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ITU Regional Conference on ICT for Women in the Arab Region: ICT④Women's Empowerment, Beirut-Lebanon, 26-27 November 2018

The ITU Arab regional Office is organizing the ITU Regional Conference on ICT for Women in the Arab Region: ICT for Women’s Empowerment, at the kind invitation of OGERO Telecom, Under the Patronage of the Ministry of Telecommunications of Lebanon, and in collaboration with the Arab Women Organization (AWO), Internet Society (ISOC), World Bank Group, and the Lebanese League for Women in Business (LLWB), in Beirut – Lebanon, 26-27 November 2018, at the Movenpick Hotel.

This conference aims to shed light on the importance of digital skills for women’s empowerment and link it to the employment opportunities by showcasing success stories from the region. It will be providing a platform for key stakeholders in the region to share knowledge, successful initiatives and best practices in the field. It will also help in identifying the main challenges and obstacles that hinder women’s participation in the digital transformation while exploring the opportunities offered by the ICT sector and highlighting good practices developed by some actors in the region.

The conference is targeting specialists from public authorities, international organizations, private sector, civil society organizations, donors facilitating Gender inclusion and use of ICT in the Arab region.