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Detailed Features

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Detailed Features of e-Submissions




1        Background and purposes

This system has been developed under Resolution 908 (REV.WRC-15): Electronic submission and publication of satellite network filings.

Resolution 908 (Rev.WRC-15) resolves that Administrations shall submit all satellite network filings and comments, if required, using a secure paperless electronic approach upon being advised that the means for such electronic submission of a satellite network filing for satellite networks or systems has been implemented and upon receiving assurances that such means are indeed secure.

The purpose of this system is to implement the resolves of Resolution 908.

The following outputs under Resolution 908 (Rev.WRC-15) are foreseen:

1. A consolidated approach for the electronic submission of all satellite network filings, related comments and publication.

2. An improved internal BR processing system for the treatment of satellite network filings and comments.

​The first phase of this system includes the function of online submission mainly, and other updates such as online capture of comments, online publications, queries and other useful online tools will be developed in future releases.


2        Users of this system

The users are: (1) Administrations, (2) Operators, (3) Intergovernmental Satellite Organizations (IGSO) and (4) ITU staff of Bureau (BR) who have either a TIES account or an ITU account.

This system is used for the submissions of all satellite network filings and comments

  • from Administrations to BR
  • from operators to Administrations in order for Administrations to be able to utilize the data received by operators for the submission from Administrations to BR
  • from IGSOs to Administrations in order for Administrations to be able to utilize the data received by IGSOs for the submission from Administrations to BR

This system is also used for internal online processes and publications by ITU staff of BR.


3        Necessary environment for users

To access the system for online upload of satellite network filings, users need
 - Internet connections and web browser to access the web application for the submission of space network filings.

For the creation of the filings, which is currently possible offline, users need

  • A Windows PC on which latest BR space software have been installed, in order to be able to create space network filings in mdb format and to validate them prior to online submission.
  • DVD drive to read IFIC (Space) DVD-ROMs in order to be able to create and submit comments as necessary. The necessary data files can also be downloaded from the BR IFIC (Space) web page (except for draft CR/D publications, which are only available on the DVD).


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General Procedure to submit filings

​General procedures to submit the filings are as follows.

1. Submission from Administration to BR

  1. Administration creates the files
  2. Upload files and submit them for validation.
  3. The files are automatically validated and the validation report is created.
  4. Submit the files to BR after checking the validation
  5. BR receives the submission and accepts after checking the files.


  * Please refer to next section 2​. (below) when Administration submit the files which are submitted by Operator.





















2. Submission from Operator to Administration, then submit from Administration to BR

1)       Operator creates files.

2)       Upload the files and submit them for validation.

3)       The files are automatically validated and the validation report is created.

4)       Submit the files to Administration after checking the validation.

5)       Administration receives the submission from Operator.

6)       Administration accepts the submission and submits to BR.

      - Administration can reject the submission from Operator.

      - Administration can download the files submitted by Operator, then modify and upload them to BR by itself.

7)       BR receives the submission and accepts after checking the files.





















3. Submission from Intergovernmental Satellite Organization to Administration, then submit from Administration to BR

1)       Intergovernmental Satellite Organization (IGSO) creates files.

2)       Upload the files and submit them for validation.

3)       The files are automatically validated and the validation report is created.

4)       Submit the files to Administration after checking the validation.

5)       Administration receives the submission from IGSO.

6)       Administration accepts the submission and submits to BR.

     -  Administration can reject the submission from IGSO.
     -  Administration can download the files submitted by IGSO, then modify and upload them to BR by itself.

7)       BR receives the submission and accepts after checking the files.




















 Please refer to another User Manual for the detailed steps to manage to submit files. 


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Applicable Provisions on this system

Users can submit the following types of space notices of following provisions on this system.

​Non-Planned Services
  • Advance publication information (API) under No.9.1/9.2
  • Requests for coordination under section II of Article 9
  • Due diligence information under Resolution 49
  • Information under Resolution 552
  • Notification for recording under Article 11 (including space stations, Earth stations and Radio astronomy stations)


Planned Services

  • BSS:             AP30/30A Part A

                        AP30/30A Part B

                        RES 49


  • Space Operation Functions:

                        Art.2A of AP30/30A

                        Notification for Space Operation Functions supporting BSS

  • FSS:      AP30B (A6A)

                        AP30B (A6B)

                        RES 49



SpaceCom Comments files

Online submission of SpaceCom Comments files are allowed for only Administrations. Operators can not submit SpaceCom Comments files to Administrations on this system.


For other type of submissions, it is possible to submit through the system alsusing the "Other non-standard filing" button.


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Main functions

​This system has following functions for users to facilitate submissions and satellite coordination.​ Please refer to another user manual for detailed functions.

1       Validation

Users need to conduct validation of uploaded files before submitting them to Administrations (from Operator and IGSO) or BR (from Administration).

A warning message is shown if the validated mdb files include fatal errors. Users need to correct all the fatal errors after checking the validation report if the warning message is shown.

Fatal errors in the notice result in becoming not receivable and warnings in the validation report may result in unfavorable findings.


2       Tracking the status

Users can track the status of submitted filings such as "Submitted to BR", "Accepted by BR", and "Published As-received" on the list of submitted notices.

Users in operators and IGSOs can track the status of the submitted filings even after the filings has been accepted by Administration.


3       Acknowledgement

Users receive acknowledgements automatically corresponding to the actions of notices when the files created by the users are submitted, accepted by Administration or BR, rejected by Administration or BR, and so on.

The acknowledgements are sent to the user's email address of TIES account and also can be seen on the system.


4       Event history

Users can track the history of all events on the notice (e.g. "Submitted for Validation", "Submitted to BR", "Added file xxx.pdf" etc.). This event history is listed and can be seen on each notice page.



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