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Joint Workshop of Q4/1 and Q6/1 on Personal data usage: regulatory and economic aspects

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Time and place: Wednesday, 17 April 2024, 14:30 – 17:30, Geneva (Room K, ITU)

Digital transformation processes and implementation of new and emerging ICTs, including AI/ML and Big Data, bring the importance of personal data to the new level with new benefits and opportunities but at the same time – with new challenges and concerns. This workshop was held in the interest of all stakeholders to understand how to use personal data in a modern enabling environment. The panelists provided various views from regulatory, academy and industry perspectives regarding economic and regulatory aspects of personal data usage.

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Setting the Scene

[14:40 – 15:45] Session 1: Online fraud and misuse of personally identifiable information

Digital transformation brings numerous benefits to citizens. However, it is necessary to consider the growing increase in online fraud and the misuse of personal data that is collected in different ways in the digital environment. How to protect consumers, inform them and prevent these practices?

Moderator: Question 6/1 Co-Rapporteur, Ms. Cristiana Camarate, Anatel, Brazil [Biography]
Coffee Break​

[16:00 – 17:20] Session 2: The economic value of usage of personal data

Recent implementation of Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) algorithms, as well as mass-collection and use of personal data for commercial purposes show the lack of estimations of the economic value of such a data and raises the question – why industrial players do not compensate individuals on the use of personal data?

Moderator: Mr Arseny Plossky, Rapporteur for Question 4/1 [Biography]
