Committed to connecting the world

Activities in 2018

ITU regional events

Regional Workshop on ICT StatisticsAlmaty, Kazakhstan​31 Jan - 2 Feb 2018
Regional Workshop on Mobile Number Portability, Conformance and Interoperability Testing of Telecom Equipment
Moscow, Russia1-2 Mar 2018
Regional Workshop for Europe and CIS on Cybersecurity and Child Online Protection
Odessa, Ukraine4-6 ​Apr 2018
Regional Seminar for Europe and CIS on Digital Future Powered by 4G/5G
Kiev, Ukraine14-16 May 2018
Regional Workshop "Current Trends and Best Practices of Satellite Communication"
Minsk, Belarus22-23 May 2018
Regional Workshop on Broadband Development
Dushanbe, Tajikistan29-30 May 2018
Regional Forum on "Internet of Things, Telecommunication Networks and Big Data as Basic Infrastructure for Digital Economy"
St. Petersburg, Russia4-6 Jun 2018
​ITU-T Study Group 20 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and Transcaucasia
St. Petersburg, Russia​4-5 Jun 2018
ITU-T Study Group 11 Regional Group for Eastern Europe, Central Asia and TranscaucasiaSt. Petersburg, Russia​5-6 Jun 2018
​Regional Seminar for CIS and Europe "Development of modern radiocommunication ecosystems"
St. Petersburg, Russia 6-8 Jun 2018
Regional Workshop for CIS and Asia-Pacific on Big Data and Cloud Computing
Tashkent, Uzbekistan19-20 Jun 2018
Videoconference dedicated to the preparations for the Regional Development Forum for the CIS
Moscow, Russia28 Jun 2018
Regional Seminar for Europe and CIS on 5G Implementation in Europe and CIS: Strategies and Policies Enabling New Growth Opportunities and Expert Knowledge Exchange of the ITU-D Study Groups 1 and 2
Budapest, Hungary3-5 Jul 2018
Regional Workshop "National Strategies of Digital Transformation"
Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan28-29 Aug 2018
Cyber Drill - ALERT (Applied Learning for Emergency Response Teams) for CIS Region
Baku, Azerbaijan3-7 Sep 2018
Regional Workshop “Broadband Development based on 4G and 5G Technologies”
Almaty, Kazakhstan17-18 Sep 2018
2nd Annual CIS and Central and South-Eastern European Spectrum Management Conference
Almaty, Kazakhstan19-20 Sep 2018
Regional Workshop on Deployment of VoLTE/ViLTE Networks based on IMS. From Standardization to Implementation
Samarkand, Uzbekistan2-3 Oct 2018
Regional Workshop for Europe and CIS on eHealth development
Odessa, Ukraine
17-19 Oct 2018

Regional Initiatives - Results achieved in 2018

RI 1: Development of e-health to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all, at all ages
Objective: To assist the ITU Member States in the region with the development of regulatory texts, technical solutions and specialized training programmes in the field of e-health (including telemedicine), with the aim of providing the public with improved medical services through the use of infocommunications

Results achieved:
  1. Developed Specialized multimedia training courses on e-health
  2. Organized Regional workshop for Europe and CIS on e-health, Odessa, Ukraine, 17-19 Oct 2018
RI 2: Use of telecommunications/information and communication technology to ensure inclusive, equitable, quality and safe education, including the enhancement of women's knowledge of ICTs and e-government
Objective: To provide ITU Member States in the region with centralized consultative and technical assistance in the various aspects of the use of telecommunications/information and communication technology(ICT) in education, as well as in regard to raising the level of people's ICT literacy, in the interests of human capacity development and of ensuring gender and social equality

