Committed to connecting the world

Amendments to the latest edition


 This site contains all the changes received by the Radiocommunication Bureau relating to the latest and
  previous editions of the List of International Monitoring Stations (List VIII)​.

 Latest Edition 2022

 No updates published

 Edition 201​9

Administration​Amendment IDOperational Bulletin​
​​Korea (Republic of) and Tunisia
Amendment 1 Edition 2019.pdf
No. 1238 (15.II.2022)​
​Austria, Finland, Japan, Norway, South Africa and United Kingdom
Amendment 2 Edition 2019.pdf
No. 1248 (15.VII.2022)
Belgium and Oman​
​Amendment 3 Edition 2019.pdf​
No. 1259 (01.I.2023)


 Edition 201​6

​Administration​​Amendment IDOperational Bulletin​​
Hungary​​Amendment 1 Edition 2016.pdf​No. 1112 (15.XI.2016)
Qatar (State of)Amendment 2 Edition 2016.pdfNo. 1113 (1.XII.2016)
ChinaAmendment 3 Edition 2016.pdfNo. 1133 (1.X.2017)
Austria-India​Amendment 4 Edition 2016.pdfNo. 1162 (15.XII.2018)
​RomaniaAmendment 5 Edition 2016.pdfNo. 1168 (15.III.2019)