international governments and private sector clients on ICT regulatory matters. She has extensive experience on licensing, spectrum, broadband, mobile termination, convergence, market access, and Internet-related issues in many countries in Asia, the Americas, Middle East and Africa. Ms. Hernandez has worked with regulators on regulatory projects in Bolivia, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Egypt, Kenya, Panama, Jordan, Myanmar, Tanzania, and Uganda. Most recently, she was the Project Manager for the TMG team that advised the Government of Myanmar of the development of six regulations. She also led the team that developed the World Bank’s Broadband Toolkit Handbook and three of the online Broadband Modules, as well as the ITU/World Bank’s ICT online toolkit module on Legal and Institutional Aspects of Regulation. She has authored or co-authored various publications for the ITU on such topics as broadband, mobile banking, ICT regulation in the digital economy, m-government, and next generation networks. Ms. Hernandez obtained her law degree from the University of Pennsylvania and her undergraduate degree from Florida International University.

​Eng Mohammad Al Taani, Chairman of the Board/Chief Executive Officer, Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC), Jordan

Eng. Mohammad Al Taani was appointed as the Chairman of the Board of Commissioners/ Chief Executive Officer of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission (TRC) in May 24, 2011. With 31 years of experience in telecommunications and information technology, in both the public and private sectors, Al Taani acquired distinctive regulatory, technical, and administrative expertise in the ICT industry.

​Mr João Batista de Rezende, President, Agência Nacional de Telecomunicações (ANATEL), Brazil

João Batista de Rezende mastered in economics from the Pontifícia Universidade Católica de São Paulo, in 1988, and undergraduated in economics at the State University of Londrina. He served as Chief of staff of the Ministry of planning, budget and management, joined the Board of Directors of the Bank of the State of Santa Catarina and the Board of Directors of Petrobras and Transpetro. From 2005 to 2006, he acted as Deputy President of the Brazilian Association of Fixed Telephone Service (Abrafix). He presided over the Development Company of Londrina (PR), where he served as municipal Secretary of finance and Chief Financial Officer of Cohab (Housing Company). He worked as an economist in the Inter-Union Department of statistics and socioeconomic studies (Dieese) and was Chief Financial Officer of São Paulo Foundation for education and technology. In November 1st, 2011, he was appointed to hold the post of President of the Board of Directors of the Agency, with a mandate until November 5, 2013 and had the mandate renewed for a new term of five years.

Mr Jean-François Bureau, Director, Institutional and International Affairs, Eutelsat

Jean-François Bureau, a graduate of the Institut d'Etudes politiques de Paris, began his career in the private office of France's Ministry of Defence where he was advisor for political affairs from 1983 to 1985. He subsequently carried out various responsibilities at the Ministry of the Interior, including as sub-prefect and civil administrator from 1985 to 1991 before joining the Minister of Defence private office as advisor from January to September 1991. From 1991 to 1994 he worked in the secretariat-general of the Presidency of the French Republic, and from 1994 to 1998 was a rapporteur at France's Court of Auditors (Cour des Comptes), dealing with defence and industry issues. In 1998, Jean-François Bureau set up the Communications and Information Delegation at France's Ministry of Defence, which he managed until 2007, in addition to acting as spokesman. From 2007 to 2010, he was NATO Assistant Secretary General, in charge of public diplomacy. He was a General Controller at France's Ministry of Defence from July 2010 to October 2011, when he joined Eutelsat as Director, in charge of Institutional and International Affairs.
Day 2, June 4th 2014
​ ​​Session 3 : Big data - opportunity or threat?

Mr Mohamed Al Ghanim, Director General, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), United Arab Emirates

H.E. Mohamed Nasser Al Ghanim currently holds the position of Director General of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority. He is considered one of the most distinguished telecom and ICT professional in the UAE and the region who was able to accomplish in a brief period several achievements at an academic and professional level. He has successfully chaired WCIT-12 and WTDC-14 held in the UAE. Under the supervision and management of Al Ghanim, the TRA succeeded in implementing the regulatory framework and necessary policies and regulations of the telecom and ICT sector through which several unique honors have been awarded to the UAE in telecom regulation at the regional and global level.

Mr Andy Haire, Chairman, AJH Communications, llc

Andrew Haire has more than 30 years of experience spanning four continents and has been associated with some of the industry’s most successful telecom initiatives. He advises both governments and communication providers and is an expert in industry policy, market growth, strategy, technical opportunity, and economic structure. He has been responsible for policy that included seminal work in privacy, data protection, and property rights – in both the public and private sectors. His portfolio included architecting major policy frameworks in the telecoms, technology, and postal sectors, as well as serving as regulator for 10 years at Singapore’s iDA, soon after its inception in the year 2000.Mr Haire holds a degree in engineering in the United States, attended the advanced management program from Harvard University. He has delivered papers / speeches on policy and regulatory frameworks in Asia, Europe and North America.


