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TDAG Working Group on Strategic and Operational Plans



During the TDAG virtual meeting held from 2 to 5 June 2020 (TDAG-20), the TDAG Working Group on Strategic and Operational Plans (TDAG-WG-SOP) and its terms of reference were approved (TDAG-20/DT/7).


Terms of Reference

    • To review the status of implementation and impact of the Strategic Plan approved by the 2018 Plenipotentiary Conference and to prepare proposals for the draft new ITU-D contribution to the Strategic Plan for the next period (2024-2027).
    • To review the status of implementation and impact of the Buenos Aires action plan and its links with the Operational Plan.
    • To review the status of implementation and impact of the four-year rolling Operational Plan, identify areas of improvement, and develop recommendations for the Draft Operational Plan prior to consideration by Council.​

Composition of the correspondence group on Strategic and Operational Plans

    • The correspondence group is open to all ITU-D Membership.
    • The correspondence group will be convened by Ms Blanca González assisted by Mr Christopher Kemei and Mr Wim Rullens (TDAG Vice-Chairs).
    • The correspondence group will work by electronic means.


    • The group will start its work after approval of its terms of reference by TDAG 2020 and will submit its final report to TDAG 2021.
    • Periodic progress reports will be submitted to TDAG by its Chair as appropriate.​


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