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List of Pilot projects for conformity assessment against ITU-T Recs

Resolution 76 of WTSA-12 resolves that “ITU-T Study Group 11 coordinates the sector’s activities related to the ITU C&I programme across all study groups and reviews the recommendations in the Conformance and Interoperability Business Plan for the long term implementation of the C&I programme”.

The C&I action plan agreed by the Council-12 C12/48 includes: Following the WTSA-12 and Council-12 decisions, SG11 established the SG11 Action plan for implementation of C&I Programme which will help to achieve the goals of Resolution 76 (WTSA-12) which will assist ITU-T SGs in their work concerning the development of ITU C&I Programme within their responsibilities and is aimed at helping developing countries in the implementation of their C&I plans in the regions.

The one of the most important part of the SG11 Action plan is a living list of possible pilot projects of conformity assessment against ITU Recs. The pilot projects can be based on the key technologies determined by ITU-T SGs as a technologies are suitable for conformity and/or interoperability testing.

The living list is mantling by TSB in accordance with information provided by all ITU-T SGs and JCA-CIT on the SG11 requests with the template is provided in Annex C of SG11 Action plan.