​Dr Vijayalakshmy K. Gupta, Member, Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (TRAI), India

Dr. Vijayalakshmy K Gupta joined Telecom Regulatory Authority of India as Member on 4th March, 2013. Dr. Gupta, an Officer of Indian Defence Accounts Service 1974 batch, retired as Secretary to the Govt of India in the Ministry of Defence (Finance Division). She has served as Member (Finance) in the Telecom Commission, Additional Secretary in Ministry of Women and Child Development and Joint Secretary in the Ministry of Defence (Finance Division). In the Dept of Telecom she headed the Inter Ministerial Committee that finalized the design of the Auction of “3G Spectrum”. Due to the fairness and transparency built in this complex process, the Auction yielded unprecedented revenue exceeding the estimated revenues by more than three times. she also initiated pilot projects under the aegis of the Universal Service Obligation Fund to provide mobile telephone connectivity to women’s self help groups (SHG) and then training the SHGs to run mobile handset and modem repair centers and solar based mobile charging centers in rural areas, with active participation of mobile telephone manufacturers and other stakeholders as part of Corporate Social Responsibility.

​Mr Zhigang Ma, Deputy Chief Engineer, Institute of Economy and Policy Research, Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT), China

Mr MaZhigang mastered in Internet and ICT politics and phylosophy in CATR, MIIT of China. He ever taught at the Politics and Law Department, Ningxia University, from September 1991 to July 1995; worked at the Policies and Regulations Institute, National Computer Network and Information Security Management Center, Ministry of Information Industry, from May 2001 to July 2006; worked at the Chinese Legal Information Center, China University of Political Science and Law, as the director, presided over the daily work, as well as the construction work of Chinese Legal Information Platform System, from April 2006 to June 2009,now been working at Technology Policy and Economic Research Institute, China Academy of Telecommunications Research, the Ministry of Industry and Information.

Dr Mustafa Aykut, Coordinator, International Affairs and Policy Coordinator, Türk Telekom

Dr. Aykut is International Affairs and Policy Coordinator at Türk Telekom. He joined Alcatel-Germany in 1989 and took active roles to develop GSM and 3G. He led network configurations in Europe, the USA, Asia and Africa. Dr. Aykut joined Ericsson for 3G markets in the Middle East in 2001. He returned to Turkey in 2003 and headed the Wireless BB and R&D Divisions at Turkcell. He joined Aneltech in 2007 in charge of various projects in Turkey and Azerbaijan prior to joining to TT in 2008. He served as EMC Member at GSMA. He is ETNO Board Member, SAMENA Policy Board Chair and GSMA Executive Board Observer.

​Mr Khaled Koubaa, Head of Policy, Google

Khaled Koubaa is Google’s Public Policy & Government’s Relations Manager for North Africa. Previously, Khaled worked as an independent consultant for the non-profit and government sectors in the Arab and African regions, providing strategic advice to various organizations and corporate executives regarding how to choose and use Internet and New Media technologies for social change. Khaled served on the Board of Trustees of the Internet Society and regularly attends Internet-related events (WSISI, IGF, ICANN, ...).

​Mr Peter Pitsch, Executive Director, Intel

Peter Pitsch is the Executive Director of Communications Policy and Associate General Counsel for Intel Corporation. He is responsible for the coordination of Intel policy surrounding communications and electronic commerce. Prior to joining Intel, Pitsch was the president of Pitsch Communications from 1989 to 1998 which represented telecommunication’s clients before the FCC and Congress, provided business and regulatory planning, and published and lectured on U.S. regulatory policy. Pitsch was the Chief of Staff to the Chairman of the FCC from 1987 to 1989 where he advised the Chairman on all issues before the FCC including access reforms, price caps, major tariffs, and broadcasting. Before his move to Chief of Staff. Pitsch was Chief of Office of Plans and Policy. His responsibilities included managing the FCC policy office that provided recommendations on major issues such as access reforms, major tariffs, broadcast regulation, auction and spectrum allocations. From 1980 to 1981, Pitsch was a staff member of the Reagan Administration Transition Team which developed recommendations for reforming the Federal Trade Comnission with special focus on antitrust issues. He was a senior attorney at Montgomery Ward, Inc. from 1979 to 1981. He provided legal counsel and legislative lobbying of FTC, consumer protection, energy and international trade matters. Prior to that, he worked for three year as an attorney-advisor to Commissioner Calvin Collier at the Federal Trade Commission.Mr. Pitsch received a B.A. in Economics from the University of Chicago in 1973 and his J.D. from Georgetown University Law Center in 1976. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar, the Virginia State Bar, and the Federal Communications Bar Association.

​ ​Session 4 : Is it time to rethink spectrum licensing?

​Mr Jacques Stern, Board Member, Autorité de Régulation des Communications Electroniques et des Postes (ARCEP), France

Jacques Stern is a graduate of the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS, 1968) where he was professor and the Director of the Computer Science Laboratory from 1993 to 2007. He is an expert in computer security and cryptography. He was the recipient of the CNRS Gold Medal. He is an Officier of the Légion d’honneur. From 2007 to 2010, Jacques Stern has been Chairman of the Board of the Agence Nationale de la Recherche and of the company Ingenico. Early in 2010, he became senior advisor of the ministry of higher education and research. In 2012, he has been appointed as member of ARCEP, where he follows in particular the subject of spectrum licensing.

