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ITU Regional Training Workshop on “Human exposure to Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) & Specific Absorption Rate (SAR)" in the Arab Region, Amman - Jordan, 2-3 December 2019


Day 1: 2 December 2019

08:30 - 09:30 Registration

09:30 - 10:00 Welcome remarks:

  • HE Dr. Ghazi Al-Jobor, Chairman of the Telecommunications Regulatory Commission - Jordan
  • Eng. Mustafa Al Mahdi, ITU's representative
  • Dr Jack Rowley, GSMA's representative


10:00 - 10:30 Group Photo, Coffee and Networking Break

10:30 - 11:30 Session 1: Introductory Presentation(s)

Presentation(s) from International Organizations that are involved in EMF related activities

Facilitator: Mr. Rakesh Kumar Bhatnagar, ITU Expert


  • Eng. Mustafa Al Mahdi, Programme Administrator, ITU Arab Regional Office (ITU-D, ITU-R and ITU-T Study Group activities on EMF) [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Dr Jack Rowley, Senior Director Research & Sustainability, GSMA (Radio Signals and Health, EMF Policy, Science, Public awareness through Service Providers) [Bio] [Presentation]
11:30 - 12:30  Session 2: International Regulations and Guidelines on Human Exposure to EMF

Session aims to cover EMF exposure limits and compliance assessment standards covering ICNIRP, IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES), WHO EMF International Database, ITU Recommendations & Need for Harmonization of EMF Standards.

Facilitator: Eng. Mustafa Al Mahdi, Programme Administrator, ITU Arab Regional Office


12:30 - 13:30 Lunch Break

13:30 - 15:30  Session 3: National Policy, Regulation and Guideline for EMF in Arab Countries

ITU has circulated a series of questionnaire to Arab countries to capture issues relating to following issues so that finer details are available for all 22 Arab counties. Many countries have responded with required level of details though some countries could not provide the required level of details. In that scenario, details were taken from the public domain covering Policy makers, regulators, Service Providers and other stakeholders. The session will provide a comparative analysis along with the positive and deficiency covering all 22 countries on parameters as below:

Facilitator: Mr. Rakesh Kumar Bhatnagar, ITU Expert


- Status on EMF Legislative, Responsibility Matrix in Arab countries
- Formulation of National EMF Standards (Health Risk Studies, WHO and ITU)
- EMF Enforcements Issues
- Legal Framework in Support for EMF Measurement
- Consumer Awareness Issues
- Test  Procedure and Technical Compliance Requirements for Service Provider

Day 2: 3 December 2019 

 09:00 - 10:00 Session 4: Public Awareness and Education Outreach of EMF in Arab Countries

Part I: Members Awareness program on Human exposure to RF-EMF

Country Presentations from 3 countries (10 minutes each) as to how these countries are addressing public awareness programs on human exposure to RF-EMF.

Facilitator: Ms. Aminata NIANG DIAGNE, ITU Expert


  • Eng. Baha Halassa – Head of Spectrum Inspection,TRC-Jordan [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Ms. Abeer Mami – Media & Awareness Officer, TRC- Jordan [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Mr. Mohammed Alfatih AHMED, Environmental Effects Engineer, TPRA-Sudan [Bio] [Presentation

Part II: Open discussion for 30 minutes on Public Awareness Programs & Recommendations to keep a closer watch on Human Exposure to EMF

10:00 - 11:00 Session 5: Current activities by International Organizations on EMF and SAR

With change in technologies leading to high speed broadband connectivity, RF network deployments providing coverage almost to entire population of world, manifold increase in deployment of devices for ICT, increased penetration rates, puts more pressure on International organizations to ensure that recommendations, guidelines, procedures continue to ensure high levels of safety for the users. The session will provide as to how ITU, WHO and other organizations are addressing the new expectations of the public.  The session shall include.

Facilitator: Eng. Mustafa Al Mahdi, Programme Administrator, ITU Arab Regional Office


- ITU Recommendations and Study Group activities

  • Dr. Jack Rowley, Senior Director Research & Sustainability, GSMA (GSMA's 5G and RF-EMF) [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Mr. Rakesh Kumar Bhatnagar, ITU Expert (M2M, IoT, AI and EMF) [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Mr. Michael Milligan, Secretary General, Mobile & Wireless Forum (Evolution of RF-EMF Compliance Standards and Regulations for Mobile Devices) - [Bio] [PresentationRemotely

11:00 - 11:30 Coffee and Networking Break

11:30 - 12:30 Session 6: Model Policy and Regulatory Framework and Assessment Guidelines for Arab countries

With inputs being available from 22 Arab countries including from public domain, presentation shall be made covering the Recommendations that could harmonize the Model Policy, Regulatory instruments, Guidelines, and Procedures to the extent possible and practical in Arab countries. These shall include the following in the background of increased RF sources with introduction of 5G and M2M/ IOT devices.
Speaker: Mr. Rakesh Kumar Bhatnagar, ITU Expert [Bio] [Presentation]

-Development of a Model Policy Framework for Health-based EMF Standards
- Model Regulatory Policy addressing EMF Issues
- Finalization of Assessment Guidelines on Human Exposure to EMF

12:30 - 14:00 Lunch Break

14:00 - 15:00 Session 7: Demonstration of Measurements tools and inspection visit report review on EMF measurements

A real inspection visit will be carried out in advance and a detailed report prepared along with analysis will be shared with all Workshop participants. It will provide the Workshop participants much better appreciation of the EMF measurement inspection visits.

Measurement tools will be demonstrated at the venue.
Facilitator: Dr. Jack Rowley, Senior Director Research & Sustainability, GSMA 

Country Cases:

  • Eng. Baha Halassa, Head of spectrum inspection, TRC Jordan [Bio] [Presentation]
  • Eng. Ibrahim Hamdan Al Ma’awali, Senior Specialist, Technical Standards & Numbering Regulatory & Compliance Unit, TRA-Sultanate of Oman [Bio] [Presentation]

15:00 - 16:00 Session 8: Workshop Wrap-up
Finalization of EMF Recommendations for the Arab countries

16:00 - 16:30 Closing Session

  • ITU
  • GSMA
  • TRC Jordan