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Online webinar on "Promoting gender equality for the use of ICTs in disaster management", 8 March 2021, 14:30 to 16:00 CET



According to the 2020 ITU/ETC report Women, ICTs and Emergency Telecommunications: Opportunities and Constraints​", women, particularly from vulnerable groups, are generally at disproportionately higher risk than men during emergencies. The reasons behind this are often gender inequalities, a lack of mobility, and because women have caregiving roles and responsibilities, and limited access to resources. This differentially inhibits their wherewithal to mitigate the impacts of, prepare for, respond to, and recover from, disasters. With the COVID-19 pandemic, women are bearing the brunt; not only because they represent an estimated 70 per cent of frontline healthcare workers and undertake most of the care work in the home, but because their over-representation in the informal economy and lower pay rates mean they are significantly harder hit by the economic downturn.

Aligned with this year's International Women's day theme: Women in leadership: Achieving an equal future in a COVID-19 world, ITU organized an online event to highlight the importance of advancing gender equality for the use of ICT in disaster risk management, present real experiences on how women have been using technologies to fight COVID-19 and on how they have been able to contribute to disaster resilience in their communities.

The webinar discussed how to continue enabling more women to have inclusive access to, and use of ICTs for saving lives. It addressed how governments, international and national humanitarian organizations, and ICT private sector entities had incorporated a larger focus on gender and women in policy frameworks and the allocation of resources in the context of ICTs for disaster management.



08 March 2021
14:30 to 16:00 CET

14:30 – 14:35Introduction by Moderator
14:35 – 14:45Key note address
14:45 – 14:50Poll of questions
14:50 – 15:20Women's empowerment and the link to disaster resilience

15:20 – 15:50Panel discussion: Gender equality, ICTs, and disaster management: challenges and opportunities during the COVID pandemic

Moderator:  Dr. Kim Mallalieu, Senior Lecturer, The University of the West Indies Deputy Chairman, Telecommunications Regulatory Authority, Trinidad and Tobago  (Biography)

15:50 – 16:00


Wrap up of the session and closing remarks by the Moderator

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