​Mr John Alden, Vice President, Freedom Technologies

John Alden is Vice President of Freedom Technologies, Inc., a telecommunications policy and regulatory consulting firm based in Washington, DC. Since 1999, Mr. Alden has managed consulting projects in international and domestic telecommunications policy, strategy, and development. His major areas of expertise include spectrum management, regulatory restructuring and telecom competition policy. His clients include telecommunications companies, the U.S. government and the International Telecommunication Union. Mr. Alden served as press secretary on the U.S. Delegations to the 2003 and 2007 World Radiocommunication Conferences in Geneva, Switzerland, as well as the 2012 World Conference on International Telecommunications (WCIT) in Dubai, UAE. Mr. Alden’s previous career was in journalism; he worked as a reporter and editor for several newspapers, magazines and trade journals from 1985 to 1999.

​Mr François Rancy, Director, Radiocommunication Bureau (BR), ITU

Mr. Rancy was elected by the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference in 2010 to the post of Director of the Radiocommunication Bureau (BR) of the International Telecommunication Union.As Director, Mr. Rancy is responsible for the management of the Radiocommunication Bureau which organises and co-ordinates the work of the Radiocommunication Sector whose aim is to ensure the rational, equitable, efficient and economical use of the radio-frequency spectrum and the geostationary satellite orbit. Previous to taking up his duties at the ITU in January, 2011, he was Director General of the French Agence nationale des fréquences. Since 1995, Mr. Rancy has served as the head or deputy head for national delegations at many ITU conferences and meetings. Mr. Rancy graduated from Ecole Polytechnique in 1977 and from Ecole nationale supérieure des télécommunications in 1979.

Mr Piro Xhixho, Chairman, Electronic and Postal Communications Authority, Albania

Mr. Piro Xhixho is the Chairman of Steering Board of Albanian Post and Electronic Communications Authority since 2009. He is graduated in 1975 as “Electronic Engineer” at Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing of Tirana University. Since he was graduated, he has been working in post-telecommunications sector, culminating as “General Director of Post-Telecommunications” at the Ministry of Public Works, Transport and Telecommunications. Over 40 years’ experience in Information Technology and Telecommunication, with more than 20 years’ experience on executive management level.

Mr Hideo Fuseda, Director of Mobile Communications, Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications, Japan

Mr. Hideo Fuseda joined the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (present Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications) in 1990 and has been engaging in administration of Radio and Broadcasting including planning of analogue TV broadcasting station and fostering the development of technologies for efficient use of radio frequencies. He was engaged in International coordination of radio frequencies such as bilateral coordination meetings on satellite communications based on ITU Radio Regulation, multilateral coordination meetings on L-band and WRC-2000 in 2000. He was engaged in the International cooperation in terms of digital TV broadcasting system and also in ICT standardizations policies in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications. He has been committed to making policies on land mobile communications and other administrational matters including licensing to mobile operators at the current position since 2013.


Mr Luigi Gambardella, Vice President and Head of Relations with international organizations, Telecom Italia

Mr Gambardella is the Chairman of the Executive Board of ETNO, European Telecommunications Network Operators’ Association He has joined the Telecom Italia Group in 1999, in charge of relations with the National Regulatory Authority, and he is currently Group Vice President for Relations with International Institutions and Organisations. From 1996 to 1999 Mr Gambardella ran the regulatory and Institutional affairs for Olivetti. He is also President of EUBrasil – the Association for the development of the relationship between Europe and Brazil, BIAC Vice Chair to the OECD ICCP Committee, a member of the Advisory and Support Group of BUSINESSEUROPE, a member of the board of the Transatlantic Business Council, a member of the board of the European Internet Foundation, Associate at the European Round Table of Industrialists, President of Puntoit – the Italian Association for the development of the digital economy. Mr Gambardella has contributed, through its professional career, to all the phases of policy frameworks’ development of the European e-communication industry, last but not least to the development of the Digital Agenda in Europe and its latest reviews. Mr Gambardella graduated in economics from Bocconi University in Milan, Italy.

Dr Robert Pepper, Vice-President, Cisco Systems, Inc.

Robert Pepper leads Cisco’s Global Technology Policy team working with governments and business leaders across the world in areas such as broadband, IP enabled services, wireless and spectrum policy, big data, security, privacy, Internet governance and ICT development. He joined Cisco in 2005 from the U.S. FCC where he served as Chief of the Office of Plans and Policy and Chief of Policy Development for over 15 years.

​ ​Session 5 : Network Debate - Meeting the demand for capacity, are we getting there?

Mr Kamal Shehadi, Chief Regulatory Officer, Etisalat

Dr Kamal S. Shehadi is Etisalat Group’s Chief Legal and Regulatory Officer since 2012. Prior to that, he was Senior Vice President for Regulatory Affairs at Etisalat Group. Kamal is currently the chair of the GSMA’s Chief Regulatory Officers’ Group for Arab States. Prior to joining Etisalat Group, from 2007 to 2010, Kamal was the Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Republic of Lebanon. He chaired the ITU’s Global Industry Leaders’ Forum and the Global Symposium for Regulators in 2009. From 2000 to 2007, Kamal was Managing Director of Connexus Consulting, which he established as the leading consultancy in the Middle East and North Africa in telecom policy and regulation. From 1997 to 1998, Kamal was Vice President of Sovereign Risk Analysis, Middle East, at Thomson BankWatch. From 1994 to 1997, Kamal was Director of Research at the Lebanese Center for Policy Studies, an independent policy think-tank, where he published widely on private participation in infrastructure, telecommunications liberalization and regulation, public finance, Euro-Mediterranean economic relations, and many other public policy issues. Kamal has a B.A. with honors (A.B. cum laude) from Harvard University in economics and a PhD from Columbia University in international political economy.  Kamal was awarded a number of academic distinctions for his academic achievements, most notably the Interdisciplinary Fellowship of the Center for Social Sciences at Columbia University and the John M. Olin Dissertation Fellowship at Harvard University (1989-1990 and 1990-1991). 

