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WTIS 2015 - Programme


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Sunday, 29 November 2015
15.00-18.00 Peace programme
Floral tribute for monument at Peace Memorial Park (Pre-registration only).
19.00 Hiroshima Soirée
Official reception at Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima (Hosted by Hiroshima Prefecture, Hiroshima City and MIC).

Monday, 30 November 2015
​09.00-09.30 Opening ceremony 
Special opening ceremony commemorating ITU’s 150th Anniversary.
​09.30-10.00 Group picture
​10.00-12.00 Ministerial Roundtable: ICT as a driver of sustainable development                   
In September 2015, the international community committed to a new sustainable development agenda, with 17 goals and 169 targets to be achieved by 2030. As a key enabler of development, ICT plays a key role in the policy debate aimed at implementing the post 2015 development agenda. This session will hear from Ministers across the world how ICT can drive sustainable development. In particular, the session will address the following questions:
Moderator: Dr Cosmas Zavazava, Chief of Department, Project Support and Knowledge Management, ITU - [biography]

​12.00-13.30 ​Lunch break
​13.30-15.30 Leaders’ Dialogue: Future ICT trends, policies and measurement challenges              
Achieving ICT-led sustainable development will require a concerted effort from policy makers, telecommunication regulatory authorities and the private sector. Statistical offices will have to ensure that reliable and policy-relevant data are available to support the right decisions. In view of the time frame of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, this session will highlight key future ICT trends, address the evolving debate around 5G and the Internet of Things, present examples of effective policies and strategies to cope with those trends, and reflect on measurement approaches necessary to capture these developments. In particular, the session will address the following questions:
Moderator: Ghida Fakhry, broadcast journalist - [biography]

15.30-16.00​ Coffee break
​16.00-17.30 Launch ceremony of the ICT Development Index (IDI)
During this launch ceremony, the results of the latest IDI will be revealed, as presented in the Measuring the Information Society Report 2015. Top performers and dynamic countries will be highlighted. An award will be given to the country ranked first on the IDI 2015 and to the countries that improved most on the IDI.

Moderator: Ghida Fakhry, broadcast journalist - [biography]
Press conference (for media only)
150th Memorial Soirée

Dinner reception at Grand Prince Hotel Hiroshima (Hosted by MIC).
150th Memorial Speech by Professor Ken Sakamura (ITU 150 Award winner).


Tuesday, 1 December 2015
09.00-10.30​ A World That Counts: the role of ICT in advancing a data revolution                    

In its report to the UN Secretary General entitled “A World That Counts”, the Independent Expert Advisory Group on the Data Revolution for Sustainable Development provides a set of recommendations on how to improve data for monitoring sustainable development. This session will highlight the central role of ICT to this data revolution, identify challenges and opportunities, and discuss options for statistical offices to embrace the data revolution. In particular, the session will address the following questions:
Moderator: Alexandre Barbosa, Head,, Brazil - [biography]

​10.30-11.00 ​Coffee break
​11.00-12.30 Big data and the ICT industry: building effective public-private partnerships

The ICT sector constitutes one of the major sources of big data, including telecommunication operators, Internet and social media service providers, and satellite companies. A number of statistical offices have started to engage in projects with private data providers in order to exploit such data for official statistical purposes. Key to this discussion are issues of data access and concerns related to data protection, privacy and security. This session will bring together public and private stakeholders to examine best practice cases in building effective partnerships. In particular, the session will address the following questions: Moderator: Stefan Schweinfest, Director, United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD) - [biography]

​12.30-14.00 ​Lunch break
​13.10-14.00 Meet the Industry: Part 1 (coordinated by MIC)
​14.00-15.30 ICT and innovation: policies, measurement and impact                  
Science, technology and innovation have been recognized widely as drivers of business development, economic growth and social development. ICTs play a key role in enhancing innovation across different sectors, including health, agriculture, environment, energy, transport, and security. The ICT sector is also highly innovative, constituting an important source of R&D and productivity growth. This session will present emerging topics related to ICT and innovation, addressing the following questions:
Moderator: Sacha Wunsch-Vincent, Senior Economist, WIPO - Presentation (pdf) - [biography]

​15.30-16.00 ​Coffee break
​16.00-17.30 Emerging trends: Internet of Things (IoT) and mobile applications as a growing source of development data                    
Growth in the number of connected devices and mobile apps and their usage has been steep over the past years, in line with the spread of smartphones and mobile broadband access. Such applications are also a rich source of new data that could provide useful input to ICT policy makers and analysts. This session will present concrete examples of mobile apps in the development field and showcase their potential as a source of non-traditional data. In particular, the session will feature:
Moderator: Annie Baldeo, Executive Officer, Policy Planning and Market Economics, Telecommunications Authority of Trinidad and Tobago (TATT) - [biography]


Wednesday, 2 December 2015
09.00-10.30​ Special session: Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators and Expert Group on Household Indicators
Over the past year, the Expert Group on Telecommunication/ICT Indicators (EGTI) and the Expert Group on Household Indicators (EGH) have continued their work through the online discussion forums and a face-to-face meeting held in September 2014. This session will feature:

Moderator: Khopotso Mtwazi, Director, Information Society Evaluation, Department of Telecommunications and Postal Services, South Africa - [biography]

​10.30-10.45 ​Coffee break
​10.45-12.00  Presentation of the Measuring the Information Society Report 2015
For the seventh consecutive year, ITU will publish the Measuring the Information Society Report. The 2015 report presents for the first time a quantitative assessment of the global ITU goals and targets agreed upon at the ITU Plenipotentiary Conference (PP-14) and included in the Connect 2020 Agenda. The report features the latest ICT Development Index (IDI) and its analyses, covering the digital divide and least connected countries. The report also presents new data on prices for fixed and mobile telecommunication and broadband Internet services and highlights trends in this regard. The report also looks into recent developments, opportunities and challenges of the Internet of Things (IoT).

This session will present the main findings of the Report, followed by Q&A - Presentation (pdf)

Moderator: Ludwig Siegele, Technology Editor, The Economist - [biography]

​12.00-13.30 ​Lunch break
​12.40-13.30 Meet the Industry: Part 2 (coordinated by MIC)
​13.30-14.00 Chair’s summary and conclusions 
The Chair of WTIS will present his final conclusions and recommendations of the meeting. 
Closing ceremony 
​​​14.45 Excursion to Miyajima

Miyajima is one of two World Heritage Sites in Hiroshima and the third most popular Japanese destination for foreign tourists.
Closing Reception: Think digitally and enjoy locally

At Takanobashi Shopping Arcade in Hiroshima City
(Hosted by MIC and Hiroshima local communities).