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TDAG Working Group on WTDC Resolutions, Declaration and Thematic Priorities



During the TDAG virtual meetings held from 2 to 5 June 2020 (TDAG-20), and on 16 June (TDAG-20/2​), the TDAG Working Group on WTDC Resolutions, Declaration and Thematic Priorities (TDAG-WG-RDTP) and its terms of reference were approved (TDAG-20/2/DT/3).


Agreed Terms of Reference:

    • To review WTDC resolutions, examine their number and subject matter, and consider streamlining, to avoid repetitions and duplication with the Resolutions of the Plenipotentiary Conference.  The streamlining should take into account that some Sector resolutions are integrations of PP resolutions and therefore these resolutions should not be considered as repetition;
    • To align the ITU-D thematic priorities, proposed regional initiatives and proposed study group questions, taking into account proposals of ITU-D Study Groups, outcomes of the Regional Preparatory Meetings for WTDC-21, relating to the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals and taking into consideration the WSIS Action Lines for which ITU has lead responsibility;
    • To propose elements and make recommendations to ITU membership for the future draft Declaration;
    • To report its outcomes to TDAG.

      Composition of the Group:

    • The Working Group is open to all ITU Member States and ITU-D Sector Members;
    • The Working Group is chaired by Dr Ahmad Reza Sharafat, Ministry of Information & Communication Technology (MICT), Islamic Republic of Iran​;
    • The Working Group may meet electronically, as required, and otherwise communicate electronically;
    • The Working Group may meet during TDAG, normally not at the same time as another group.


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​ ​
Seventh meeting: 15 - 16 September 2021, 1700h-2000h CEST (1200h-1500h in Brasilia)

Sixth meeting: 30 June - ​1 July 2021, 1300h-1600h

Fifth meeting: 9 April 2021, 1300h-1600h

- Invitation letter​ 
Registered participants
Submission of contributions
Access to virtual meeting room (after registration)
- Webcast: live ​- archive
- Captioning
​​​- Captioning transcripts​ ​

Fourth meeting: 3 March 2021, 1300h-1600h

- Invitation letter​ 
- Registered participants
Submission of contributions
Access to virtual meeting room (after registration)
- Webcast: live ​- archive
- Captioning​
- Captioning transcripts​ 

​​Third meeting: 21 January 2021, 1300h-1600h

  - Invitation letter  
  - Agenda
  - Registration  ​
  - Registered participants​ 
  - Submission of contributions 
  - Documents 
  - Access to virtual meeting room (after registration) 
  - Webcast: live archive ​
  - Captioning