​Prof. João Confraria, Member of the Board Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ANACOM), Portugal

Mr Confraria is a member of the Board of ICP-Anacom, supervising Market Regulation and Legal Affairs,since May 2012. In these functions he has been deeply involved in the development and implementation of the regulatory framework. This includes the definition of relevant markets and significant market power and the definition and implementation of remedies, in particular for next generation networks, as well as conflict resolution between operators. At the same time he has also been involved in the development of the new framework for universal service provision, including the selection of new US providers. He holds similar functions before, again as member of the Board of ICP-Anacom, from 1996 to 2002. He teaches at the Catholic University of Portugal in the areas of Economic Regulation and Telecommunications, and has worked as a consultant in these areas and published several books and papers on economic regulation in Portugal.

Mr Gonzalo Ruiz Días, President, Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones (OSIPTEL), Peru

Mr Gonzalo Ruiz Díaz is the President of the Board of the Organismo Supervisor de Inversión Privada en Telecomunicaciones de Perú (OSIPTEL). He has a Degree in Economics from the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú and a Master of Arts in Economics of the Postgraduate Program in Economics from ILADES/Georgetown University, Santiago, Chile. He has occupied the post of Vice-Minister of Communications of the Ministerio de Transportes y Comunicaciones (MTC), Chairman of the Consumer Protection Committee (INDECOPI) and Director of the School of Competition and Intellectual Property; he was also Technical Secretary of the Telecommunications Investment Fund (FITEL); Regulatory Manager of the Organismo Supervisor de la Inversión de la Infraestructura de Transporte de Uso Público (OSITRAN), among others.

Mr Paarock VanPercy, National Communications Authority (NCA), Ghana

Paarock VanPercy is the Director-General of the National Communications Authority (NCA), having assumed the position on 1st June 2010. Paarock brings to the NCA, a career in investment banking, accountancy and audit, corporate management and administration dating back some twenty seven years. Over this period, he has managed diverse and multi-functional teams with varying skills set. He holds a degree in Philosophy and is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England & Wales. In the past three years, Paarock has brought to his new position accomplished credentials in achieving regulatory goals through clear strategies, the provision of sound management solutions, versatility in managing multi-disciplinary functions, forthright leadership, adherence to international best practice, and the highest standards of business principles and corporate governance."

Mr Deepak Mathur, Senior Vice President APMA, SES

Deepak Mathur is Senior Vice President, Commercial at SES for Asia-Pacific and the Middle East. In his role, Deepak is responsible for the deployment of satellite communications in some of the most dynamic markets of the world, providing SES customers with world-class satellite services and support. With 20 years of experience in the industry, Deepak has a keen understanding of the role of satellite for modern communications, working directly with SES customers to ensure they have the satellite capacity they need to achieve their ambitions and contribute to the dynamic development of ICT infrastructures across many different countries. His perception is: "Capacity needs are driven by young populations looking for digital content and the penetration of high definition videos (e.g. in the Asia Pacific region). Relying on backup capacity also becomes increasingly important to address growing demand in Africa, Asia Pacific and Latin America." Deepak first joined SES in 2001 and brings sales, marketing, operations and executive experience to his position. Prior to SES, Deepak was Managing Director at Americom-Asia Pacific, a joint venture between General Electric and Lockheed Martin, where he helped to establish key strategic markets for the company across Asia. He has also held leadership and sales roles covering the Asia-Pacific region with satellite Echostar, NagraVision and Loral. He also serves on the board of directors at YahLive, a partnership between SES and YahSat in the Middle East.

Mr Pablo Pfost, Head Group Regulatory Affairs, Telefonica

Pablo Pfost is Head of Group Regulatory Affairs at the corporate level of Telefónica (Telefónica SA) since March 2013. Current responsibilities include setting the overall Telefónica positioning on global and EU regulatory topics as well as coordinating the views and positioning of the different Operating Businesses in Telefónica footprint. Likewise, he is member of the Executive Board of the European Telecommunications Network Operators Association (ETNO). Having joined Telefónica in 1983, Mr Pfost has held several posts and responsibilities within Telefónica, including international strategy and business development. Furthermore he has been deputy-director of Telefónica’s Representative Office in Brussels for over five years. He holds a degree in Telecommunication Engineering from the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid, a post-graduate degree in Economics and Management of Telecoms from the Carlos III University and a degree in Business Administration from IESE Business School in Madrid.

