Committed to connecting the world

Global Dialogue on Digital Financial Inclusion (GDDFI)

GSR-16 Thematic Pre-Conference:
Global Dialogue on Digital Financial Inclusion
Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt ,11 May 2016

Today, 2 billion adults have no access to basic financial services, which represents a barrier to socio-economic development, in particular for developing countries. But with more than 7 billion mobile cellular subscriptions worldwide, access to, and use of ICTs and other innovative technologies provide a promising way to increase access to financial services to the "unbanked". Moving forward, the digital financial inclusion agenda calls upon strengthened collaboration between the financial and telecom/ICT sectors and cooperation between all. Ensuring digital financial inclusion is of the highest importance in a digital world.

The Global Dialogue on Digital Financial Inclusion (GDDFI) is part of BDT's initiative to foster and strengthen collaborative regulation between ICT regulators and regulators from other sectors, focusing this year on the financial sector. GDDFI will bring together telecom/ICT and financial regulators from around the world to establish a constructive global dialogue on topical issues of relevance to stakeholders from both sectors. The Global Dialogue will provide participants with the opportunity to meet, share views and experiences, discuss synergies and regulatory overlap(s), strengthen cross-sectoral collaboration and identify new regulatory approaches fostering access to digital financial services for all through collaborative regulation. 



​Organized by the Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) of the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), in collaboration with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Alliance for Financial Inclusion (AFI), the Government of Egypt and other partners