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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU Workshop on Cost models for data services and International Internet Connectivity: ​

New Delhi, India, 4 October 2023 ​​


​​​​​ 4 October 2023

0​9:30 - 10:15​ ​IST
Opening Session
10:15 - 10:35 IST
 Group Photo + Coffee Break
​10:35 - 11:50 IST
Session 1: Cost components for data services and main factors affecting the affordability of data services
​Data has become the new necessity for every individual. There are various challenges in providing digital connectivity to everyone, especially in rural and remote areas. The Broadband Commission’s affordability target for entry level broadband services was set at below 2% of monthly GNI per capita for middle and low income countries by 2025 – a target which many still have not reached. In addition to the access-related issues, there are issues pertaining to the cost of data, for instance, spectrum costs, infrastructure related costs, regulatory charges etc. The problems are particularly acute for LLDCs, SIDS, and LDCs. This session provides an opportunity to address the main challenges with regards to the factors affecting the cost of data.​

Moderator: Meenakshi Gupta, Acting Chairperson, ​ TRAI
11:50​​ - 13:15 IST

Session 2: Best practices for cost models for data services
Cost of data services vary across different regions. This session will discuss the different cost modelling techniques used for data services in different regions, the cost components used in the cost models, impact of different economic incentives provided by governments and the lessons learned. 

Moderator: Vinod Kotwal​, Expert in Costing and Tariffs for multiple sectors including ICT, India 
13:15 - 14:00 IST
​Lunch Break
14:00 - 15:45 IST
​Session 3: Evolving Internet Value Chain and implications for cost for International Internet Connectivity (IIC)

The exponential growth of digital technologies has provided huge opportunities as well as disruptions in the way in which the world was operating. This session will examine the cost components for provision of International Internet Connectivity and the challenges facing regulators in developing economies with regards to IIC. For developing regions, IP traffic may not be routed locally but might have to be transported internationally due to the lack of national IP connections. In the absence of local fixed network infrastructure, Internet traffic may have to take a far more circuitous route to reach its destination. That might well include international transit over the Internet backbone, which can impact costs due to measures imposed at international boundaries, a problem which is particularly acute for LLDCs. This session will examine some of the cost components and challenges for costing models for IIC for developing economies.

Moderator: Anuradha Mitra, Cost Accounting and Economist, India ​
15:45 - 16:00 IST
Coffee Break
16:00 - 17:45 IST
Session 4: Regulatory, economic, and policy aspects impacting cost models for IIC: Lessons learned from different regions

This session will consider experience and approach undertaken by regulators from different regions with regards to their cost model for IIC and best practices that can be considered for reducing the costs of international interconnection. It will also explore the issues that are similar for groups of states, particularly SIDS and LLDCs, due to geography, which are distributed throughout different regions.

Moderator: Nick Ashton-Hart, APCO Worldwide
17:45 - 18:00 IST

​Closing Remarks