​ ​Session 6 : New business models driven by digital communications and services

Mr Mohammed Bubashait, General Director, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA), Bahrain

Mohammed Bubashait is the General Director of the Telecommunications Regulatory Authority (TRA). He was appointed on June 2011 by a royal decree to assume the position; paving the way for a more effective regulatory framework by continuing the evolution of the telecom sector liberalization. Mr Bubashait has been instrumental in managing the day-to-day operations of the TRA including developing consumer protection strategies and overseeing dispute resolutions. His mandate includes developing a more comprehensive and competitive framework matching international best practices, promoting an environment which will encourage investment in the telecoms sector and establishing regulatory policies that will promote competition, innovation and investment in broadband services and facilities. Before assuming his role at the TRA, Mr. Bubashait was the Chief Marketing Officer at Bahrain Telecom Company (BATELCO). He was instrumental in developing the corporate business strategy and plan. He was also a member of Batelco’s Executives Team responsible for setting the strategic plans for its technology investment projects and management. Mr. Bubashait has under his belt more than 25 years of experience in the field of Information and Communication Technology spanning a number of private and government entities in the Kingdom of Bahrain.

​Mr René Arnold, Head of Department Markets and Perspectives, WIK-Consult GmbH

Dr René Arnold joined WIK-Consult as head of department “Markets and Perspectives” in June 2013. From 2010 to 2013 he worked as a Research Analyst at IW Consult, a subsidiary of the Cologne Institute for Economic Research. Prior to that, he was employed as Associate Researcher and Teaching Assistant at the universities of Heilbronn (Germany) and Edinburgh. Dr René Arnold studied business administration at Heilbronn University and graduated in 2007 (Diplombetriebswirt (FH)). He earned his doctorate at the University of Edinburgh in 2013.

​Eng Hesham El Alaily, Executive President, National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Egypt

Hesham El Alaily has been holding his current position as Executive President of the National Telecom Regulatory Authority (NTRA) of Egypt since 17/7/2013. El Alaily held several managerial posts in Egypt, Arab and European countries as he served in France Telecom as Vice President as well as CEO of TeleYemen (managed by France Telecom). Prior to this, he was appointed VP Telecom Sourcing, Supply Chain and Strategic Partnership for the Europe, Middle East, and Africa (EMEA) Region. He led the transformation of the Telecom Sourcing team in the EMEA region and identified synergy and capitalized on the group telecoms spend. He also implemented innovative concepts with carriers based on MPLS interconnect that have improved access P&L. He had also served in Equant Paris for several years as Business Planning Director, EMEA Director Customer Services and as a General Manager Telco & Access Management for EMEA Region (115 countries). Hesham El Alaily obtained his Executive MBA from ESCP-EAP (Paris) in 1998, and his BSc in Telecom Engineering from Cairo University in 1984..


Mr Mohamed Sharil Tarmizi, Chairman, Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), Malaysia

Dato’ Mohamed Sharil Mohamed Tarmizi was appointed as Chairman of the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC) effective 16 October 2011. He served as a Member of the Commission from 1 May 2006 for two terms during which time he was subsequently invited to join the MCMC as Chief Operating Officer on 16 June 2008 prior to his current appointment. He was the Executive Director and Head of Strategy in BinaFikir Sdn Bhd, a financial advisory and strategy consulting firm, prior to joining SKMM as the Chief Operating Officer. In the international arena, Dato’ Mohamed Sharil is recognised as an authority in the area of Internet Governance where he was appointed as Chairman of the Government Advisory Committee (GAC) from January 2003 to March 2007, as well as a Board Member in the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) during the same period. At the end of his tenure, he was honoured by the GAC, the ICANN Board and the global internet community for successfully navigating the GAC and assisting ICANN through the challenging early years of the debates surrounding InternetGovernance at two United Nations World Summits on the Information Society in Geneva (2003) and Tunis (2005). He was also recently elected the Vice Chairman of the ITU Council’s Child Online Protection initiative. He also sits on the Board of Trustee of the International Multilateral Partnership Against Cyber Threats (IMPACT) and he was appointed to the Board of Directors of the Multimedia Development Corporation by Prime Minister Dato’ Sri Mohd Najib Tun Razak. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Law from University College of Wales, Aberystwyth and qualified as a Barrister from Gray’s Inn, England and Wales (UK).

Mr Jim Beveridge, Director, International Technology Policy, Microsoft

Jim Beveridge is responsible for driving Microsoft’s International Technology Policy Initiatives. Prior to joining Microsoft, Jim worked for Pace Micro Technology as General Manager of their Digital TV Division. He is a member of the Geneva based, DVB Steering Board, and Chairman of the Brussels based, Digital Interoperability Forum, defining next generation Digital Media Standards and Regulation. Jim is a regular presenter at ITU-D events. Jim started his technology career in Motorola Semiconductors, working in Scotland and Germany. He held a number of senior positions in their Microprocessor, Microcontroller and Communications Divisions. During his time working as Gartner/ Dataquest’s Semiconductor Divisional Head, Jim provided strategic advice to the management of Semiconductor Corporates and Start Ups across the globe.In Microsoft, Jim has worked for Windows, Entertainment and Devices, Corporate Standards and Law and Corporate Affairs. For TPG, Jim leads on Spectrum, Internet Governance and M2M/IOT. A native of Scotland, Jim studied Electrical Engineering at Glasgow University and for recreation enjoys sailing the, sometimes sunny, Western Isles of Scotland.


