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ITU International Mobile Roaming (IMR) Portal


Over the last several y​ears, significant policy and regulatory actions have tackled the issue of high International Mobile Roaming (IMR) service prices at national, regional and international level.  Recognizing its importance, the​ Director of the ITU Telecommunication Development Bureau (BDT) launched the LET'S ROAM THE WORLD Initiative, to bring together Regulatory Associations, Regional and International Organizations, Consumer Associations and Private Sector Associations to discuss and collaborate on the development of IMR Strategic Guidelines.

This portal gathers the results from this work, information on activities and initiatives done by ITU Members and ITU activities on IMR. It also highlights key findings from ITU publications, studies, research, ITU Study Groups, and data and analysis on IMR from the ITU DataHub.​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​

IMR Strategic Guidelines


The IMR Strategic Guidelines were developed with inputs from stakeholders during the ITU Consultation Process (held during 2016 and 2017), including Regional Regulatory Associations (RAs), International Organizations, Consumer and Private Sector associations. 

The aim of these Guidelines is to build the foundation for harmonized measures around the world to improve the delivery of IMR services for the benefit of consumers, to reduce what are generally perceived as high mobile roaming retail prices, and to enhance efficiency and transparency of retail roaming prices and services. We all need to continue working together to make ICTs even more affordable for all, including when roaming the world.

Download the ITU IMR Strategic Guidelines


​Data collected by ITU on International Mobile Roaming (IMR) regulatory and policies strategies is available on the ITU DataHub​.  

​Source: ITU, 2022