Major outputs:
  1. Mobilized partners and funding to implement a project "Creation of digital skills center for women and youth in Uzbekistan" (planned for 2019)
  2. Mobilized partners and funding to implement a project "Development of multimedia online course for women and girls in Azerbaijan" (planned for 2019)
  3. Mobilized partners and funding to implement a project "Creation of information and training center on IP-telephony in Belarus" (planned for 2019)
  4. Organized Regional workshop for Europe and CIS on cybersecurity and child online protection, Odessa, Ukraine, 4-6 Apr 2018
  5. Organized Regional workshop for CIS "National Strategies of Digital Transformation", Issyk-Kul, Kyrgyzstan, 28-29 Aug 2018
RI 3: Development and regulation of infocommunication infrastructure to make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe and resilient
Objective: To assist ITU Member States in the region in developing regulatory instruments and technical solutions aimed at creating an enabling environment for the development of infocommunication infrastructure in cities and human settlements, including the use of smart devices

Major outputs:
  1. Organized Regional cyber drill for CIS, Baku, Azerbaijan, 3-7 Sep 2018
  2. Conducted Research: Implementing ITU-T International Standards to Shape Smart Sustainable Cities:
    The Case of Moscow (Flipbook EN - Flipbook RU - Press release - Presentation - PDF EN - PDF RU)
RI 4: Monitoring the ecological status and the presence and rational use of natural resources
Objective: To assist ITU Member States within the region in monitoring the ecological status and the presence and rational use of natural resources

Major outputs:
  1. Mobilized partners to implement projects in 2019-2021
RI 5: Fostering innovative solutions and partnership for the implementation of Internet of things technologies and their interaction in telecommunication networks, including 4G, IMT-2020 and next-generation networks, in the interests of sustainable development
Objective: To assist ITU Member States within the region with harmonious transformation of the telecommunication market and transition of telecommunication operators to the provision of innovative services to users, ensuring the stability and enhanced performance of telecommunication networks, including 4G, IMT-2020 and next-generation networks within a context of ubiquitous implementation of the Internet of things (IoT) concept and technologies

Major outputs:
  1. Mobilized partners and funding to implement a project "Establishment of the Regional Laboratory on IoT and Future Networks" (planned for 2019)
  2. Organized Regional workshop for CIS on mobile number portability, conformance and interoperability testing of telecom equipment, Moscow, Russia, 1-2 Mar 2018
  3. Organized Regional conference "Internet of Things, Telecommunication Networks and Big Data as Basic Infrastructure for Digital Economy", St. Petersburg, Russia, 4-6 Jun 2018
  4. Organized Regional Workshop “Broadband Development based on 4G and 5G Technologies”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 17-18 Sep 2018
  5. Organized 2nd Annual CIS and Central and South-Eastern European Spectrum Management Conference, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 19-20 Sep 2018
  6. Organized Regional Workshop on Deployment of VoLTE/ViLTE Networks based on IMS. From Standardization to Implementation, Samarkand, Uzbekistan, 2-3 Oct 2018

Direct Assistance

Assistance in redistributing digital dividend frequencies for new technologies including IoT in the Kyrgyz Republic
  1. Study the existing use of the frequency bands considered for possible IoT implementation, taking into account the transition from analogue television to digital and the Digital Dividend appearance in UHF band
  2. Develop the technical criteria for a regional approach to Digital Dividend distribution, taking into account the features of the development of communication and local conditions in different regions of the Kyrgyz Republic
  3. Develop the optimal scenario of Digital Dividend distribution in the Kyrgyz Republic taking into account requirements of cross-border coordination
  4. Analyze the needs of the market of communication and broadcasting services of the Kyrgyz Republic in the radio frequency resource on the basis of socio-economic indicators and statistics
  5. Prepare recommendations for the normative document to set up National spectrum management procedures in Kyrgyz Republic within the frequency bands allocated to IoT deployment
  6. Develop model for assessing economic efficiency of different options of to Digital Dividend distribution in the Kyrgyz Republic

Beneficiary Administration: State Committee of Information Technologies and Communications of Kyrgyz Republic 🇰🇬

Assessment of readiness to implement a national Computer Incident Response Team (CIRT)
  1. Study and analyze the current cybersecurity status and needs of Kyrgyzstan
  2. Provide high-level recommendations to improve the national cybersecurity posture and operations of KG-CIRT
  3. Include the above content and any other information deemed necessary in a report to be submitted in electronic copy to Kyrgyzstan

Beneficiary Administration: State Committee of Information Technologies and Communications of Kyrgyz Republic 🇰🇬