Ms Lauren Van Wazer, Vice President, Global Public Policy, Akamai Technologies

Lauren Maxim Van Wazer is Vice President, Global Public Policy, for Akamai Technologies. In this position, she is head of public policy worldwide. Through March 2013, Van Wazer was Assistant Director for Cybersecurity at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy (OSTP). At OSTP, she was the lead for cybersecurity policy and managed the federal government cybersecurity research and development portfolio. Previously, Van Wazer served as Assistant General Counsel in OMB’s Counsel’s office and as Associate Chief for the Office of Engineering and Technology of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). At the FCC, she helped develop and implement wireless broadband, spectrum, homeland security and telecommunications technology policy. Van Wazer also spent several years as the head of regulatory affairs for Cox Enterprises, a $16 billion communications and automotive company. She also worked as an engineer for several years in various management positions in the Network Services Department of AT&T. Van Wazer received her Juris Doctor, magna cum laude, from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. She is also a graduate of the University of Pennsylvania’s Moore School of Electrical Engineering in Philadelphia where she received a B.S.E. in Systems Science Engineering.

Day 3, June 5th 2014 ​​ ​
​ ​​Session 7 : Regulatory impact assessment - spurring regulatory efficiency

​Dr Eugene Juwah, Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Nigeria Communications Commission (NCC), Nigeria

Dr Eugene Juwah, currently the Executive Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) with over thirty years of experience in information Technology and telecommunication industries with more than 20 years of the above at Top management level. Dr. Eugene Juwah, played coordinating roles in the set up of ETACS, GSM and CDMA mobile network in Nigeria, possesses hands on knowledge of specification and construction of digital exchanges, base stations, data communications and subscriber access networks. At the Nigerian Communications Commission, Dr. Juwah has championed the introduction of Emergency Communication Services, Mobile Number Portability, Sim Card Registration and Broadband Access Expansion. Dr. Eugene Juwah is a fellow of the following Professional bodies Nigerian Society of Chemical Engineers, Nigerian Computer Society & Nigerian Society of Engineers.

​Prof. Andrea Renda, Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS), Belgium

Prof. Dr. Andrea Renda is Senior Research Fellow at the Centre for European Policy Studies (CEPS) in Brussels. He advises several institutions, including the European Commission, the European Parliament, the World Bank, the OECD and several national governments on issues related to better and smart regulation. He is Professor of “Economic Analysis of Law”, “Markets, regulations and Law” and “Competition and High-Tech Markets” at LUISS Guido Carli University in Rome (Italy). He is also Part-Time Professor at the European University Institute in Florence (Italy). Andrea is member of the Editorial Board of the international peer-reviewed journals “Telecommunication Policy” (Elsevier) and of the European Journal of Risk Regulation (Lexxion); a member of the Scientific Board of the International Telecommunications Society (ITS) and the Chairman of the Scientific Board of the association for European Communications Policy Research (EuroCPR). He is also member of the Istituto Affari Internazionali, where he is in charge of the Global Outlook program of international economics. Andrea earned a BA cum laude in Economics from LUISS Guido Carli University, Rome, in 1995 (Dissertation awarded a special distinction) and is European Master of Law and Economics (LL.M., with distinction, University of Hamburg, 1996). He holds a Ph.D. degree in Law and Economics awarded by the Erasmus University of Rotterdam.

​Dr Dražen Lučić, President of Council, Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM), Croatia

President of Council of Croatian Post and Electronic Communications Agency (HAKOM) and member of board of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC) since 2013. Previously served as HAKOM’s Executive Director from 2009. Before joining HAKOM, Mr. Lučić worked at Ericsson in Croatia, Western Europe and Israel for more than 20 years, rising from engineer in R&D department to senior sales director for one of the global telecommunication networks operators. Born in 1963. in Brčko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. Holds PhD degree in electrical engineering – telecommunications from the University of Zagreb. One of founder of Postgraduate specialist study in electronic communications market regulation at University of Zagreb. Author and co-author more than 50 scientific and professional papers. Speaks English, German, Spanish and Swedish.

​Eng. Godfrey Mutabazi, Executive Director, Uganda Communications Commission (UCC), Uganda

Mr Godfrey Mutabazi is an aeronautical engineer and holds a Masters of Science Degree in ICT (software engineering) with a bias in Spectrum Planning from the University of Liverpool, U.K. He also received a certificate in Broadcasting Regulation from the Commonwealth Broadcasting Association and possess several professional qualifications in several aviation engineering disciplines. He spearheaded the merger of Broadcasting Council and Uganda Communications Commission. A former chairman of Broadcasting Council (1998-2010), Mr Mutabazi is well versed with the ICT sector. Prior to this, he worked in the United Kingdom for over ten years as an Engineer for several engineering companies, including Air Touring Services at Beggin Hill and with Mustique Airways in the East Caribbean.


​Mr Sunil Kante Bose, Chairman, Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC), Bangladesh

Mr. Sunil Kanti Bose, Chairman Bangladesh Telecommunication Regulatory Commission (BTRC) joined Bangladesh Civil Service in 1979. He obtained his B.Sc. Honors and M.Sc. degree in Zoology from University of Dhaka. He did his second masters in forestry in the University of Peshawar, Pakistan. He also obtained Masters of Social Forestry and Community Development from University of Philippines at LosBanos. Mr. Bose has more then 33 years of Experience in Administration, Management in the Civil Service in different capacities in various organizations. He worked as Chairman Bangladesh Inland Water Transport Authority (BIWTA). and also as Chairman Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA). Being promoted as a Secretary to the Government of Bangladesh, he first worked in the ministry of Social Welfare and then worked as Secretary, Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications. While working as Secretary MoPT for about four years he made mentionable contribution in Regulation, Management and Development of Telecommunication and Postal Services of the country. In his tenure as a Secretary MoPT he was Chairperson of five Companies operating in different areas of Telecommunication sectors.

