Committed to connecting the world

Co-Creating Sustainable Operating Models for Connected Schools in Kenya


​Workshop on Co-Creating Sustainable Operating Models for Connected Schools in Kenya

D​ate: 22 March 2023
Time: 9:00-16:30 EAT
Place: Strathmore University, Nairobi, Kenya​​​

The worksho​p on Co-creating sustainable operating models for connected schools in Kenya took place on 22 March 2023 at Strathmore University, Nairobi from 9:00 am to 16:30 pm East Africa Time (EAT).

The event brought together government representatives and internet industry representatives to explore different approaches to achieving sustainable school connectivity. It was part of a larger study that aims to assess existing and new/innovative school connectivity models, working with school heads, conducting interviews with stakeholders who are directly involved in and impacted by school connectivity (such as computer teachers, technicians, school boards etc., communities surrounding the schools, companies which may be able to support (MNOs, ISPs, complementary access networks, development partners, among others) and people/organizations that understand the actual situation in those schools), in order to identify connectivity operating models that work. Thus, ensuring the elaboration of solutions for the sustainable funding of internet connectivity that are feasible and tailored to actual needs and contexts.

​This work is being carried out with the support of the International Telecommunication Union-UK Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO) partnership in Kenya. The partnership, established in 2021, seeks to promote effective regulation, increase investment, and develop innovative models for expanding digital access and inclusion. The workshop supports the second pillar of the partnership, “Promoting sustainable models to expand school connectivity in underserved communities. Further, the workshop will also contribute to the work of Giga in Kenya. Giga, a global ITU-UNICEF initiative, recognizes the critical importance of connecting every school to the internet and every young person to information, opportunity, and choice. Giga serves as a platform to support governments in their efforts to provide the infrastructure required to ensure digital connectivity to every school and through this to every community, and every citizen. Giga has been investigating models for sustainable connectivity of schools, globally, including self-sufficient community models, in order to optimize funding resources and reduce costs. ​

Objectives and Expected Outcomes

The workshop brought together government representatives as well as other stakeholders directly involved in school connectivity or who may be able to support it, to share data and lessons learned in providing connectivity to schools in order to co-create sustainable connectivity solutions and operational models. Further, the workshop aimed to facilitate collaboration and foster a culture of mutual learning and support. The workshop will focus on the following critical issues pertaining to school connectivity: 

  1. What knowledge and lessons about sustainability have stakeholders gained from implementing school connectivity projects? 
  2. What are the essential elements for a sustainable school connectivity operating model across various types of schools in Kenya? 
  3. What are the sustainable financing options for internet connectivity in schools? 
  4. Recommendations on sustainable operating models for school connectivity, building on lessons learned, and the roles of the different players. 

The expected outcomes of the workshop include:

  1. Share and learn about key variables that should be considered for sustainable implementation of school connectivity across various types of Kenyan schools.
  2. A compilation of lessons learned from implementing school connectivity in Kenya.
  3. Based on workshop insights and lessons learned, create a high-level guide for implementing sustainable operating models for school connectivity in Kenyan schools.
  4. Learn about the preliminary results of the ongoing study on co-creation of sustainable operating models for connected schools and provide input. 


The workshop brought together around 50 stakeholders including government representatives (Communication Authority of Kenya, Ministry of Information, Communications and the Digital Economy, Ministry of Education, ICT Authority among others) and other stakeholders who are directly involved in school connectivity projects, including financing of schools, as well as organizations that may be able to support school connectivity (such as mobile network operators, NGOs, complementary access network​s, development partners among others.)


Wednesday, 22 March 2023

08:30 –  Arrival at Strathmore University
09:00 – 09:3​0
​​Welcome, introductions and agenda setting – Overview of the research work on sustainable connectivity solutions for schools in Kenya and why this meeting.​
09:30 – 10:30 Consultations and co-creation of sustainable approaches for school connectivity (a roundtable discussion on the following topics):
 – Sustainability lessons learned from implementing school connectivity projects in Kenya. ·
 – Existing and potential sustainable operating models for school connectivity in Kenya · Key variables for successful implementation of sustainable connectivity models
 – Discussion around which business models are best suited for different scenarios. Potential returns of implementing various business models
10:30 – 11:00
Tea break
11:00 – 12:00 ​Consultations and co-creation of sustainable approaches for school connectivity (a roundtable discussion on the following topics)
12:00 – 13:00
Plenary presentations, discussions, and way forward ​
 13:00 – 14:00 Lunch break
14:00 – 14:45Continuation of plenary presentations, discussions, and way forward  
14:45 – 15:30
​Presentation of preliminary results and analysis from data gathering of the ongoing study on co-creation of sustainable models for school connectivity in Kenya, and how the findings align with earlier discussions
Q&A session 
15:30 –16:00 Review of key insights and lessons learned from school connectivity projects in order to make more informed decisions in the future
 – Next steps for the development and implementation of sustainable operating models for school connectivity in Kenya.
 – Concluding remarks  

Wrap up and departure at leisure

Social media


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