​Eng. Saddig Al Tayeb, Deputy Governor for Competition Affairs, Communications and Information Technology Commission (CITC), Saudi Arabia

Saddig has been the Assistant Deputy Governor for Competition Affairs at the Communications & Information Technology Commission (CITC) since February 2012. Saddig had joined the CITC in 2003 as the General Manager for Licensing. He holds an Engineering degree in Electrical & Electronics Engineering and has over 32 years of experience in the fields of Telecommunications, IT and Public Administration. Leading the Competition Affairs staff and team of advisors and consultants in the development of regulatory policies and framework, end-to-end licensing processes, ICT market and economic studies, and spearheading the consumer affairs. His scope of activities also includes evaluating applicant qualifications and submissions (business, technical, network roll-out and financial plans), selecting, recommending, and getting the necessary approvals for the awards of licenses, issuing licensing guidelines, requirement criteria and development of terms and conditions, managing consumer complaints and ensuring that service providers resolve such complaints, promoting the ICT sector and investment in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

​ ​Session 8 : Taking the regulatory model to the next level

​Ms Kathleen Riviere-Smith, Chief Executive Officer, Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), Bahamas

Mrs. Kathleen Riviere-Smith was appointed Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Utilities Regulation and Competition Authority (URCA), with effect from April 2, 2012. A Certified Public Accountant, Mrs. Smith joined the Public Utilities Commission (PUC), which preceded URCA, as a Financial Analyst, in 2000. Following the August 2009 establishment of URCA, she was named a Senior Case Officer. In January 2011, she was appointed Director of Policy and Regulation. In this capacity, she was the Authority's most senior executive from August 2011, when the CEO position became vacant. Her appointment as URCA CEO is for a term of five years.


Ms Adriana Labardini, Commissioner, Instituto Federal de Telecomunicaciones (IFT), Mexico

Adriana Labardini is a commissioner for the Federal Telecommunications Institute (Ifetel). She was director and founder of Alconsumidor, a civil society organization which pioneered the defense of the rights of the telecommunications user and consumer. Labardini has been advising consultant for the Federal Consumer Attorney, of the extinct Federal Telecommunications Commission and of the National Consulting Committee for Normalization of the Secretary of Economics. As well, she was technical secretary for the plenary on the Federal Telecommunications Commission from August 1999 to July 2003. For 16 years Labardini collaborated as an associate and partner at the Sánchez-Mejorada y Velasco firm in corporate, administrative, and telecommunications law. She has given various conferences and classes and published articles on telecommunications and TIC, Judicial Access and Consumer Protection. She was external professor at the Centro de Investigación y Docencia Económica (CIDE), an ex-Fulbright recipient and an Ashoka social entrepreneur. Labardini is a lawyer from the Escuela Libre de Derecho with a Master’s in law from Columbia University in New York.


Mr Antonio Preto, Commissioner, Autorità per le Garanzie nelle Comunicazioni (AGCOM), Italy

Born in Valdagno in 1965. Graduated in Law at the University of di Bologna, lawyer. From 1992 to 2006, Parliamentary Advisor for the European People’s Party (EEP) in the European Parliament, responsible for Internal Market and Legal Affairs committee. Principal administrator at the Secretary-General of the European Parliament, on January 2007 he becomes team leader for EU internal policies in the cabinet of the President of the European Parliament and Advisor for Legal and Legislative Affairs of the President. Since May 2008, he is Head of Cabinet of the Vice-President of the European Commission, Antonio Tajani. On June 6th, 2012, he is elected AGCOM Commissioner by Italian Senate. He has performed academic activities in Italian and foreign Universities. He is author of numerous publications in the field of European law of economics and European institutional law.

​Mr Diego Rodríguez, Member of the Board,  Comisión Nacional de los Mercados y la Competencia (CNMC), Spain

Rodriguez is Member of the Board of the Spain’s National Authority for Markets and Competition. He is Ph.D. in Economics and Professor of Applied Economics at the University Complutense of Madrid. He has been Visiting Professor in the Department of Economics at Harvard (USA), Cambridge (UK) and Warwick (UK) universities. He has published numerous articles in international journals (Strategic Management Journal, Small Business Economics, Review of International Economics, Industrial and Corporate Change, Review of World Economics,...) and Spanish Journals. He has published over a dozen books and has advised many public and private institutions.

​Dr Kemal Huseinović, Director General, Communications Regulatory Agency, Bosnia and Herzegovina

Kemal Huseinović, PhD, is the Director General of Communications Regulatory Agency of Bosnia and Herzegovina since 2003. His PhD titled “Competition Enlargement through Establishment and Development of Regulatory Authorities of Communication Market” reflects his broad experience in managing a converged regulatory authority. Besides, he holds two Master Degrees obtained at Electrical Engineering Science at University of Sarajevo titled "The Strategy of VoIP Deployment from the Point of View of Analysis of Existing Network Capacities and Regulatory Framework in Bosnia and Herzegovina” and the second one in Economic Science and Business Administration obtained at the University of Ljubljana, Republic of Slovenia titled “Bosnia and Herzegovina Strategy Toward Information Society”. Dr. Huseinovic is a frequent speaker at international conferences on telecommunication and audiovisual topics and eager promoter and implementer of global regulatory policies to communications market of Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Mr Thari G. Pheko, Chief Executive & Ex-Officio Board Member, Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA), Botswana

Mr Thari G. Pheko is the founding Chief Executive and ex-Officio Member of BOCRA Board having been the Chief Executive of the Botswana Telecommunications Authority for six years prior to its dissolution on 31 March 2013. He managed the transition from BTA to BOCRA. Since assuming the position of Chief Executive of BOCRA, Mr Pheko guided the growth of mobile communications through regulation to the current teledensity in excess of 150 percent, in the process generating corresponding increases in financial performance. Mr. Pheko served in a number of consultancies amongst which was a Consultancy on the Information Society and ICT Development Strategy. The report of the Strategy formed Botswana’s input to the Phase I of the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS).  He has also consulted for the then Ministry of Communications, Science and Technology during the formulation of the National ICT Policy for Botswana. He holds a B.Sc (Hons) in Business Finance and Economics from University of East Anglia obtained in 1983 and an M.Sc in Management Information Systems obtained in the same university in 1986.

​ ​​Session 9 : How to monitor broadband plan/digital agenda's implementation?

Gilbert Camacho, Vice President and Board Member, Superintendencia de Telecomunicaciones (SUTEL), Costa Rica

Telecommunications Engineer, MBA Financing. Working experience at ICE (Costa Rica Telecommunications Company), Lucent Technologies and Alcatel-Lucent as Commercial Manager and Quality Manager for Central America and Caribbean. Currently a member of SUTEL Board of Directors (Costa Rica Telecommunications Regulator).

​Mr Colin Oliver, Senior ICT Expert

Formerly Assistant Secretary, International, with the Australian communications ministry, Colin Oliver has been a communication policy specialist for 40 years. For the Australian Government, he led delegations to the ITU and coordinated Australia’s support for ITU-D activities. Since retirement in 2009 he has collaborated with ITU-D by preparing case studies, conducting ITU training programs in support of universal broadband access, and providing specialist advice to ITU member states.

Dr Milan Jankovic, Director, Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL), Serbia

Dr Jankovic received the B.Sc., M.Sc. and Ph.DEE degrees from the University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Department of Telecommunication. After fourteen years in the telecommunication industry, responsible for introducing new technologies and products, he joined the Community of Yugoslav PTT, in 1990, as Project leader in R&D Department responsible for development and implementation  of appropriate access network architectures. He was a member of three EURESCOM Projects "Implementation Frameworks for Integrated Wireless - Optical Access Networks", "UMTS Radio Access" and "Open Service Access for 3G Mobile Networks". From December 2002 to March 2006 he was Director General of the Community of Yugoslav PTT. Since 2001 Assistant Professor in Department of Telecommunication on University of Belgrade, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, published more than 150 papers in Proceedings of International and Domestic Conferences and International (IEEE Communication  Magazine) and Domestic Magazines and as coauthor, the book "Access Networks". He is now with Republic Agency for Electronic Communications (RATEL) of the Republic of Serbia on position  Director.

Prof. John Nkoma, Director-General, Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA)

John S. Nkoma is the Director General of the Tanzania Communications Regulatory Authority (TCRA). As Chief Executive Officer his responsibilities include the regulation of telecommunications, broadcasting, postal services; licensing; management of the radio frequency spectrum, numbering, electronic and other ICTs. Prior to joining TCRA he has held posts as Professor of Physics, Dean of Science, Head of Department at the University of Botswana and Head of Physics at the University of Dar es Salaam. He holds BSc (UDSM), MSc (Essex) and PhD (Essex) degrees and certificates in Telecommunications Regulation, Numbering, Spectrum Management and Strategic Management. He has published several research papers and university level textbooks.

Mr Feliksas Dobrovolskis, Chairman of the Board / Director General, Communications Regulatory Authority, Lithuania​

With a Master‘s Degree in Radiophysics, Feliksas Dobrovolskis started his career in telecommunications regulation in 1997, showing considerable expertise in developing electronic communications market in Lithuania. He took an active role in the development and implementation of the new National Numbering Plan of Lithuania, transposition of EU directives, promotion of next generation networks with much focus on interconnection and access issues. Taking a lead in market analysis, he has wide experience in strengthening competition in the Lithuanian telecommunications market. In 2011, F. Dobrovolskis was appointed the Director of RRT by the President of the Republic of Lithuania and is a Chairman of RRT Council. He is a member of the Board of BEREC (Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications), ICANN’s Governmental Advisory Committee and is an active participant in the major ITU Conferences. In 2013 F. Dobrovolskis was elected Vice-Chairman of the Group of Eastern Partnership Regulators for Electronic Communications Networks and Services and in 2014 was appointed to the same position for the second term. In 2014, he is holding the post of Vice-Chairman of the European Regulators Group for Postal Regulators, ERGP.

​ ​Way forward and closing